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I have 297 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 255268 times and 16 of my stories have been cherry picked.
21 of my 637 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 21 votes

Shannan's picture

I write, I post, I read, I thank... I have no agenda but the hope that if someone needs to read what I have posted, then they shall. I think that sums it up :-) Be the Light that others long for. Be blessed and stay loved.

If you'd like to hear my poems in audio, please go to

If you're a twitterer: @JBHAlyss   ... that stands for Just Being Honest ;-)

My stories

The Ultimate Love Song...

A collage of many of my favourite lines and verses from some incredible songs

Lord, this can’t be it

When I see all the hues, feel all the emotions, live all the experiences... there is too little time, too little

There was fire, I got burnt

Getting burnt is so painful

Modern Day Chivalry

When in the rain ladies, find a lady's man. Cheers to Modern Chivalry

Contradictory upbringing

Messages we get from all around... why can't they just get in one line?
