Maxine Jasmin-Green

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I have 888 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 509040 times and 53 of my stories have been cherry picked.
32 of my 1,010 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 34 votes

Maxine Jasmin-Green's picture
Maxine Jasmin-Green


My stories

A Lesson In Life. Part Three.

Putting everything in perspective, was shown a video this morning of Jason’s family in hospital saying goodbye to him, his life support is still on,...

A Lesson In Life. Part Two.

On Sunday 9th February, my Son Daniel, told me, “My friend Jason took ill suddenly and is now in a coma.” I didn’t know this lad, but I said to...

Gordon Ramsay, A Lesson In Life. Part One.

Last year in the sale, I bought a cup for myself. I always choose individual cups, that are special to me, for their shape, colour, words, size and...


My Mum emigrated many years ago, when she retired. I’ve been to see her twice. For her age, she is in good health, she has a bit of back pain, and...

The Dentist.

My Son decided not to go back to the dentist when he realized he had to start paying, after he left school. He rang me recently to ask, “Can you ring...
