The Sudden Death of a Writer
By MySpiffyNewShoes
- 1084 reads
What will I write today?
Poems with knives are too cliche.
Another painting of an eye?
Another story about why
there's a painting with an eye?
Watch that become my big breakthrough
Award winning novel
Oscar worthy screenplay
A celebration under red tape cut to confetti
A parade and a wedding
Then, I'd never have to worry about money again
Until then...
What shall I write today?
A short story thriller
or a comical comic
the likes of which
aren't very common
so it will maintain it's hipster cred?
Watch that comical comic be my big escape
From shitty weather
and shitty people
I want to have a two story house
out in the forests and mountains
but I can't because it's Oklahoma
Until then...
I'll just wish to leave!
and write every god damned time
that blessed thought
doth cross my mind
And I'll write it where everyone can see
but no one will see
because it's Oklahoma
Guess I won't write today
I have no reason to write down my thoughts
in clever metaphors
and witty rhymes
I'd rather not have it come to that
because it's at that moment
I'll start worrying about money again
about still being in Oklahoma again
about the things that matter
and the things that don't
how a sunrise does not guarantee a sunset
I swear I will write until the day that I die!
I must for if I don't, I will lose my poor mind!
But... watch me abandoning my craft be the best decision of my life
I could be anything,
and everything,
and most things,
and some things,
but not nothing, never nothing.
I could be a welder,
a pilot,
a co-pilot,
a Rhino!
I could be a Rhino!
And I don't care because if I were a Rhino
I wouldn't care about money
or that I'm still in Oklahoma
That's it, to hell with writing! I'm off to be a Rhino!
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