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I have 123 stories published in 6 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 85593 times

miskolina's picture


My stories

it must have gotten lost somewhere while i wasn't looking

believe it if you can i grew wings and one day flew away soaring to a life time,where i could neither leave,nor stay no falling pieces,

Nothing really

nothing really matters in the grander scheme of things all just little details,like a fluttering of wings moments when you wonder... so,is there really any point?

Pain suits me...

pain suits me settles comfortably in my eyes, makes them greener...more lost trickles knowingly down my cheeks and huddles inside of my stomach

Nothings and nowheres

its cold, and I'm not sure what life is about anymore the shivering in winter the sweat of summer the pain as you turn and walk away


to tell you would be stupid a useless act when i think i already know you don't feel the same don't even like me couldn't make you if i tried
