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I have 128 stories published in 11 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 85836 times and 48 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 3 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

winking_tiger's picture
Emma du Toit

I have been regularly writing poetry for the last twenty years. My work explores the grief of having to fit in when you don't belong. I am interested in minute interactions, the magic of the everyday, peripheries and otherness. In 2023, I completed an MA in Creative Writing which has helped me to get better at submitting writing rather than hoarding it shamefully in a folder on my laptop. 

My stories

Dusty Dreams

Nancy's office chair is slowing scraping her dreams into dust. (first part of a draft)

Cashier Number Two Please

Stephanie falls in love with the man in her bank, but will he rescue her from cheating Dave?

Never Seen Snow

'I've never seen snow', he says, his eyes like weak tea shining back to deflect all reason. Grass verge after grass verge pass by and still I haven't...

He had walked away

I wanted the lawn to absorb me into its velvet greenness, to become a blade of grass, insignificant, lost, nothing. I grabbed helplessly at his arm...

u - Last Look

We keep drinking. We keep wishing things were different.
