By Oldwarrior
- 706 reads
"I was abducted by a UFO."
This seemingly innocuous statement was having a profound effect on Jen’s social life as well as her ability to function on a daily basis.
"Are you sure it was a UFO and not beings from a parallel universe, or a nightmare, or even a profound spiritual moment?" asked her friend Joyce, the inflection in her voice one of genuine concern and not condescension.
Jen glanced across the table at her best friend to make certain she wasn’t being patronized and noticed the deep concern and worry. Of all her friends, Joyce had stood by her through thick and thin even in her most difficult moments. Most of her other close friends hadn’t called her in weeks.
Several months ago while camping with those same friends in the thickly wooded mountains of North Carolina, Jen had wandered from the camp and got turned around and lost. She walked through the thick forest for miles before spotting a shining silvery object nestled deep in a small clearing.
From a distance she thought it was a silver metallic SUV or perhaps a large propane tank that had been dropped by mistake or was being used as a still. It was common knowledge that the woods in this area were full of illegal whiskey stills.
As she burst into the clearing she discovered that it was neither. She was confronted by what could only be described as a flying saucer. It was a small craft, approximately fifty feet in diameter and perhaps fifteen feet at its thickest point.
Standing next to the craft or saucer or whatever it was, were two small humanoid beings wearing what appeared to be environmental protective suits. Both were under five feet tall because they were at least six inches smaller than her and she was five-two. They did not have the characteristic alien features that the movies or television portrayed, that is - gray in color with bald heads and extra large eyes. They appeared to be very normal but small beings.
The next thing she remembered was waking up on what seemed to be an operating table with odd pieces of equipment dangling about. One of the aliens was peering down at her and she had a slight burning sensation in her genital and breast areas. After that, she awoke in the clearing with a medium sized headache. She was alone except for an excited squirrel chattering in the trees above her.
She was found less than an hour later by her friends who had been searching for her. Initially she did not want to relate her story or tell them about her abduction, but that evening - emboldened by several hearty drinks of vodka and scary campfire stories - she broke down and told them all about it.
At first they thought she was simply telling a good story but when they realized that she was genuinely sincere and still shaken by her experience, they became quiet and reserved. Immediately upon returning to camp she had gone into her tent, pulled off her clothing and thoroughly inspected her body. She could neither see nor feel anything out of the ordinary.
"I did not fall asleep in those woods and have a nightmare," Jen stated, playing with the straw in her drink. "And you know that I am not the type of person to make up such a fantastic story. Plus… there are other things bothering me now."
"What other things?" Joyce quickly asked.
"Things," Jen replied, looking down at the water rings on the vinyl table.
Joyce gave her a hard stare insinuating that as her best friend those ‘things’ should be brought out for discussion.
After a few moments hesitation and a quick glance around the room Jen bent over and whispered across the table. "My boobs are shrinking!"
"Hello!" Joyce replied. "Your boobs are still twice the size of mine. You can afford to loose a bit here and there. What’s that got to do with the situation?"
Jen glanced back down at the table in serious thought as if she was trying to figure out what to say next. "My uh… thingy is sore and my tract is getting tighter too. I couldn’t even use my tampon this month because it was so tight." She was pointing down towards her genital area.
"Woah!" Joyce blurted. "Your thingy as in… that thingy?" she asked. Jen shook her head while glancing around the fast food place to make sure no one had heard. "I told you the aliens did something to me. I felt a burning sensation in my breasts and down there when I woke up on their table. I’m scared. I don’t know what’s happening to me. I don’t know what they did to me!"
"Have you been to a doctor?
"No way!" Jen spat. "I don’t want someone poking around down there. I haven’t even told my parents about the aliens. They’d probably accuse me of getting high on drugs or booze. If I mentioned my problem they’d just say I got drunk and got royally screwed."
They halted their conversation as they were suddenly joined by two friends who invited themselves to their table.
Over the next few months Jen became more and more concerned and frightened. Her breasts had shrunk to almost nothing and she was having a hard time stuffing her bra to make it appear normal. Her clitoris was extremely sore, so sore she could not even touch it. In addition, her vaginal opening had almost closed to the point where she couldn’t even insert her little finger inside. She wasn’t just scared, she was almost terrified.
"They’re turning me into one of them!" she yelled at Joyce. Having no one else to confide in she had phoned her best friend and arranged to meet her at her home.
"I think it’s time to get professional help," Joyce replied, aware that something should be done. "Perhaps it’s just something normal, something we have never read or heard about. Maybe they can give you something to stop the changing."
"It’s not normal! They’re turning me into an alien!" Jen cried. "My sex is disappearing. Every day it gets smaller and smaller. They’re probably sexless creatures and are coming back to get me when I finish changing!"
"It’s ok," Joyce whispered, hugging her close. "It’s going to be ok!"
"I can feel my entire body changing," Jen cried. "My bones hurt, my breasts heart, my sex hurts, and my mind is exploding."
"Like you said, this is not normal," Joyce said. "I really think we need to talk to your parents so they can take you to the doctor." Jen did not reply but continued to sob against Joyce’s shoulder. "If you want I’ll go with you. I was on that camping trip too and I know no wild sex party took place."
The conversation with Jen’s parents went well. Although skeptical at first they finally admitted that something unusual was happening to their beautiful teenage daughter. Her father decided that medical help, or at least medical advice was the best route to take.
Naturally, their family doctor could not diagnose the problem. He recommended a doctor who specialized in unusual hormonal growth, who in turn recommended another specialist, who recommended another. After several months of seeing a host of medical specialists, they were no where close to identifying the mysterious changes taking place in her body. And her body continued to change.
Jen stopped seeing her best friend Joyce. At first Joyce tried to call her and see her but continued rejection finally made her angry and bitter. She also noticed that Jen stopped coming to school. She was sure they still lived at the same address because she had driven by the house several times and spotted her mom through the front window. She finally decided that if Jen wanted nothing to do with her, she wanted nothing to do with Jen. After all, she had done nothing wrong, she had always been there for Jen when she needed her. If Jen didn’t need her anymore, so be it. She could live without Jen and her odd problems.
Joyce changed her group of friends. She finally noticed that her own body was changing. Her boobs were bigger, her hips more plush, her waistline slimmer and the boys were suddenly giving her a lot of attention. This she liked! She had her eyes on several of the nice looking jocks, especially a tall blond boy who had transferred in from Central High a few weeks ago. He was delicious, and he was coming her way!
He sat down on the metal bleachers and she could feel the heat coming from him. He was gorgeous and destined to become the new quarterback of the football team. He was also a straight A student and newly elected president of the debating club.
"Hi," he said, offering his hand to Joyce. She noticed a small ring on his pinky finger. It was identical to the one her friend Jen used to wear.
"Joyce," she replied, pointing at the ring. "I had a friend once who wore a ring just like that."
"I know," he replied, bending over to whisper into her ear.
She was so shocked that she almost fell out of the bleachers. This new hunk had just whispered something to her that only she and Jen could possibly know.
"It’s me Jen," he said, smiling at her. "I wasn’t chanced into an alien. For some reason they changed me into a man. I was your best friend Joyce and would still like to be your best friend. My name is Ken"
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Wow, this was a neat story!
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