An Age Of Difference

By Dynamaso
Mon, 16 Mar 2009
- 2935 reads
The first thing I notice
Are her tiny hands.
I imagine, in more genteel days,
these wrapped in lace gloves,
holding a matching fan,
waving comely glances
to frippery’d men of means
in the hope she’ll capture one.
Instead, between her fingers
is a cigarette she uses
to exclamation-point ash into the air
as she spits words
from her angry slash mouth,
while her eyes throw dares
of ‘what the fuck are you looking at?’
to anyone passing by.
She is beauty made ugly
by time and circumstance;
a penniless princess
out of sorts, luck and manners.
Instead of using her talents,
she uses her flaws as claws,
to scratch, slap and gouge
a life out of this age of indifference.
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'Instead, between her
Permalink Submitted by MistakenMagic on
'Instead, between her fingers
is a cigarette she uses
to exclamation-point ash into the air
as she spits words
from her angry slash mouth,'
- I love these line Dynamaso and the last stanza was perfect! Excellent poem ;)
Magic xxx
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This is like a picture in a
Permalink Submitted by threeleafshamrock on
This is like a picture in a gallery D. Like Magic, I thought the last stanza was brilliant...overall a class piece of work - one I'll come back to again!
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Superbly captured,
'Instead of using her talents,
she uses her flaws as claws,
to scratch, slap and gouge
a life out of this age of indifference.'
Yes, I despair of some of my students ....but then, you imply the only point of beauty is to attract very....errr simplistic? naturalist? masculine? of you....
I agree that the lady you depict is ...less, but also would like to state that a lot of men are intimidated by strong women who don't necessarily conform to their idea of femininity!
I'll shut up now...the poem is superb.
J x
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I think there are far fewer
I think there are far fewer gentlemen these days too...
I think I bounce between the two...lady and ladette... society controls our preconceptions of gender so much. And then, too, it entirely depends on circumstance. If I was genteel in my teaching, I wouldn't get very far with my students, so I am loud and larger than life. In a rock club, I dance erratically. On the other hand, put me in a posh frock at a dinner table and you might be sitting opposite a Countess d'Elegance...
J x
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Good poem. Well done.
Permalink Submitted by TheShyAssassin on
Good poem. Well done.
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Love the attitude in this
Permalink Submitted by Dear Ale... on
Love the attitude in this one, I've definitely met her before!
Flaws as claws, what a line.
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