Saturday Brighton

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Saturday Brighton


I'll be blunt.

I need a lift to Brighton on Saturday. I'm reading and so want to be there.

I'll pay petrol, tell jokes, and behave in a slightly manic manner for you if you can help.

Let me know.



are you allergic to trains?
Maybe Tony will charter a plane for you, Ralph?


No. Of course I am not adverse to trains. Just thought that it might be fun having a companion for the trip. So. If anyone is going by train. We could also meet up at the station. I've gone all Trevor Howard. Celia, Celia? is external)


I don't drive, so can't help, I'm afraid, but to possibly increase your chances of recieving a positive response... where are you travelling from, Ralph? pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... ( is external))

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Thanks, but it's ok. I'll get the old puff puff down. Looking forward to it very much. Who else is going? is external)


Well, I am... Forecast says, storm tonight, dry and sunny tomorrow! Yey. Btw, did anyone manage to kidnap Drew and put him in Fish's boot? (Drew... you don't happen to work right next door to Blackfriars do you? Because... Depart: 05:46 Brighton (BTN) Arrive: 06:54 London Blackfriars (BFR) or there's Depart: 06:13 Brighton (BTN) Arrive: 07:16 London Bridge (LBG) before that it's 3.50am... eugh. Ah well, worth a try... ~ is external)
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
I'll be there one way or another.
I'm going.


(I'm bringing a friend)


i will be there as long as you all send healing vibes my way ... i have contracted littlefish's illness and presently have no voice ... and an evilly sore throat ... boo hoo jude? can you pray for me? (i know this is karma for making that voodoo doll ...)
Unfortunately I wont be there (due to a blind dentist) but I shall miss you all. And the sunshine too evidently, as it is forecast to be pissing down here.
Honey and ice cream Alison. It's the way forward. is external)


I will be there but am cathching an early train as I'm going to be shopping around Brighton during the day! Also I am not good company on trains anywho as I gaze outta the window wearing a gormless expression. Look forward to seeing you again though Ralph! Come on gang...chins up and gather the troops! jude "Cacoethes scribendi" is external)


I'm chanting a Sanskrit healing Mantra for Fish jude "Cacoethes scribendi" is external)


Right, revised line-up.... Tretchicovmanicova can't make it *either* apparently, so... that's two down... But not to worry cos. Poetjude and Enzo have very kindly agreed to step in - thank you very much you two. p.s. Ben you can't back out now you know - i've posted it up, that's binding in BN1. ~ is external)
*grinds up more asprin for fish* ~ is external)
Yay. Well done Ben. (though boo Liana not coming)


and a hoo and a swift kick in the shin for shite dentist. ~ is external)
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Yeah. I'll do it. I'm shitting myself already so everyone better be nice. I'm gutted about Liana. Really wanted to meet you. Hope you're well enough, Fish, I'll be bringing my copy of your chapbook down for signing! (That goes for you, too, Lou!)
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