Return of the Beast

By SteveM
- 2689 reads
The blizzard petered out until only a few snowflakes drifted down from the dark leaden sky. The thin covering of snow obscured the gravel track that led from the forest edge to the sea. Well spaced footprints; those of someone running, could be traced from the track until they reached the sand dune edges. The salty air had forced the snow to melt on contact and the naked runner slewed to a halt as the tide splashed up the beach towards her. With a yell Tina Aurora jumped through a freezing wave. For several minutes she swam in the dark icy waters until a shaft of sunlight heralded the dawn of a new day.
She was soon back on the sandy beach, lying face up, watching the golden rays bounce off the surrounding dunes. Tina closed her eyes. She used her mind to scan the immediate area.
She was being watched.
Concentrating her thoughts Tina decided it was only one man, and relaxed. Then leaping to her feet she stretched her arms up high in supplication to the morning and then jogged back across the dunes.
Reaching the last dune she scrambled up it and rolled down the other side. The man, a member of the city watch tried to keep his composure as Tina strode towards him.
‘My… my lady,’ he stuttered, ‘forgive me I was seeing if you needed any assistance. The new sheriff was adamant you be protected on your morning… exercise.’
‘How kind of the new sheriff,’ said Tina, now barely an arms length from the trembling watchman, ‘but it’s hardly necessary. I’ve always looked after myself. You are uneasy, have you never seen a naked woman before?’
The heavily armed man nodded, then shook his head as if unable to decide upon an answer.
‘Never mind,’ whispered Tina, ‘I forgive you. Now, let me kiss your cheek, then your neck.’
* * * * * * *
Off to her right Tina could see several riders trying to keep pace with her as she sped along the gravel track that ran through the forest. The trees and bushes blocked their path and they were soon lost from view. Exhilarated with the morning’s exercise she left the track and crossed a grass covered field, passing a long low snow-covered mound that resembled an ancient burial site. A slab of snow fell from the mound as she dashed past exposing the metal side of her deep space shuttle. She laughed and continued to run until she thundered onto a wooden causeway. The causeway spanned outward across a lake until it reached a rocky island. Looming up from the rocks stood – Castle Karnstein – its ages old stone battlements and towers giving a permanence to this wild landscape.
The castle drawbridge was still raised at this time of day, so Tina when reaching the causeway’s end dived off into yet more icy waters. A dozen strokes brought her to a mass of twisted vines that were attached to the ancient stonework. Climbing up the vines she reached an open window and eased through into her bedroom.
‘Good morning my lady.’ It was Araminta Gorman, the “Housekeeper”, and head of Karnstein’s retainers.
‘Morning Minty,’ said Tina as she flopped onto the ornately carved four-poster bed.
Minty clapped her hands and two giggling hand maidens dashed out of a side room and proceeded to towel Tina’s back and shoulders. The two expertly trained girls dried Tina’s hair and then began applying perfume, make-up, and body powders in a well-practised routine.
‘Will you be having breakfast, my lady?’ said Minty, slapping one of the girls who had accidentally splashed some perfume on the golden counterpane.
‘Not this morning,’ said Tina with a grin, ‘I’ve already dined.’
A buzzer sounded and Minty pressed a jewel on her housekeeper’s belt. ‘Yes!’ A muffled voice mentioned something to do with riders. ‘Six mounted city men approach along the causeway,’ said Minty, ‘probably the mayor by the size of him.’
‘Lower the drawbridge,’ Tina replied, whilst applying a blood red lipstick. ‘I’ll meet them in the main hall.’
Minty spoke into a tiny microphone that was sown into the collar of her dress. ‘Wine and a few treats for our visitors… in the main hall… hurry!’
‘I suppose I’ll have to dress?’ said Tina showing annoyance.
‘I’m sure, My Lady,’ replied Minty, ‘that they would prefer you the way you are, but for conventions sake I think one of your red dresses would suffice.’
‘Always the practical one!’ said Tina changing from a frown to a grin.
