By Cavalcader
- 3701 reads
"Shimmy shake" Try it go on!
turn it into a dance or song
From age 1- 100
Glowing pop socks T shirts Rock n'Roll
dress up just for fun
put your "shimmy shake" clothes on
A dob of stars on the face
stockings all colours made of lace
painted nails and whirly skirts
A shiny clasp or flower in your hair
and rouge make us look like a lady aint
Tuxedo trousers for the men
shake each hip to the side twice
have a quiff curled high
I remember too like
the twins "John and Edward"
In the X Factor I watch
Song and dance are good for you
What entertainment! they give to all
"Simon Cowell" will have a go to!.
Bright shirts all wear
Cummerbands around your waist
get your bling from the cheap shops
now your ready to bop! "Shimmy Shake"
Put your music on for an hour
indoors or if out low
now your ready to go
Stand with hands in the air
clap clap! to get warm
act as if you haven't got a care
Push Push ! your arms to the left
Push Push !to the right
"Shimmy shake" bend to the knees
twirl around with
your glitter flatties on
Hands on each others waists
one in the air
go under each others arms
Smile and laugh as you do
Two jumps to the left
and two to the right
Stamp your feet
listen to the beat!
Shake your Tambourine
"Shake-Shake Shimmy shake"
head slightly move both sides
you will feel alive.
Stop at the office
or what ever you do
move the body is good for all
at the park just for a lark
meet your friend's young and old
Then turn around in circle
face the other way
take the person in front
of you or beside
off you start again!
You will feel aglow
get of your backsides
say "Shimmy Shake"
wherever you go!
Now there are sequin berets
leggings belts and shoes
When the 'Red Arrows'
come zooming over
and parachute down!
Covered in golden star dust
and touch the ground
join in the 'Shimmy Shimmy
Shake' dance and song
Even music and your alone
try at home
work at this gradually,
eat and drink after
if at home in a chair
move only your wrists and feet.
Updated may 15th.
Sent too 'Jedwards' never know if got there.
As they do comedy.
T.Cook what do you think!
I'd love as many comments
on this from all please!
bump up comments to please!
My goodness gracious me 122
already thank-you and bless+ you all.
News May 8th 2013. Oh! dear This is now one Reading in numbers away, from 'Shimmy Shimmy Shake' from poem marvellous neighbour's cat 'Green Eyes' Jazz The Top one of all,is 'My Late Birthday Surprise'
poem first 2009. Come on 'Green Eyes'.
julie x
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Hi there, Julie. What a
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Hi again, Julie. Just to
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loved this julie! Now -here
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hi julie -i only made a copy
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hallo julie -thanks. I
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For me the image of Simon
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