By owlybynight
- 1036 reads
When I was a child...
I'd be sitting on my garden wall
and my shadow would step up onto a roof
and spirit dance along the top
jumping from pot to pot
I used lampposts as stepping stones
I tight-roped along the telephone wires
I pirouetted on the washing poles
Some days I did aerial acrobatics
and drew hearts on the blue
T'il my brother's football brought me down to earth
with a bump.
but this was long ago
and now as an old lady it suffices float ...up into the clouds
Stretch big... I'm a big old tabby cat
sprawled long, belly up to the sun
and the clouds patient as ever, wrap me in their kapok softness
for my much needed catnap …
just until the bus comes.
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This is so beautiful, owly.
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