Minty pressed another jewel and a series of wooden wall panels slid back exposing a large room beyond filled with rows of dresses, coats and costumes.
Tina pulled one off a hanger and held it up. ‘This will do.’
‘It’s rather low at the front, I’d best get some decent underwear for you.’
‘No Minty,’ said Tina forcefully, ‘let them ogle whilst I pour the wine, it will confuse their thoughts.’
‘Yes Mistress,’ whispered Minty.
‘I’ll be fine,’ said Tina, giving Minty a hug. ‘What would I do without you.’
* * * * * * *
‘Gentlemen please be upstanding for The Countess Tina Karnstein!’ roared the senior footman, as Tina strode into the main hall. Her uninvited guests had just seated themselves in a semi-circle around a blazing log fire, and rose as one man with the exception of the obese mayor who made a gallant effort before slumping back into his chair.
‘My lord mayor, sheriff, aldermen and honoured guests,’ said Tina placing herself in the middle of the semi-circle, ‘to what to do I owe your presence here on such a cold morning?’
‘A matter of some importance,’ said the new sheriff, giving a slight bow.
‘I imagine it must be,’ replied Tina, and began to pour out wine into the glasses that had been set at a table to one side of the stone fireplace. Taking her time and stooping forward each time to create the best effect she moved around all those who had taken their seats again, with the exception of the sheriff who stayed close to the blazing fire.
Reaching the mayor she leaned even further forward. ‘I do hope the wine is to your taste, my Lord Mayor?’
‘Perfect Countess,’ he replied, sweat beginning to trickle down his puffed up features.
‘If you should see something you fancy, then please tell me.’
‘Yes… yes of course,’ he stuttered, ‘it’s so good of you to see us uninvited.’
‘Perhaps,’ she whispered, ‘you could return another time, I’m sure I have plenty to interest you at Karnstein?’
The mayor attempted a smile and laugh simultaneously, which resulted in a lob-sided grin.
‘And you my lord sheriff,’ said Tina, ‘do you not drink?’
‘There is a matter far more important than pleasure.’
‘Surely,’ replied Tina, with a most seductive smile, ‘there is nothing more important than pleasure?’
‘I think,’ said the mayor interrupting, ‘that young Terrance should explain the reason for this visit!’
The sheriff looked disapprovingly at the mayor before composing himself. He began to move slowly around the hall his voice occasionally echoing in the vastness of the place. ‘The beast has returned… for the first time in ten years. We didn’t realise it was the beast because for centuries the prey has always been young women.’
‘The beast?’ Tina looked towards the mayor for clarification.
‘The name given to this almost ethereal creature that plagues the forest and surrounding towns and villages.’
‘Hardly ethereal,’ said Terrance. ‘This monster tears the throats from people, drains their blood and then hides their corpses in bushes or in deserted buildings.’
‘My goodness,’ murmured Tina, and swayed as if about to faint.
Several men rose from their seats and attempted to catch her, but Tina carefully stepped aside. ‘I’m fine,’ she smiled, ‘just a little shocked.’
Realising the sheriff was being too blunt the mayor decided to continue with the story. ‘As I’m sure you’re well aware my dear countess our beautiful planet was settled nearly two millennia ago, but for all that the population is comparatively small, possibly only three million worldwide. Much is still undiscovered and forests cover large areas of the temperate zones. I and many others believe that fierce and as yet undiscovered creatures inhabit the depths of these forests and from time to time venture out to attack the populace. Some of these creatures live in and around our local forest and the heavily wooded hills, although none have ever been caught. There was once a few wolf like creatures, but they were destroyed centuries ago. It is possible that the beast is related to them.’
‘You say Beast,’ said Tina, ‘surely there is more than one?’
‘I agree dear countess, there must be.’
