A Captial Way
By WillSimpson
- 1426 reads
A Capital Way
Well it all really started many generations ago. It was the way it was meant to be.
In the beginning there was an exodus. All creeds and races of tribes nominated a leader through his strength and ability to uphold his strength for they knew he would give birth to children who would inherit his great capabilities. This was the start of an incredible journey. This is how our story starts.
Once upon a time there was a small village of settlers who had built their homes upon the most beautiful valley. They had settled there after the great exodus and had raised ten generations since.
The people of the village called themselves The Imperiats, they were a great community working for the good of each other, all having a fair share of work, all a fair share of food, and all respected by their fellow neighbours.
The Imperiats had taken their name from an ancient leader known as The Imperialist; they knew very little about this ancient name, but knew it came from a time when men had machines and great technology that had eventually became their downfall.
Most of The Imperiats had long forgotten the tales of past generations. They lived happy life's so had no reason to dwell on the past.
One day a great man came to the village of The Imperiats; he told the village elders great tales of the ancient world which he had seen.
Tales of power and gold, and of fantastic rewards for those who wish to seek them. Rewards of luxury and foods of such taste that whom so ever tasted them would feel like a king of old.
The elders were very interested in all he had to say, so impressed were they; that the elders decided to throw a large festival for the great man to introduce himself to the village. That night The Imperiats threw the greatest festival the village had ever seen.
Thus the stranger spoke to the people;
“Here me Imperiats, I am the great Tudor. I have came from an ancient world to show you people the truth. The truth of life's great treasure, the truth of all you desire. The treasure that you can all have, no more equality, instead a fair chance for people to become more than the next man.
This is in itself the essence of humanity, follow my command and all will know the great treasures of the ancient world, and the food of the kings.
"Here I will show you”
At that the great Tudor reached into his bag and removed a jacket potato wrapped in tin foil, The audience gasped
“no need to fear” he began.
“This here is a tatty, it is a source of food from the Gods, please taste it and allow your senses to be opened”
Now; The Imperiats had never seen a potato before.
Their diet consisted of the same food source every day, in the valley they lived they had an abundance of food from the tree’s growing natural to them and the nettles and weeds which grew around them,
Most days there daily food was a nettle soup and in the evening they would pick berries from the bramble bushes around their village.
They did not have to work hard to find food, and the only time they had a problem was in the winter.
The great Tudor declared to The Imperiats that they could eat this fantastic food source everyday and that it was so diverse they would never grow tired of it.
He showed them ancient books with pictures of delicious meal consisting of tatties and other brightly coloured food for the palate. He taught them about French fries and fritters and how they could spice things up with a few herbs and make wedges.
Although The Imperiats lived in a beaufitul valley; it wasn’t always beautifully kind to them, and often during the harsh months of winter many villagers struggled for food and would have to ration out on the community stock pile, but the Tudor had promised them this would not happen with the tatty.
The villagers were very happy with the great man and the celebrations grew louder.
“Silence my people, silence” The great oracle had heard and felt her opinion must be known.
“Many moons ago those who listen will be aware that I foretold of this great man’s visit, I warned you all of the treasures of the ancient world, and now this day I see my people celebrating with their eyes shut, but their 5 senses being led into a walking sleep.
Hear me people when I tell you this day has been written before. All those who wish to raise to greater than their fellow man will only succeed when other men fall down behind them, yet know now that you will not look back. You will not stop to help, you will become self absorbed. Follow the words at your own peril, I will live long and witness”.
As the oracle finished speaking many people had already began to gather round the great Tudor and did not hear most of her speech, already too absorbed by the possibility of ancient treasures and stories of great glory.
The elders knew that this visit had been foretold, so the next day they had a meeting in the community hall and asked the people to vote on the great Tudor's proposal.
“Will we follow this man’s command in the hope of an ever lasting source of tatties?” The elder spoke this knowing of the winter months coming up.
Most of the people at the meeting were still drunk from the tales of last night their minds still buzzing with there own self desires, “yes” they cried. “Tatties for all”
So the elders agreed, if the food source is sustainable we will act upon the democratic vote.
The great man spoke with the elders and laid out his demands, he told the elders he would need good workers to nurture the tatties and plough the fields.
