4th day poem

By maisie
- 1523 reads
On the 4th day before Christmas my true love said to me:
"What shall we have for dinner?" and I treplied carefully,
"Not turkey, or ham or beef, let's be rebels to the end,"
"Well that leaves pork, and lamb," he said happily,
"No never no more!" I began to sing, "I've seen the green light,
It'll be nut cutlets for me and theee."
His face it was a picture: of laughter and distress,
"My love," he said so gently, "I'm a butcher, and it behoves us
to have, what we sell to others."
"No," I was resolute, I'd eaten fields of cattle, tribes of sheep,
and little cutesy lambs, and piglets oh so sweet!
The hens that laid the easter eggs, the Turkey on the trees, and
no more seals.
"Let's be Vegans to the core: the humble apple that Eve first piypcked
is my dish of choice. It led to sex and sin, and being thrown out,
and excitement in every life. We can't do more than sin again.
For it's Christmas time."
He sighed, pursed his lips in temper, and crossed his arms real high!
"My dear you are a tribulation: in all the aspects of our life, first
you must have a fur, and now you deny the rest of life. God
he made the garden, full of things to eat, and you'd go back to apple?"
God made woman to be a temptress: he made the apple sweet,
he made the bones and sinews: he moulded all our flesh,
he showed us all the good things, he sent us his little son.
"You've only to look into the cradle - to see our darling;
in the image of our God. He likes to eat the apple
and vegtables by the score, and when it comes to meat:
he smashes the plate on the floor!"
"It was the apple last year," he said thoughtfully, "Rumpy fumpy,
That led to his birth. You've got your wish its Christmas time!"
Happy Christmas!
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Made me smile.
Parson Thru
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Maisie---this poem is sweet,
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