A Hendrix State of Mind
By skinner_jennifer
Thu, 10 Nov 2011
- 5218 reads
Psychedelic waves of purple and green,
fluorescent pink lipped with cream...
embracing warm ripples as in a dream,
spinning eyes wander along
swaying coastal sky...
laced with congealing tides,
perforating – bubbling sand...
I drift on an increasing land,
strange sounds muffled envelope
a feeling of smothered hearing...
I fall to my knees,
a complex network
of sounds tangled
with my reasoning.
Closing eyes darkness
staring back at me...
I slip within drowsy,
suspended on a blanket
of colour...swell of froth
pulls slipping me under,
sinking on a whisper...
globules bead and burst,
inhaling – asphyxiating...
but still living in a caress.
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I loved Jimmy Hendrix and I
I loved Jimmy Hendrix and I love this - really good Jenny. x
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Me too, Jenny;-) Really
Permalink Submitted by Silver Spun Sand on
Me too, Jenny;-) Really enjoyed this.
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Wow! whatever your on I want
Wow! whatever your on I want some! What an amazing piece. Loved it!
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Just downloaded it! Now I'm
Just downloaded it! Now I'm spaced out! Never been a Hendrix fan but you may have just converted me!
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He is a legend- such a
He is a legend- such a genius- you really got the atmosphere of his fantastic guitar here Jenny. Well done!
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Far-out and fabulous, Jenny!
Permalink Submitted by RachelPatricia on
Far-out and fabulous, Jenny!
'sinking on a whisper...
globules bead and burst,
inhaling – asphyxiating...
but still living in a caress.'
- what a wonderful final stanza :)
Rachel xx
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Liked this. Sounded a bit
Permalink Submitted by well-wisher on
Liked this. Sounded a bit like you were drowning in the music or maybe just going deep into it which, combined with all the psychedelic imagery and colours, I thought worked very well.
Not sure if the person in the poem is actually on acid or if its just the music and the beautiful view that they're tripping on.
Also not sure if the persons actually drowning or if its just symbolic.
But I think that, ultimately, the ambiguity in the poem and the uncertainty about whats actually happening really adds to the complexity of the poem.
There are some lovely images and its a very visual poem almost like a painting for the mind which, in a way, really mirrors the music of Hendrix.
I also like all the fluid movement in the poem. It's a poem that swirls and bubbles and froths which really sucks you into the poem. In a way, the reader ends up drowning in the poem.
Great poem that I very much enjoyed.
JoHn -
"Ex amore victoria". ("From love comes victory".)
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Also,I noticed that it's a
Permalink Submitted by well-wisher on
Also,I noticed that it's a love poem and that explains alot to me, that the person in the poem
might be in love with the music. Very interesting poem.
JoHn -
"Ex amore victoria". ("From love comes victory".)
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I couldn’t resist this one
I couldn’t resist this one either, jenskins. I loved Hendrix, his music, his originality and his sexiness. Still do. Being an ex-musician and having played in various bands I have always (as millions of others have too down the years) admired his amazing guitar playing style and technique. He had extraordinarily long and strong fingers which helped in his unique chord voicings and of course playing a right-handed guitar (the strat) upside down probably contributed to this uniqueness of sound too. And another thing; I find it amazing that Chas Chandler actually had quite a job persuading Jimmie to sing because it wasn’t his thing and he was quite shy about trying it. He was previously a guitarist in a show band and never had to worry about singing. Thank goodness Chas did manage to persuade him, I think Jimmie’s vocals were (still are) awesome and perfectly fit his music.
Anyway, enough about him, this is your place and your space, jenskins. I think you’ve captured Electric Ladyland brilliantly with your poem, and I really loved the beginning, so lyrical, so song-like:
Psychedelic waves of purple and green,
fluorescent pink lipped with cream...
embracing warm ripples as in a dream,
... in fact, if I might put it like this:
Hey Jen (Joe), you gave me a Purple Haze All Along the Watchtower. Yes, get in!
So many comments, Jen, and I'm not surprised. You continue to be one of the most popular figures on the site and I can understand why.
You’re fab and I love you (true).
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Nice one, Jenny. It looks to
Nice one, Jenny. It looks to me as if you have not only listened deeply to Hendrix, but that you have actually experienced him as well. “Spinning eyes, swaying coastal sky, congealing tides and bubbling sand” are all beautiful images that take me back a few generations. I actually saw Hendrix live twice: the first time in 1967 at the Club a Gogo, Newcastle, when he stuck his guitar in the ceiling; and the second time at the Isle of Wight in 1970. I don’t remember much of the second time (or the whole of 1970, if it comes to that), but I’m sure I enjoyed it. You’ve sent me back in time to see if I can dig up any real memories of those two gigs. Thanks for this.
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