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I have 1022 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 611498 times and 15 of my stories have been cherry picked.
4 of my 310 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes

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My stories

derrida and the family 2

is the western individual disappearing? are geniuses disappearing? if everything is context, even geniuses are bound by that context. are geniuses...

derrida and the family 2

is the western individual disappearing? are geniuses disappearing? if everything is context, even geniuses are bound by that context. are geniuses...

derrida and the family

derrida states rather blatantly that the "family" is his enemy. then, is derrida trying to create an ideal citizen? NO. derrida's main aim is to save...

let the burdens not crush you

let not the financial burdens crush you make you a slave of money and fashion crushed and littered by the weaning off processes of capitalism which...

how unconsciously you we live

what are you eating why are you eating it food is a drug addictive sugars cascade down your throat... the body is an illumination of the human soul love for being is divine radiates
