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I have 1022 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 611500 times and 15 of my stories have been cherry picked.
4 of my 310 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes

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My stories

live dangerously

build your house in the hills of Vesuvius dare to express your opinion even though everyone else is forever explaining away your opinions live passionately reason drowns you

august 1, 2013: 2

lastly, if the US corporations do not pay taxes to countries overseas (Apple, Microsoft, etc), I am assuming that foreigners corporations do not pay taxes to the US government when they do business in

august 1, 2013

now, the new york times reports that middle class income has gone down by 20% ($100,000 to $80,000)with both parents working I suppose. it seems a little high to me, but what do I know?

July 31,2013

americans seem to have no clue as to what is happening to their country. an Italian-irish person I meet regularly at a chinese restaurant has a clue and so do others I speak to.


Is renewal possible in the current world? is renewal in drinking, partying and oblivion and philosophizing or is it in the going beyond gate gate paragate
