Idea For A New Religion - Chapter 2 - Macrocosmic Healing
By well-wisher
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MACROCOSMIC HEALING A 1) The healing of God, the universal organism, is called macrocosmic healing. The healing of individual life forms is called microcosmic healing. 2) Macrocosmic healing involves the repair of macrocosmic wounds; that is, large scale environmental damage or the devestation caused by war and genocide and also injuries to the macrocosmic psyche; the divisions between groups, communities or nations caused by hatred or war. 3) Just as a plant requires water, light and nutrients to survive and thrive, so the universal organism has requirements. These requirements are called sacred necessities. 4) Unity is a sacred necessity; the unity of the human race in the service of the common good. Demons divide and conquer the human race; turning colour against colour, creed against creed, rich against poor, class against class, gender against gender; heterosexual against homosexual, able against disabled, nation against nation, man against his neighbour and mankind against nature. A divided human race is like a dismembered body. Divided and turned against itself, the human race has no hope of defeating the common enemy: the demon parasites. 5) Diversity is a sacred necessity. Just as a plant must branch out in many directions, so the tree of life must spread its branches in order to survive and thrive. Without diversity, there can be no evolution and no human progress because there would be a smaller gene pool and a smaller intellectual gene pool to draw from. Diversity is life and extreme homogenity is death, like the white of winter that covers over everything bright and colourful. God is a multifaceted gem and every facet is bright. God is reached by a million roads and no single road is supreme. Diversity is the beauty of nature which is the face of God. Those who impose homogenity upon the world only disfigure God. 6) Balance is a sacred necessity. All evils are forms of extreme and all good things are moderate. Medicine, in too great a dose, can be poisonous while too small a dose can have no effect at all. Balance is essential for the health of every individual living thing; for the health of society, the planet and the universe. Balance is the root of all reason, fairness and liberality, Nature contains many delicate balancing mechanisms which humankind must respect and humankind must also balance its needs and wants with the needs of nature. All friendship and love relies upon balance. Every human being must balance their social responsibility with their needs as an individual; balance their duty towards themselves with their duty towards God.
MACROCOSMIC HEALING B 7) Tradition is a sacred necessity. Just as genes are passed from generation to generation, so wisdom and experience and ritual must be passed down because of their usefulness to the survival of life. Every new generation has a duty to serve God, the living universe and tradition prepares them for that duty and teaches them the best methods that have been learned through practice, trial and error. Tradition exists throughout nature. The seasons and cycles of nature are traditions and life itself is a tradition. Tradition is the root of law and education and tradition also helps to unite and motivate people aswell as giving structure and routine to their lives. 8) Change is a sacred necessity. Change is the root of all hope. Without change, there can be no life, no birth, no growth, no death and no rebirth. Without change, there can be no healing, no learning, no highs or lows of emmotion, no progress and no redemption. Change is like the ever moving river that is always clean and clear rather than stagnant water which is a breeding ground for disease. Because evil is constantly changing its shape, so goodness must also adapt and evolve to survive. Change is exploration and discovery and invention in science and art and every field of human endeavour and, since every human being is a part of God, so every human explorer and experimenter is God, exploring and testing itself.
MACROCOSMIC HEALING C 9) Suffering- God feels the suffering of all its parts. God feels the pain of cities destroyed by war and natural disaster. God feels the symptoms of the sick, the pains of the injured, the misery of the enslaved and abused, the frustration and humiliation of the poor, the cold of the homeless, the hunger of the starving; the grief of widows and the lonliness of orphans. Those who wish to serve God usefully must strive to minimize the suffering in the world. 10) Empathy - Empathy, the ability to imagine ourselves in the position of other people and even non-human lifeforms, is a blessed thing which we must seek to teach and preserve. Empathy is the root of all generosity and all truly moral behaviour. Empathy is a sense of our connection to others and thus to God. 11) Reaction time - God, the living universe, is enormously vast and has so many responsibilities to attend to and so it may take a long time for God to respond to all our prayers, which is why we should try to answer each others prayers. We are the limbs of God and if we act quickly then God is acting quickly. Those who wish to serve God must have patience and perseverence and must focus upon long term rewards rather than the quick and easy path. God waits patiently for an end to human selfishness and greed. God continues to have faith in humanity, century after century. We must be patient with and have faith in God. Small miracles are happening constantly, all around us and great miracles also happen but they take a longer time and require our participation.
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Hi well-wisher, these are
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Yes I totally agree with you
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I believe it is very
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