Jane Hyphen

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I have 356 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 571605 times and 445 of my stories have been cherry picked.
446 of my 2,452 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 473 votes

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My stories

Gold cherry

Parcel for you....Part 5

Over the following few days, Vanessa, very occasionally and cautiously took Spencer out of ‘depressed man’ setting and engaged him in conversation...
Gold cherry

'Parcel for you...' Part 4

Vanessa put down the phone and stood behind Spencer, staring at the top of his head, light brown skin showing through the gaps in his thick dark hair...

Come to the Sports Hall

Words fired like quills and hair pulled sore at the root. Shins blackened in brute blows. Flesh hung out to dry in frigid shows of shame. Unchosen on...
Gold cherry

'Parcel for you..' Part 3

‘Well, he’s done a good job of the lawn. I think you need to be careful not to confuse him, he's fresh out of the box, Vanessa. Play around with the...

'Parcel for you..' Part 2

‘No. I wish I was.’ ‘I’m a bit taken aback to be honest, Vanessa.’ There was a short period of silence. ‘I know….and I’m really sorry. I was having a...


446 of my comments have received 473 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

That took a dark turn. I

Posted on Wed, 03 Jan 2024

That took a dark turn. I honestly thought this was a gentle peice about the Northern Lights, The part about the man in white fedora attacking a couple and biting them, it happens (a lot in Wales apparently). Then all sorts of carnage unfolding...

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Posted in Abyss

1 Vote

A perfect storm in words. I

Posted on Wed, 03 Jan 2024

A perfect storm in words. I've just moved house and the sounds produced by the high winds are more alarming since I'm yet to figure out what's normal for the building. Awful damage for some out there. Let's hope for more peace and perhaps even...

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Posted in Storm

1 Vote

Your poem is very cleansing,

Posted on Wed, 13 Dec 2023

Your poem is very cleansing, Rhiannon. You've conveyed a strong sense of all that water rushing, studded with wintry natural features, tangled bare branches and leaf litter.

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Posted in Tumbling river and tangled footpath

1 Vote

I think his idea was already

Posted on Wed, 13 Dec 2023

I think his idea was already out of date when he thought of it. All those ideas, locked away in rooms while the world destroys itself. Thank you for reading and commenting, Jenny.

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Posted in Brodie's Big Idea

1 Vote

Very creepy throughout. I don

Posted on Tue, 12 Dec 2023

Very creepy throughout. I don't know what happened but I was throughly absorbed and very scared of Mrs Stanton.

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Posted in If We Don't Talk About It, It Won't Haunt Me

1 Vote

Lots to this story. It had

Posted on Tue, 12 Dec 2023

Lots to this story. It had the feel of a nineties Christmas when the pubs were heaving and you needed a ticket to get inside, although those high street stores were still thriving back then. There's always an Elliot type character causing trouble...

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Posted in 'Twas the Night Before Christmas

1 Vote

This reminds me Hans

Posted on Sun, 10 Dec 2023

This reminds me Hans Christian Anderson, the morphing of dreams and reality and the falling snow. I really enjoyed it, a very professional short story with some festive magic thrown in.

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Posted in "Starlight And Miracles" (A Christmas tale)

1 Vote

Convincing yet utterly freak

Posted on Fri, 08 Dec 2023

Convincing yet utterly freak-unique. Something on his mind made him behave irrationally and lose his keys, the bird got in quite accidentally but on the other hand it feels like dark energy at play and once you get that idea, you're inviting it....

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Posted in Bird Hex Accusation

1 Vote

Thank you, Insert. I will be

Posted on Wed, 06 Dec 2023

Thank you, Insert. I will be doing the sage thing. I'm not used to uneven floors and doors that won't shut but I guess it's normal for an old house. Our previous house was unbearably hot in summer so I'm looking forward to being in a cool cave....

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Posted in In Your House

1 Vote

I found your poem to be very

Posted on Tue, 05 Dec 2023

I found your poem to be very calming, as always Jenny. The birds offer us a higher level, removed from the seemingly unsolvable problems of our terrestrial world. 

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Posted in Hope Of The Skylark
