How Long Have You Been Around?

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How Long Have You Been Around?

I couldn't believe it! I happened to look at my profile to see what it was all about and discovered I've been a member of ABCtales for 6 years and 14 weeks!

That's a long time. If I thought about it I'd have probably guessed it was getting on for five years, but never thought it to be over six.

Not counting the staff, who would you guess to be the oldest member?

I reckon my old mate - and occasional sparring partner - David 'Bobblehat' Floyd would be up there amongst the old timers. We both gave readings of our work at ABCtales first live event.

My profile says one year twenty weeks yet I posted my first stories on ABC about four and a half years ago. Rubbish.
Anonymous's picture
19 weeks 3 days according to my profile - which seems just about right.
Karl, according to the infallible database I've been a member for 1year and 20 weeks. Don't take any of the data apertaining to anyone here as being correct cos it so obviously is crap.


I think I first joined ABC in October 2001. Haven't always been around here, however. If you want to buy my book, visit my blog: is external)
I believe I actually joined about 2 weeks after the site opened (around late November/early December 2000). Not sure how many members there were at that time though I know James, Karl and Andrea among quite a few others pre-date me. The forum started around March 200.1


My profile says 40 weeks and a few days.. I guess this is from when the current database was created. I joined in March or April 2002. I started posting stuff in the Summer of 2002 here.


My profile says six years and fourteen weeks, same as Karl. That sounds about right I guess, althought the site just had it's five year anniversary a while ago, so maybe it's off by a year. I do recall that I joined quite some time before the forums started and that one of my first stories was item 300-something. In fact, my first few submissions were before the site was officially launched, as I recall. I had met Tony and John Bird at a First Tuesday event sponsored by my (now long defunct) company and they invited me to the launch party. Shameless plug for Warsaw Tales, available at is external)
It's not really the most important part of the site and so I haven't put it up the priority list of fixes. Should I do so now?

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

Under my previous 'Bobblehat2000' incarnation, I think I must have joined in early 2001 as - again not completely sure about this - I think the first live event, at which Karl and I read, was in May 2001. Those were the days. "It's not really the most important part of the site and so I haven't put it up the priority list of fixes. Should I do so now?" I wouldn't fix it, although I think there's a good argument for disabling the feature.


The vast majority of older members' records were 'created' on the day I imported them into this new version of the site, so they'll all be in the 18-months area. Anyone with less than that joined after the Big Change and therefore has no idea what you're on about if you talk about the old sites or the old forums. ---- John H


I wasa here from day 1 I think,


Anonymous's picture
I just noticed I'm a few days shy of being here a year. It seems like longer. At first, I thought maybe it *was* longer and there was some kind of Date Joined screw-up - but no, it would have been right now one year ago that I was writing my first short story, and a few days from now I put it up. It's a funny thing, time. Enzo.. is external)
Happy aniversary enzo. Will there be cake?