He explained of the great rewards this working of a field would bring, he explained about the need for a currency to give to the workers in order for them to then exchange for a share of tatties. The harder they work the more currency they receive. This will create a source of wealth and a sense of pride in ones work.
He told the elders that they were to maintain the currency and setup an order of men to stand in between the exchange, these men then in turn would be paid a currency for working the exchange.
The elders began with the job of managing their community, all those men who were of a physical type were told they would be working the field, and a small group of associates who often worked with the elders on other matters were given the job of the exchange.
The fields where ploughed and the tatties grew, the men were paid, they exchanged currency for food and thus the ever working cycle was working. The men in charge of the currency didn’t have to work hard cause they controlled the currency which they could then create more and exchange for there own needs, soon the currency grew so that it could be used for other tasks and not just food exchange. One neighbour could work hard on the field and make more money than another; he could then use his extra currency to exchange for favours from other people.
Whoever had the most currency was the most respected cause they could pay for extra things, some people set up gambling facilities for those with extra currency to spend or try and win more. So then the gambling proprietors became wealthy through the hard worked currency of the workers. With currency came prostitution, favours for currency was common place. The elders had the source of currency so they became the most respected, followed by the currency exchangers, this was still only a small band of men, then we had the follow offs; the workers, then the gambling proprietors and then at the lower end we had the people doing favours in exchange for currency.
Each year The Imperiats village grew a bit more with the birth of new comers, and each year the village expanded a little bit more towards the dark forest. The fields grew bigger and the wealth grew with it, the workers worked harder, the food source continued throughout winter.
For many years The Imperiats worked the farm and each year they celebrated the harvest with a great festival, and each year they unveiled beautiful new recipes they had came up with using the tatties, and most years their was enough food for all if they had the currency for it.
Many years later the great man returned to The Imperiats to see how they were getting on, he spoke to the workers of the currency exchange and spoke with the elders, and explained to them that all was not complete.
“This village is not finished yet on the road to truth, we have brought them closer towards truth but they still do not know true luxury of the ancient world, follow my word again oh elders and venture into the dark forest and there you will find the great black rock, The black rock will be the source of all the ancient luxury”
At this the elders looked shaken, for years since they had settled they had held onto a great fear of the dark forest, to venture into it was to bring certain death to the community.
“Never fear my elders for I know that these fears are just a spell over you by the oracle, cast off your shackles and enter the forest and I promise you thrones made of great materials and items of such beauty your senses will be blind to splendour.”
His words bringing a calming effect on the elders and exchange men; this was the way it was meant to be. He explained his need for more workers, this time more work would be required but they would also have to work a lot harder for more currency, “they must work harder for the black rock” Spoke the Tudor.
The next day he took half The Imperiat workforce to a new settlement just along the road from the village, each family was given their own plot to build a new home close to the dark forest, at first they had their fears about the forest but once again the great Tudor spoke and calmed their fears. These homes were to be built out of stone and wood, compared with the previous dwellings of mud and twig, these homes were built to be luxurious.
After they had settled in their homes the great man returned and explained to them that in order for them to keep their homes they must start working for him again in the dark forest, In they ventured to a dark cave, many of the men trembling with fear, “this is your new work place, do not fear the dark cave, it contains black jewels for us to take, the black rock is the new tatty, take this black rock and make piles and piles outside”
And so it was that the village had a source of fuel, large industries were born from the black rock. The way of the new world was set. The black forest workers were paid for taking the black rock, the black rock created more work for others to sculpt it and burn it off to provide fuel for industry, before long the ancient world was up and running again the way it used to be.
The elders at the top making all the currency, the currency exchangers growing richer than all men, then the work force working to put food on the table, the table made from the energy of the black rock, then the workforce who worked only for the currency.
The ancient world was back.
The great man lived on and watched his creation flow, he watched it from the top of the mountain where he had learnt the ancient way watching the ancients, and then he gave the gift to The Imperiats and for generation after generation they grew with the riches and luxuries of the ancient. All the while the great Tudor sat and watched it all unfold. His only interferences had both sparked great growth for The Imperiats. Yet in the end they too would go the same way as the ancients.
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Excellent! Carole
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