No Matter...
By Ewan
Sat, 18 Apr 2009
- 2123 reads
International, interstate, what's
the point of all of it?
United Europe, united states:
open borders, open gates.
Beasts without, beasts within:
beards are hiding the weakest chins.
British Council, British Isles
all undone by Gordon's smiles.
Edward Balls, Jackie Smith: what's
the point of all of this?
Labour Party, laboured point -
workers noses out of joint.
Pygmy leaders, pygmy men-
watch the fuck-ups happen again.
Desperate people, desperate times
the leading actors forget their lines.
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What's the point of it
What's the point of it all?
Perhaps the only salient point is that we can't do much about it Ewan.
The band plays on around the world, a constant cycle of various versions of Land OF Hope and Glory as hope recedes and glory is a distant, fading, memory in the hearts of dying breed of dreamers.
But, then there is always tomorrow which, although it never seems to come, promises to be worth the wait :O)
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As the man said "I'd vote
As the man said "I'd vote but there's no real choice...
they are ALL politicians."
Yeah but some are a lot crazier than others...
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He's got a head on him like
He's got a head on him like a rabbit. I give it four stars.
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so what could happen if
so what could happen if everyone boycotted the urns?
beware the global government is all i can say...
thanks ewan, another provocative-evocative piece, and another great reminder; of why it aint such a bad life - that of smugly paid up member of the abc tales foreign legion ;)
bises, ax
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I like it. Could almost be
I like it. Could almost be a rap, if you were inclined that way.
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I agree. I recently saw
I agree. I recently saw footage from the 2008 Australian Slam finals. Both the winner and the runner up said they were rappers and used the Slam as a way of getting some free publicity.
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