Humorous Ramblings

Hopefully raise a smile!

Wibbly Wobbly Wonder

Just a bit of a laugh but some may find insulting.

Bee Keeper

Who said bee-keeping was boring? ;)


Mrs. Jackson’s jealous; it’s put her out of fettle. She looks just like a Bulldog that’s licked piss off a nettle!

4 Fibs


A Cybering Tale

The WWWeb can be a wonderful place ..ahhhh

A Rose?

I turned to you and thought here goes, ‘Should I compare thee to a rose?’ You looked at me, like I had horns ‘YOU MEAN I’M FULL OF BLOODY THORNS?’

A Song for Pinda

For the REAL Rapper in the hood ;)

A Song for Pinda (R.I.P.)

Thinking of departed friends at this time of year..and reposted this for my late ABCtales pal Pinda. He will be missed

A Time of Great Poetry (A Limerick)

To name but 3. Shakespeare took equality past the norm; most of his leading male characters being acted by women...Champion of Women's rights? ;) ;)

Algernon’s Prudence 1

Forced engagement! Inspired by Wodehouse It may be continued; it's up to you. It could turn into a rather lengthy piece; what do you all think? ;)

Antony and Cleopatra I.P.

This weeks I.P. Maybe not as Will Shaky Spear might have seen it .... ;)

Bangkok Holiday

Never been there...pure fiction!

Basic Training

The first day of ‘Basic Training’ was – for all the wrong reasons – a special day.

Batty and Betty

Read it and see ;)

Birthing Ward

The skin was pulled so far back on my forehead that thought my eyes would fall out. Mind you the improvement in Peripheral vision was quite astounding!

Blackbird Rapper

Dawn chorus??

Blackbird Rapper meets Seagull Crapper (Esquire)

There's rules if you is in the Rappers' hood! One for Pinda ;) Inspired by Jupiter's' fishy tale ;)

Blackbird Rapper – On Trial

Oh F…F…Fu…Fuc…Fuc…Fuc…Fascinating! Is the de…de…de…def…defuc…defuc…defense ready?

Bring up the bucket (I.P.)

Old folks can be embarrassing...God, I can't wait for my turn ;)

Can I do anything right?

Did you ever have one of those days?


Labour intensive?

Cheap Beer and No Sex

Cheap beer can be a real passion killer - even if you don't drink it ;)

Chip Butty

You gotta love it....

Christmas Cock-Up

It was a Christmas time Saturday night

Christmas Cock-Up

An oldie...but it is that time of year again :D

Christmas Flasher

This is fiction folks....honestly! ;)


A product-complaint letter from a rather irate customer...A trimmed down former post!

Cursery Rhyme I.P.

Don't you just love Nursery Rhymes...;)

Dear Santa

Wishing all my friends on ABC a Happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas; thanks for being there. Chris ;)

Dear Santa...

A cocky little cockney wants no more cock-ups from Santa... ;)

King Henry the VIII

So modern wives list… And don’t get so pissed When sex takes the form of a tax Just think of poor Anne And the rest of the clan Cold shouldered is better than axed

Mark's Party London 1970

She queried, sounding impressively like Tiny Tim, tip-toeing barefoot, through the garden of broken glass, while carrying Hattie Jakes on his bac


I Wonder.

Stupid Aspirations (A Limerick)

Be careful what you wish for! (A Limerick)

Pub Banter! (East End Style)

“Where was you, when manners was handed out?” “Round the corner, having a fag. Where was you?” “Round the other one, shagging your Mum; there was a queue!”

The Driving Lesson (PART 1)

But we’re parked; what did you think She was going to do; ram us with her Zimmer frame?

Little Jackie

...He flew through the air like ‘Superdog’ And hit the front of the bus like bird-shit.

Perversely Grammatical

“Well, in monetary terms; nothing! However in grammatical Terms; rather a lot actually” “You takin’ the piss?”

The Day I Stared Deff in the Hood!

“I DISTINCTLY HEARD YOU SAY THAT YOU WERE DEAF.” “Yea! I yam! Don’t mean I can’t ear though!”

Three Postings!

It was signed by T.COOK; who was he? What joker could possibly hope To restrict such pure talent, as me? He must be on some kind of dope!

