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I have 560 stories published in 40 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 672342 times and 71 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 137 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

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Daniel Hallington

A repository of all my creative writing works... so far!

My stories

GT004: Platform

'O joyous joy,' said the gremlin (who was called Midge) to his friend (who was called Franco), as they picked bits of chewed nuts from between their teeth and flicked them at the humans waiting for the train below.

GT003: Bad Day

The gremlin tied the little boy's shoe laces together as he slept.

GT002: Football

The gremlin ran onto the pitch, cackling and skipping in that way that gremlins do.

Nigel Goes to the Moon - chapter 8: the anti-Arnie

'Come with me if you want to live,' said the person standing on the gangplank of the enormous spaceship, who looked like a smaller, skinnier, less muscly version of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
