Pat G

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I have 32 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 77985 times and 30 of my stories have been cherry picked.
19 of my 303 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 19 votes

Pat G's picture


My stories

Gold cherry
Poem of the week

Stockholm archipelago

My other life lurks in the thousands of inbetweens...

pukeko (Poetry monthly)

- padding: 0;

Dummy (Poetry monthly)

Looking inwards at my terraced streets (Poetry monthly - psychogeography)

Guilt trip

.... so easy for us to forget

Photograph exhibition (poetry monthly)

Police tape cordons, plate glass, viewing platforms, screen bezels, and picture frames - so much of what we see from our sanitised lives is curated for us. Thank you Philip for this month's theme. This piece has been nagging at me for ages. I welcome thoughts - don't be kind.