If I knew then what I know now; I.P.

Would I have hung that mistletoe If I knew that you’d invited Jo Who has huge tits, she loves to show And chose to ‘Flash’ poor Father Rowe Would I?

The Crush

Have you ever had a crush on 'Teacher'?

Punctuation Moron

Should that be a full stop Or a Colon that’s halved

Forced Ejaculation! (1 syllable challenge)

I need a new mattress...hope this doesn't offend.

That Summer!

You leaned out on the branch, sniffing the pink(ish) flower. A bee lodged in your left nostril and stung you till it died; you fell to the ground screaming.

The Fight

‘I think you have broken his will power’, Charlie told me, lying! ‘I think he has broken my f-----g nose’, I replied truthfully.

The Thong Of Fire

A birthday present to forget! Apologies to Johnny Cash.


It was worth a try!

She had a lovely Bush!

I talked to, kissed and fondled it just like a man possessed

The Sauna

Here, get your shorts off, grab a towel and come with me. Sounds like one of Elton John’s chat-up lines.

Neighbours 2

I know, that’s what I thought, I near fell off my chair; a big smile and her tits out and a wig of long blonde hair

Stolen Cherry (I.P.)

I know I was wrong, I plead guilty and possibly I was a creep but lying there, it looked so juicy; I’d have asked you but you were asleep!

My Sisters Cherry (I.P.)

Our neighbours must have been there too cos I’m sure I heard Bill Tucker and a guy I never heard of by the name of Randy Fu....

Willie – Part 1

just a little story that I'm working on... please feel free to slate at will. ;)

Spanish Holiday

We sat on the hotel balcony, I with my Spanish brandy and ‘Linda Lovelace’ cigar.

Race for a Penis!

If the title doesn't get you interested; nothing will ;)

Empty Sphere


My Spatula

I.P. effort ;)

Skunks are bloody smelly!

A deep and thoughtful poem about a malodorous little scallywag :) Sorry Skunk...nothing personal :/

Twelve Inches (but I don’t use it as a rule)

Do NOT...I repeat if easily offended! You have been warned; this ain't Shakespeare!

My name is Tutankhamen

The 'Afterlife' just ain't no fun without your 'bits' ;)

Was it you?

Innocent youthful fun ;)

Small Penis

Inspired by Niki72 and her hilarious pregnancy saga OVER 18's only (Not inches)

Phobia I.P.

This weeks I.P. ;)

Scriptures and Bouncers

God did NOT create bouncers!

Hetty Williams

OVER 18'S...You have been warned ;)

The Razor

Using the wife's razor is never a good idea ;)

Miss Cleavage I.P.

I came across the photo (not literally) and couldn't resist ;) Err..I.P. oops lost the pic; back now!

My Partner the Nympho Vampire Chapter 1

If you think this is crap, please say so! Thanks Short 1st chapter so you might actually read it.

Then and Now

It's the thought that counts ;)


I.P. Attempt; serious stuff ;)

King Henry the (Chopper) VIII

Re-posting and early one, cos it's Monday, it's raining and I need a laugh; for anyone who missed it or is interested

Happy Anniversary…

Forgive and forget but forget and you'll wait to be forgiven ;)

Musn't Grumble!

Inspired by something Silver Spun Sand had written ;)


There's more to life than screwing!

Stay Away Santa

Santa's a perv...I know stuff!

The Nativity - Sort of...

Joe and Mary in Bethlehem offense :/

Santa the Fat Lad

I like him really...;)

When I was young

Playtex and shrink-fit Levis; those were the days ;)

Different Strokes

It's only sex...

Dog for sale!

I've got a Jack Russel that could live up to this ;)


Had this up as prose (loose description) and decided to re-jig it for a bit of flash fiction. Just experimenting! No dogs were injured or American tourists robbed, in the writing of this story...

World Cup Tales

Ah the world cup ...a game for ladies played by

Granny and Santa!

Santa and I, could be related....sort of ;-))

Wet Holes

Don't count your chickens......

Quick thinking

Next time, I have to think on my feet, I'll sit down first!

The Bin Man

I know someone who loves the bin man lol.....


Looking and feeling my best...NOT!

The Visit

Hospital gotta love 'em ;)