Eating my words...

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Eating my words...

I received notice from Ether Books this morning that they have accepted a short story of mine - What Could Be Burning - for publication. And this was after me slightly bad-mouthing them for not responding to my submission. Just goes to show I shouldn't speak (or comment) too soon.

Here is a link to where the story is available: is external)

Thanks very much to Tony Cook for suggesting I submit this - hopefully this will be the first of many stories.

Foster Trecost
Anonymous's picture
Big Congrats!
Hey, that's great! Keep us posted as to how things progress. I also have a short story that will be appearing with them sometime this week. The concept is very exciting and may open up a new path for writers in the coming years.


Congrats. Mine apparently should be there too but as i don't have an iphone i don't think i can see it!
Sunday and Foster, thanks very much. Barry, thanks. I will keep you posted. Good news about your piece too. I will keep an eye out for it. It is a great concept and I'm pleased to be a part of it. Alex, you can check online. I found mine that way.


Congratulations. I submitted a story to them, on advice from here, well over 90 days ago, and have heard nothing. Probably because my story was rubbish. But well done you!


Nice one dynamaso.:-)


Yeh, I got huts(1) accepted. That's a pay one, whatever that means. Bill and the ufo 15 is free. I think you are meant to submit four stories, so I think I'd have two spaces left? I've loads of stories, and don't know which would be good enough. Anyway, can someone tell me how it all works. I don't know.


Alibob, it was more than 90 days before I heard back from them. I suggest you contact the admins through the website and I'm sure they'll get back to you promptly (this is what I did). Fatboy, thanks very much, mate. I expect I will see you there soon enough. Celticman, good news about Huts. According to the website, you can submit up to 5 pieces (at the Bronze membership or free level). I'm about to send a couple more of mine to them for assessment. Good luck!


Well, after what seems like ages, and when I had more or less forgotten all about it and moved on, Ether Books have accepted my story Angel Hair too. Think I might submit a couple more now.


And now had another one, 'Ruined' accepted!


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