‘The beast,’ said the sheriff, moving back into the circle, ‘is cunning and has a strange life cycle, which gives the impression it hibernates for years at a time. I have,’ he said drawing a document from his belt, ‘a list of attacks that stems back centuries. Ten years ago three women were killed in the space of several weeks, before that some five years earlier eleven young women were murdered over a year without anyone being charged or caught.’ He turned a few pages. ‘Two hundred years ago twenty women died over a three year period, the culprit was never found, and so it goes on.’
‘When was the first recorded time this happened?’ said Tina showing interest.
‘Soon after the first settlers arrived,’ said the mayor, ‘and around that time the first Count Karnstein decided to build a fortified house on this island, which of course is now a most magnificent castle unlike anything else on our world.’
‘As protection from this demon?’ said Tina.
‘Quite possibly,’ the mayor replied, drinking down a second glass of wine, ‘I’m sure the locals helped out quicker than they would have normally. Many in fact, including the prestigious Gorman clan, took over the castle for the count when he was away on business and their descendants are still in residence to this very day.’
‘Several thousand young women have died or disappeared since those far off days,’ said the sheriff, looking concerned, ‘and as yet the beast is still at large.’
‘We did not recognise the symptoms,’ continued the mayor, ‘as for the first time the victims were young men, and unfortunately fighting and occasional killings are not unheard of. Last month we collated six mysterious and similar deaths that have occurred in the forest and villages this year, and realised to our dismay that it must be the beast.’
‘The locations,’ said the sheriff, clenching his fists, and turning towards Tina, ‘formed a circle around the castle, and when notified of your early morning…’
‘Naked runs,’ said Tina provocatively.
‘Quite so. I delegated a watch member to… ‘
‘Watch me!’
‘And today this poor fellow became the seventh victim.’
‘How terrible,’ said Tina, putting a hand up to her mouth in horror.
‘So you see countess,’ said the mayor exhaling wine fumes, ‘that perhaps you would desist from your morning exercise until either we catch the murderer or the killings cease once more.’
‘Or perhaps,’ said Tina, doing her best to appear serious, ‘the good sheriff or one of his deputies could follow close behind while I run naked through the woods? It would make me feel safe, and perhaps after my swim we could breakfast at the castle?’
Several of the seated aldermen nodded in agreement.
‘We can discuss this later,’ said the sheriff, looking annoyed. ‘In the meantime I would ask the countess to refrain from these…’
‘Naked runs,’ said Tina with a smile.
The sheriff nodded in agreement. ‘Now we must leave, there is much business back in Karnstein City to carry out.’
Saying their farewells the visitors left the hall until only the sheriff remained.
‘My lord sheriff,’ said Tina, beckoning him to stand by her while sending the servants away. ‘Tell me more of this beast, please?’
‘It is an unpleasant subject for the ears of someone as… as…’
‘Young and pretty as myself?’
‘How sweet of you to say so. Let’s do something else.’ Tina freed the clasp that held the top of her dress together and smiled as the clothing fell to the wood floor. ‘I’m sure this is what you really came for. Why else would you chase after me through the forest? And for goodness sake take off that ridiculous uniform.’
* * * * * * *
Metal shod hooves thundered across the drawbridge and out onto the causeway. The rider reined in his steed and waved. Tina, standing at the window of her bedroom, waved back, and watched until the rider disappeared into the afternoon mist.
‘He seems a nice enough young man!’ said Minty smoothing out the creases in Tina’s red dress.
‘I suppose so,’ said Tina giving an exaggerated yawn, ‘although for all his bravado he is a little inexperienced.’
‘But not for long I’ll warrant,’ said Minty with a laugh.
‘You, Araminta Gorman,’ said Tina pretending to scold, ‘can be a very rude woman.’
Minty left the bedroom still laughing.
Tina closed her eyes. It was strange having the sheriff as her lover and protector while in fact he should be her enemy and pursuer. Tina would bide her time, for time was something she had plenty of. She would be more careful in future. She would bide her time and wait until Count Mikhail Karnstein, the original forest beast and lord of the castle - returned.
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Hi SteveM, I really enjoyed
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Yes. Well worked
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Had to go back and do a
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Steve you have certainly
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