The unisex changing room
By victoriawalkden
- 11570 reads
Adam is a graphic designer. He loves clothes. In fact, he bought so many clothes he got into a lot of debt. He was struggling to pay it off and the bank was threatening him, so he was forced to face reality. This was devastating for him because he had to sacrifice many essential things for two, whole years - essential things like the Lego Star Wars Ultimate Collector's Millennium Falcon, the Sopranos box set, and well, having a girlfriend.
His (ex) girlfriend, an accountant, had never been in debt in her life, so she wasn't especially sympathetic. Actually he wasn't in love with her or anything; she could be a bit mean to him, so he didn't miss her especially, except for getting laid every Sunday.
After two years of skimping and saving, and extricating himself from ebay, the experience served him well. He had a new sense of confidence and he was back in credit. It was time to top up his wardrobe again, with just a couple of things - just a couple.
One day at work he saw an advert in a design magazine for the new Nordyk store on the high street. Nordyk, a swedish fashion brand, sold clothes that matched his style - clean lines, informal and subtle detail. Great, he thought, I'll buy me a new pair of chinos and a scarf.
Before he visited the store, Adam excitedly went onto Nordyk's website to check out the clothes. Firstly, he was hooked by the website; he felt it was designed so beautifully. But it was the pictures of the store interior that blew his mind. The interior was all white from floor to ceiling except for splashes of colour in the form of ultra modern artwork hanging from metal rafters and strewn across the walls.
Adam arrived at the store at 9.30am prompt the following Saturday - he hadn't even had breakfast. It was already very busy. He strided in and took a good look around before browsing the clothes. He picked up an armful of items - just to try on of course, he thought.
He headed toward the sign that said 'changing room'. He stood under it looking a little perplexed. A young, big eyed and super attractive shop assistant approached him and explained it was a unisex changing room. He followed her in and found it was all open plan except for two cubicles which were already taken. He also noticed what a great time everyone was having; half naked people were trying on clothes, drinking, eating and flirting. Adam couldn't believe his eyes, it looked more like a party than a changing room. The same shop assistant approached him again with a tray offering him a glass of their speciality beer. She explained it was Nordyk's own brew and always available in the store for their customers. He took it hesitantly; he was feeling a bit nervous about stripping off in front of all the others especially the girls. His body was a bit on the scrawny side - not from lack of eating, he always explained to girls.
So he held back and took a moment to soak up the atmosphere and drink the beer instead. But very soon he began to relax. Another beer appeared in front of him on a tray and he willingly took it.
With his confidence re-newed he got down to trying on some clothes. The man next to Adam, who was also a little inebriated, flattered him on how well the chinos fitted him. The girl on his other side over-heard and she too flattered him while standing in front of him wearing only underwear. Then, she took her bra off to squeeze on a very tight tshirt. She explained, I don't like wearing T-shirts with a bra.
This is the best changing room ever, thought Adam. He continued trying on clothes, mingling with the others, nibbling on spicy meatballs and soon came to the conclusion that he must buy everything he tried on, as well as matching accessories. Proudly, he approached the till and whipped out his new credit card.
Later at home, he lay out his purchases on his bed. They were all wrapped carefully in patterned tissue and ribbons. It had all been quite an experience and he felt a touch tired so lay down next to them and fell asleep.
He woke with a jolt. He thought he'd dreamt he'd spent £500 on clothes and had mingled with half naked, gorgeous women in a changing room. As soon as he saw the clothes he let out a high pitch, girlie shriek. Initially he panicked and started to hyper ventilate, but then he thought sensibly and remembered he could simply return most of the items.
So the following day he was back in the Nordyk store. Funky dance music was coming from the changing room. I'll just take a peak, he thought, that's all. Sure enough, just as he imagined, half naked bodies were dancing and mingling to the music. Adam felt it was a beautiful scene. But then his conscience prodded him and he walked back towards the till to return his items.
After leaving the store with slumped shoulders and a glum look on his face he headed for the bus stop. The tshirt girl from the changing room was there. She also noticed him and walked over.
"It's really hard not to buy everything in that place isn't it?" she said, "My names Danny, by the way."
"I'm Adam. Hi. Yeh, I just returned everything."
"Oh well done, better than me then. I think I have some kind of shopping addiction. I'm loaded with debt. Just started therapy for it."
"Really? But you're so..."
"Attractive. And you look so normal, not like a..."
"Well it take all sorts doesn't it? Hey, do you, er, fancy a coffee?"
"Yes! I mean, yeh."
And the two of them walked off together down the road passing Nordyk's shop window, stopping momentarily to catch a glimpse of the unisex changing room. They looked at each other and smiled. She grabbed his hand and he grinned like a cheshire cat.
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I think it was a well told
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Highhat is right. It is a
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I don't think you will find
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