Mister Hopper
By juanni
- 735 reads
The prey is shuffling blindly onwards, blissfully unaware of the impending danger to their well-being stalking them with ease behind them. The predator sniffs the air and looks from left to right, checking that no rivals are within sight. Satisfied that none are near, yet suspicious that such an easy target should go unnoticed, the predator moves in for the kill. As always before pouncing on the unwary, the predator experiences a rush of excitement at the prospect of sinking his teeth into fresh meat, yet at the same time cannot suppress a slight feeling of guilt for what they are about to do to the victim. They are soon to be parting with something they hold dear. Their money.
* * * * *
The oldish man shuffling around the store seemed like a gift from above to Dave. His boss had reminded him, none too friendly, that he was a long way off his monthly sales target. Dave did not need a P45 waving in front of his face to know what he was hinting at. Suppressing a sigh for what he was about to do, Dave lurked near the man waiting for the opportunity to strike his sales pitch.
“Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you at all?” Dave asked.
It pays to be polite when trying to get people to spend money even if they do not need to.
“Oh, hello. Well, yes I could use some help actually. I'm looking to buy a computer for my grandson and am not too sure what to get.”
Hello. I have no idea about anything computer-related. Please feel free to relieve me of all my money. Go on Dave, you've got sales targets to meet.
“Ok, well how old is your grandson?”
“He's sixteen.” the man replied.
“Being that age means he will probably want a slightly more advanced machine than one I'd recommend for younger users.”
And a more expensive one.
“These machines here are the sort that would probably be suitable for your grandson.” said Dave.
“Hmm, this is perhaps more than I was looking to spend.”
Damn! Think quick, Dave. Your job is on the line.
“You could pay for it in installments!” Dave said rather louder than he had intended.
“Oh, well that would certainly take some of the sting out of it.” the man said.
You've got him now Dave. Finish the sale.
“How about this machine here? It comes with a colour printer, web-cam...” he rattled off many more features as the man listened on oblivious. The machine was obviously more than an average PC user would need, but the man did not realise it.
“Erm, yes, that one seems ok.” the man said as Dave finally finished.
Take him to the counter quick. Before he changes his mind!
“If you'd like to follow me, we can sort out the payment plan.” said Dave.
The man paused before following, then said “Ok.”
Dave processed the sale as quickly as possible, even managing to sell him warranty on it as well. Suddenly his prospects at keeping his job seemed a bit brighter.
* * * * *
The predator devoured the unsuspecting prey. Not pausing in its feasting to check the unfamiliar meal, the predator never realised that its latest catch would poison it, for the predator had never before encountered this particular prey. The Mystery Shopper and their poisonous 'poor customer service' disciplinary action were new to the predator, whose methods were struggling to survive in an ever-changing environment.
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A very good story idea. The
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes, Juvenal, "Who will guard the guardians"
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