By Mark_Daniels
- 1082 reads
Leon stood quietly in the corner against the stone walls of the fort surveying the scene. His dark hood covered his eyes as he looked out over the stalls, and more importantly the goods they stored. Their wooden tables had what he wanted, and he was going to have it. He was hungry, tired, and had no gold to barter. That meant only one thing; He had to steal.
With a deep breath he left the confines off the wall and joined the crowds of Afternoon shoppers. Walking along the lanes, he looked around looking for guards that patrolled here. He saw some walking casually ahead, nothing to be nervous about; some others talked to the pretty girl who sold vegetables to his left. With a quick look, he carried on moving forward with the town’s people. As he continued, he saw a stall of meats, breads and cheeses. The farmer proudly stood looking over his goods. Leon didn’t know the man, but his presence cause him Anger. He despised this fat loathsome man, and as he got closer to his stall his anger rose till his face reddened. ‘I Hate’ he whispered through gritted teeth, and as he approached his stupid stall he quickly grabbed a slab of meat and put it under his dark cloak. Did anyone see?
He didn’t want to know, or care to know as he strode away from the stall, not looking back. Under the hood, his smile broadened as he thought of biting into this succulent piece of meat. He would return to outside of the fort, and start a fire. For once that day he felt some happiness within himself, and his stride increased in confidence and swagger. From behind a hand landed down on his shoulder, and in the millisecond he knew he had been caught. But he could not face another day in that cell, not another. Again his anger rose as he thought of the rat infested squalor the guards put people in. His breathing became uncontrollable as he span around, grabbing his knife from the sheaf. As he spun he plunged it into the mans chest, the blood quickly became visible on his white uniform as he fell to the ground in pain. Leon looked down at the pathetic sight and started to howl in laughter. It was glorious watching the pain, now maybe the guard would feel what Leon felt every waking day. As he laughed he looked up to see 4 more alerted guards coming closer to him swords raised. The town’s people backed away from the site of the fallen guard, some dropping their goods. Children were taken quickly
Leon loved it all, and he began to laugh hysterically. His disturbing cackle increased in velocity, all the while the guards approached slowly, cautiously. From above he saw the guardsmen at the guard tower look upon the sight grabbing his arrow, positioning it onto the bow. Leon knew that this was the end, and he was glad. The moment he saw the decapitated remains of his family he knew his pain would not end unless his heart stopped, and his lungs no longer took in air.
He looked upon the four guards, and stopped laughing for a second, a large smile still on his face.
‘Do your worst!’
‘I beg you, do you’re worst’
The whooshing sound from above came, and was the last thing Leon heard.
As he lay looking to the sky, he thought of his family. There was no pain, there was no agony. He felt peaceful, more peaceful than he had done for weeks. The beautiful clear blue sky was all he saw, and as he slowly passed away into darkness, he muttered one last breath ‘I will join you soon, my love’
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(Do your worst) I'm not a
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