From the Heart

So many times we are not sure of a title, for the odd-flavoured words we have collected into poems or stories.This title is a reminder of how deep we must reach to get into the soul of a poem. I always try to write outside the box.



The colours of an Autumn day are so soothing - yellow and pale orange disappearing along with reds and the comfort I felt is something that will...


O Soul of mine today is precious and may come with a new delight- the ways of Jesus teaches we should live with words of Patience & Love .


Hail to the fleet harbour’s here at last and the lobster traps are coming home – a successful jaunt upon oceans’ swells. From a settlement of...


Brother of mine do not stray too far anymore in thoughts and memory- your life is still precious in the eyes of our Lord Jesus and I love you.

No Rules Today

We are alive in the moment of our desires the touch of your scent like a flower inside my favourite woodsy trail- a path for me to your lips my dear...


Seasons of memories led the jackrabbit to hop around familiar territory filled with spruce birch and trembling aspen. Through the soft snow of winter...


Life is growing older rhythms muscles diminished skin loosely divided and grey in the uppermost- yet his shuffling in the far corners of a nursing...

Super Boy

A feather popped from his head-band that kept long hair from grieving his eyes- this fine young man. He was more than just a boy- He was like...


From a prison cell of lost opportunities the young man asked aloud to his deceased dad - if only we had taken the time to know each other better.

The Splendid Sky

The Splendid Sky is a pattern of diamond glitters as a garland of kisses- Venus peeking from above the couple just youngsters they are in beginning...

Ramblin' Time

I left my shoes on the far side of the pasture & bare-footed back to our old house past clumps of cow-pies and mosquito ambushes- past thorny...


wind is a soft breath of movement across my face tickles moves the open newspaper a few inches from my back my park bench is cold shivers of snow...

Baby Loon Bye-Bye

The shadowy shape of a large pike pursued swiftly a family of loons and heaved boldly into the weight of them- shrieking sounds from father were...

Get Dirty in the Mud

Get Dirty in the Mud little one. You’re five and it’s your right to enjoy the back yard- use the sand pit for a mess of fun – it brings memories...

Do You Know

Do You Know who I am O Wind of Time? You who knows the ways of man & how easily they can falter without a proper voice of command. It is ‘I Am’...

November's Pleasure

Falling leaves part company from a cavalcade of Trembling Aspen and like children they morph into a new growth cycle- leaves shape into perfection...

Dear Dads-

if you only knew how much your drinking shrinks your family’s souls many days of pain and misery are felt and yet they forgive you. Years ago a grown...

Pandemonium is a Natural Affair

Once the sun kisses the edge of the horizon new adventures begin- a wind stirs the pot with a mix of turmoil as it draws from a nest of furor shoving...

Faith Plus Prayer Equals Understanding

The media saturates us with sadness through images and detailed stories of defects in human society. We are bombarded continually with this flood of...

Wind and Time's Delight

The woods outside the backroom shiver their way across lawn's edge leaves lapping at the space not hindering movement over years of growth. The old...

Stuffed in a Box

It was quite simple to hide from the early morning sun. All Paul had to do was pull down the shade gaining an opportunity for more sleep. But his...

This Homeless Man

This Homeless Man came to me asking for a cup of coffee & a donut feeling blue - an afternoon encounter now bringing him close to me and I...

Turmoil Among the Pack

There must be a song to take the sadness from your face- so reach out for someone to come and take it away. Perhaps your friends no longer place a...

A Farmer's Man

George was old enough as he was of age- time to decide son daddy said to be a college man or a farmer’s man. Being the oldest of eleven made it easy...

Father to Son

Standing by a spruce in the shadow at meadow’s edge during evening’s descent: “Squeeze my hand son and grip the beauty of a setting sun with your...

Heels on the Trail

No longer can he see any imprints of small feet that sought frogs in mud-hole spaces the man remembers as his own steps retrace those of a blond blue...

No Finer Moment

Mama – your wisdom was such a fine and delicate instrument in my younger days and I crave your touch of love this very moment.

Sons & Others

How has it come to pass when two sons have forgotten me? Does love ever survive whenever time comes after being shared in the growing – from early...