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I have 2 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1205 times

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Johnny Bowman

My stories

Code Duello

"Shucks, I missed." "Would you like another shot? I fear that last one was rather unlucky with that sudden breeze and all." "You really mean it? Thanks man, you're a real sport. All right here it goes." CLICK "Poppycock! It's jammed, hold on a second" "Take your time. I've reserved this deserted island until brunch" "Here we are, you ready?" "Ready and steady!" BAM "Right in the shoulder! Sorry about that. I was really just going for a flesh wound, but that looks pretty serious." "Oh nonsense, Doc will have me bandaged in a jiffy and Ladyship is preparing tea and sandwiches. The scar tissue will be quite handsome." "Looks like we all win!" "Will you give me a hand back to the boat? I can't feel the left side of my body." "Of course, of course."

A Tortoise Tale

Man alive, You've been bitten by a tortoise! Luckily I keep my amphibious wound tonic on hand. Got a good piece there, should heal up though. A tortoise! I still can't believe it. How does it feel? I should think so, surprise is his strength I bet. Is the tonic helping? The apothecary gave me a good deal. Said people don't get bitten they way they used to. I knew a bargain when I saw one though, and here we are now!