A strip-o-gram dressed as Dan Brown? If you want to buy my book, visit my blog: is external)
Anonymous's picture
I think i'd stick with a little cake - although we could put a DaVinci Code sleeve on the dartboard... Enzo.. is external)
I'm still very much a newbie. As such I have tended to to feel my way slowly into the swing of things. I've enjoyed reading the posts, well not all of them, some were simply not my cup of tea but I that's surely normal The surprise would have been had it been otherwise. I noticed though that whilst many pieces are commented upon, most favourably, very few recieve a real critique, that can't be because we are all perfect so I wonder why more structured critiques are not offered. I have always believed that an honest critique can be very valuable to the author, provided of course that it is well done and well meant. Perhaps it's just the style of the site and I'll get used to it. I hope so because I am enjoying being a part of this group.
Anonymous's picture
Jingle, that's all well and good, but I can't see the part where you wished me a happy one year anniversary. Enzo.. is external)
Oh Dear! How very remiss of me. So let me say it now "Congratulations on completing you first year on ABC." If I can post as much as you have and achieve somewhere near the same standard I shall be even happier to be a menber of this august group. There How's that?! Honestly said...honestly meant. Now perhaps you may care to address my question?
Anonymous's picture
Thanks! Where's the question? Enzo.. is external)
perhaps you should explain what you mean by 'a real critique' Jingle. Do you mean something like this? *I'm sure I'm missing something here. I have read this piece a number of times in an effort to understand what attracted the comments that preceed mine. I can't see any style or grace in this piece at all. Yet the first stanza is described as a classic and the rest clearly has it's admirers too. Is this really the sort of poetry that The Live London Circuit welcomes?It reminds me of the sort of writiings seen on the wall in some of the more seedy men's lavatories in London. I know that beauty is said to be in the eye of the beholder but can someone explain? Please.* If you do, then perhaps many people prefer to stay quiet rather than stomp all over someones work in this way. Literature is subjective, not everyone will like what they read, but on here you will find that not everyone will come out and say things like *what on earth does anyone see in this? I don't like it so why should anyone else?* or *I don't like your writing, it is best suited to school playgrounds* or *your stories are dull and unimaginative, a child could do better.* I think it best to remember, as TC says, these are peoples dreams, tread carefully!
Oh, happy 'nearly' birthday Enzo! xxxxx
of course I meant anniversary, shouldn't type and watch tv at the same time.
Anonymous's picture
Thanks Connie! There'd better be no fighting on my one year anniversary or they'll be hell to pay.
ah, someone else has noticed too. The discuss forum is getting to be quite like a love-in lately, tit for tat flags and in mho not everything that is flagged is either the best stuff on there or indeed the best stuff that the authors have done. I think that is why so many of the flags go without comments, or are only commented on by the small group of 3-4 who seem to flag every single piece of each others work. I have spent the day reading through that forum and there has been some excellent pieces flagged over the past few weeks, and I have noticed that they get very few comments in comparison, even though it is these pieces that receive cherries. No fighting Enzo, you having a cake?
Anonymous's picture
I think the back slapping's always gone on, to an extent. In a way, it's understandable, there are people that I like that I always read so would be more likely to flag - but in another way, sometimes I wonder if poeple have read the piece they're flagging at all, or just the name that's on it. I'm guilty of posting little on the Diss Writing forum of late, and even less of substance. I too would like to see fewer, longer, threads, but also have no idea how that would happen. However, I daren't suggest something that used to happen that was good no longer happens, for fear of somehow causing undue stress on some writer's brittle egos. Anyway, onwards and upwards. Ben.. PS Bring on Barca!
Anonymous's picture
Yes Connie, virtual cake for all! Enzo.. is external)
Thank you for your observations Curious Connie....and for repeating my posting. In answer I must ask you read what I wrote not what you think I said. And don't get cross read it coldly. You will see that I asked a very clear and precise question, read it'll see that I addressed my questions to those who reviewed the piece not the person who wrote it. He, incidentally, said later that he didn't much like the piece himself! As to the type of critique I was referring to, that's simple. Does the title form a part of the piece? how well does it read? Does the text flow? is the grammar correct? was it spelt properly? was there a good use of vocabulary? Is the message clear? What emotions did it arouse? Did you enjoy the experience of reading the piece? These and other points when considered together will surely designate the best work. Where faults are flagged the author can address them and so improve the work and that which follows. For my own part I am well aware that I have much to learn and will only do that by listening and learning from those that produce better work than I do. The posts that followed yours show that others are perhaps thinking on similar lines. I in no way intend my remarks to be offensive or hurtful, I seek to improve my writing as I'm sure do we all. So if I have upset anyone, please excuse me no discourtesy was intended.
I've been here since 2000 but had pc problems so gave up. Then could not log in for a long time - changed my e-mail and accidently deleted all my stuff and I had a couple of cherries believe it or not haha! My writing isn't good but I try! I like to random search and read - there's so much good writing on here - so much talent.
My main job at the moment is critiquing full-length manuscripts. Abctales is for leisure time. If I had to give a full critique of every piece I read, I'd stop reading. It does get like a big literary circle jerk sometimes, but we've found in the past that some people aren't as open to critcism as others, and are apt to throw a hissy fit if someone explains at length why they don't like the work. I tend to give fuller, more open critiques to people that I know are: a) very conscientious, hardworking writers b) able to accept my comments as one person's subjective, potentially corrigible opinion I could spend a week posting exhaustive critiques on every piece that gets flagged in the Discuss forum, but I can pretty much guarantee that before the seven days were out the site would be awash with acrimony and the Guv'nor would politely ask me to desist. That's not what a lot of people use it for, and far be it from me to foist my personal standards upon unwilling recipients. (mostly)
Crumbs? A few lousy crumbs and a bit of wax paper? Jees, you lot are bloody gannets...
I found a couple of candles with icing stuck to each Lou?
Hey, how come Enzo got TWO candles on his ONE year aniversary. I call shenanigans.


Ah...we gave him two because he needed one for Enzo and one for that silly other name he used for a while (grrr can't remember what it was now.)
CaRdENiO or something like that?
I personally would love more critique, as long as it was tactful, I had some from Mark the other week and feel it's made me more conscious when I write. That's what I'm here for, to improve my writing. I also try to make suggestions where I can to others though I don't feel like too good a judge, (I don't actually know punctuation or the difference between a verb and a noun). I thought Jingle's comments were quite cutting the other week, but then if you don't like a piece then you don't like a piece. Maybe it's best to critque pieces you've enjoyed but feel could be improved. nobody
I agree nobody, most people appreciate tactful critique as it is offered to help the author improve certain things about his/her writing. Mark's crit of your work was excellent and exactly the kind of thing that should be offered. I only ever offer comments on something that I have enjoyed as commenting on something you don't like very often leads to very negative views as I think happened with Jingle's comments on BBF's poem. Luckily, like he said, he's a thick-skinned bugger and could take it on the chin and laugh it off. I fear, however that if those comments had been made to some other user/s then they would have found them quite upsetting. Hence the need to perhaps be more careful and considerate.
Anonymous's picture
A guy does one stupid thing and it never gets forgotten....! Yes, Cardenio it was. Dan, when it's your next anniversary, I'll make sure you get an extra candle, ok? Happy? Enzo.. is external)
I wish I could remember Ben, I've been here about 3 years I think. It's at times like this I wish I kept a diary. Do my alter egos get cake too? As for critique, one of the things that puts a lot of people off is that they don't feel competent to do it This was a more of a problem a few years ago when comments in the Discuss Writing forum were... I don't want to say 'better'... let's just say there was a lot less uncritical gushing praise. It's a good thing more people use that forum now. I don't comment on work a great deal because I am way too lazy, and I only think it's worth doing when I genuinely feel I have something useful to add to a piece that is, or has potential to be, good. There is a taboo about asking for crit that doesn't help here, I realise that you do get a lot of thinly veiled pleas to 'please say I'm brillant,' but I have put up some pieces where I could really use some feedback and have felt unable to ask for it.


Ooh, icing. Yes please, Camus. I haf ound n fim... (sorry, sucking icing off candle) I have found one thing - whenever I've asked for specific advice on the poor old neglected Writing Tips forum, everybody's been very helpful with feedback.
11 weeks and 1 day And still no sign of improvement in my writing..... Although I make no apologies for my bad poetry / stories. But I am brewing one at the moment and I will let rip in the near(ish) future.
Wiggy (SC), anyone with half a brain has realized that the database is flawed. I've been here forever, despite what the stats say.
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