Poems from the School Days

This is a (reduced) collection of poems I wrote when I was a young whippersnapper of 15/16.

Not your standard 15/16 y/o emotional drivel, I hope you'll agree!

If Chickens Were Pink

Poetry at it's least refined I suppose. It's a poem ostensibly about my family, though in very unflattering terms!


Someone told me you can't end every line in a poem with the same sound. Why not? Thought I, so I gave it a try.


A poem drawing a fairly reasonable comparison between Bins and Brains. I thought it was pretty clever of me at the time!

Destination Unknown

Possibly inspired to some extent by ending my days at High School and moving on to 6th form. Might not be true though!

Eternal Flame

The most emo poem I ever wrote (so far). Unfortunately I can't remember if I wrote it seriously or to prove a point!

Scattered Memories

A beautiful poem about parting ways with your friends. It's always harder to keep in touch than you think it will be. Especially back then - no Facebook!