Story of a Demented Girl
By Out_Of_Control_13
- 642 reads
Before you read this, understand that this is my life. I would love your opinions on this. I changed all the names and [] is what was supposed to be in italics. That was my opinions throughout the story.
My name is Sari Christie Reeds and this is a true story. In 2004, I thought I had the perfect life. My parents were together and everything was great. Until one day when my parents used the “d” word. DIVORCE. I knew that from then on my life would be over. Nothing could fix this. I should’ve died and I could have escaped all of it. My friends wouldn’t let me though. [You may think that is stupid, but hey this is my life, not yours.] I couldn’t understand what say they had in the matter.
One month had passed and high school was torture. It was as if I was in prison. The teachers tried to help me, but I wouldn’t let them. Then they sent me to the counselors to see if they could get something out of me, but that was a waste of time in my opinion. I became a mute the whole school year. I wouldn’t talk to anyone, friends, parents, teachers, no one. [If you think that was the worst of it, you’re wrong.] It got worse and worse all through the year. I still don’t understand how I passed the ninth grade. The school year went on like a blur. I wasn’t there and yet I was. I hope that made sense. In the tenth grade everything went from worse to even worse in a manner of seconds. The teachers were mean and the students were just horrible. [All I had was me, myself, and I.] I couldn’t trust anybody. I was all alone in the big high school world.
Eleventh grade was better. I opened up more to my friends. When some of my friends turned their back away from me I closed up. I was scared of this one girl named Lilith Case. She may have been short but she was tough. [I can honestly say that she could beat the shit out of me if she had the chance.] She slowly became my friend. [It was slowly ‘cause I didn’t want to die from her fist.] She had a short temper.
Twelfth grade was the best out of the four because I was going to graduate so soon. Close to the end of the year, my life crashed. I thought that it was over. My best friend became the biggest bitch in the entire world, and then she started to turn all of my friends away from me. Her name was Lora Alice Lang. All of the horrible drama happened at my Senior Prom. She hurt me the way an evil person would. Then after she hurt me she felt that she shouldn’t have to apologize. [That’s not right.] She told me about two weeks later that we could never be friends ever again.
When high school ended, Zola Wolves and Isaac Wores threw a party and tried to get me drunk. [Yea I know that sounds nothing like me, but I wanted to try something new.] In the end, Zola was the one who got extremely drunk and I was sober as ever. I guess that I wasn’t really ready to drink, and I mean really drink. In the end I took care of Zola and she was definitely drunk. There was no doubt about that. Isaac was drunk, but he was acting like he wasn’t. It wasn’t until after he got back from Taco Bell. After he ate some Taco Bell Isaac was ten times worse than Zola. He was puking his guts out. [You should have been there to truly understand the situation.] It was crazy, especially the fact that they were watching Pan’s Labyrinth. It was the scene where the infant-eating monster literally ripped the heads of the tiny fairies with its bare teeth. There was blood everywhere. [In reality, when they shot the scene it was the actor biting the head of condoms filled with fake blood.] When Isaac saw this he grabbed the closest thing and puked his guts into it. To keep with the Mexican theme, the thing that he grabbed was a tortilla bag. There were tortillas still in the bag. At this time, Zola woke up feeling a bit better. We noticed that all she really needed was some sleep. The entire time Isaac was puking, every time when he came for a breath he kept repeating, “No more tequila. Never ever again will I have tequila.” [It was a depressing sight, to see the two of them in one of the most horrible states ever, but I felt so bad because I couldn’t stop laughing at them.] I was mainly laughing at Isaac. The next day, Zola was feeling a little better and Isaac was at home sleeping. He felt like nothing happened to him, but I knew the truth. Zola woke up from the claws of her cat, Chibi, attacking her face. Her mom came in and gave her some alker seltzer with some water. She slowly started to feel better after she gulped that down. I went home soon after.
I knew that all there was left to do was to admit defeat and apologize to Lora for whatever I did wrong to her and then we would be friends before graduation. [I still felt that I did nothing wrong, but we have been friends for over ten years and we should be able to make up.] Well, I tried that and she said that she couldn’t hang around me and my so-called negative energy. She had everything and I had practically nothing. She had the perfect family and mine was split in two. Honestly, I thought that we could go through anything. I guess I was wrong. Lilith slowly helped me try to somehow make up to Lora. It wasn’t easy, but we took it one step at a time. I could definitely tell that Lilith was still my friend. Lilith could also tell that Lora was changing. Changing from the so-called innocent little girl to a girl who has no care for others emotions except her own and her boyfriend’s, Martin. Lilith told me of one time where she called Lora and Lora didn’t say anything at all. This was only normal for Lora when she was in a foul mood. Something was happening to her and I wanted to be there to stop it, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t even get within five feet of her without wanting to punch the living daylights out of her.
Graduation was only one week away and everyone was getting excited. Every day was graduation practice and each day had a specific activity. On Monday was skating at Star Castle. I didn’t go in the end because I went to hang out with my man, Mark, and Justin. Justin was awesome to hang out with. On Tuesday was the Movie, Ironman. In the end, Jasynne and Jacquie talked me into seeing another movie, Speed Racer. Speed Racer was ten times better than Ironman. I had seen Ironman twice and that was going to make it a third and I had never seen Speed Racer. I was so glad that they convinced me to do it. Wednesday was the breakfast. That was a hell of a morning. I was stupid and decided to wear high heels to the practice. I had forgotten my phone in my car and when I was about at the school doors, I decided to run back to the car. That was not a smart move. I tripped off of the curb and twisted my left ankle. [I promised myself that I wouldn’t use OMG in this, but I need it now.] OMG that hurt like hell. I had never hurt my ankle like that. I cried out in pain. My hands were all scarred and my knee was torn up. I fell so hard that I tore right through one of my favorite pair of jeans. I did the only thing that I could do. I crawled to my car. That was the most embarrassing moment at school. I had gone through 4 years without embarrassing myself and it had to be now that I hurt myself. It was honestly crazy. So I got to my car and called Jacquie. Of course I was crying my eyes out. Then suddenly, Martin started walking by. I called his name and he slowly started walking towards me. [And to be honest here, he couldn’t have walked any slower.] It clearly showed that he was completely on Lora’s side. At least I had Zola. She was completely on my side. She and Mark were on my side. Mark was there and witnessed all of it. Anyways, Martin was taking his sweet ass time to come over and I had already got up and started walking to the school. He told me that he would go get the nurse, but I told him no. I couldn’t be in those crutches yet again. I just got out of them. [It was bad enough that the first time I didn’t really need them and I used them and now I actually needed them.] Martin really wasn’t caring at all. It was really sad actually how careless he actually was.
Graduation was fun. It was as fun as it could be with a twisted ankle. [So much fun!!!] (hope you saw that I was being sarcastic). I was so happy to finally be graduating. Mark, his mom, and his little sister Katarin were at my graduation. Also my parents came. My mother came with her boyfriend Braden. [I really didn’t like him, but I was nice.] To Be Continued...
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