ABC Tales - Appalling or Appealing
By mcscraic
- 1551 reads
When I was about a young lad I received a gift of writing poetry .
I believe that a gift has to be shared with others .
When I share my work on websites it takes on that perspective for me .
Here in ABC Tales there is a chance that my material will not be appreciated and yet that’s always the case when you place your work in a pubic place .
Be it appalling or appealing , recalling or revealing I share my poetry , plays and stories for others to enjoy .
There are people who will show an interest in my work by reading , listening or looking at what I do on and others who may even want to establish a link of communication between us .
In the process of sharing my original work here at ABC Tales , the community called internet comes to visit .
So where ever the currents of cyberspace bring those people , that is out of my hands . I am not in control of this process and also the destination for my material becomes mysterious .
On the ABC tales website there are places where people share with me their works as well and I have made some friends who talk with me about what they are doing and also about what I do .
Its a healthy and pleasant experience .
Very rarely have I experienced people who purposly want to submit rude comments .
The wonderful thing of internet group activity is what develops within the streams of collective consciousness and the inspiring process that it creates between each member .
I have met some really nice people on the ABC tales website .
I’ve had some great feedback as well as some destructive critics , but all in all what a great world we live in as writers .
I am encouraged and supported by those with heart and talent .
ABC Tales has brought a friendship to cyberspace where I visit and the way I see things is simple ,
When ever people meet in life and share a word or two ,
a friendship begins , hey how do you do , Are you Ok ?
I cast my dreams out to you all where everything is free .
In return there are others sending their dreams back to me .
Here we are in cyberspace where people meet each day ,
Thanks to the ABC Tales people team who hear the things we say .
Writing has had a big impact on my life .
There are people who encourage and inspire me as well as those who try to destroy and ridicule me .
The ability to share talent with others on the site can only create a diverse and exciting list of writers who may not have ever been seen or heard if it were not for ABC Tales .
Thanks to all those who have made my journey as a writer encouraging and for the ABC Tales website who have provided a vehicle that uncompicates the process of mutli tasking talent . It is a tool that disentangles all the loose ends people may have with their work and everthing becomes a solid thing.
With writing there is always an emotional attatchment to what we do .
It is the essence of al we do , its always been there for me . An emotional and passionate lifestyle that demands much .
Its the part of the universe that makes everything work .
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Nice one, mcscraic. Tina;-)
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Couldn't agree more, I had
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