Not a Day for Trainers
By jolono
- 1892 reads
No trainers, not today
No jeans or white socks
No tee shirt or baseball cap
Today would be different
Blue suit, white shirt
Black tie, black shoes
What to expect, no idea
How to act? He would learn
What to say? He would listen
He had planned in his mind
How it would happen
Family arrives, tears are shed
He would get drinks
Passing round, whisky, sherry
Everyone talking, softly, quietly
Big cars arrive, leaving slowly
Sit there in awkward silence
Look out the window,
Avoid eye contact
Then at the church
Singing, speaking, praying
Saying goodbye, more tears flowing
Back in the car,home now please
More drinks and food a plenty
Chicken leg, prawn sandwich
Eating now, relief and laughing
Finally all over
Everyone gone.
Thats how it would go
His first funeral.
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Good job jolono, the
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I enjoyed this poem very
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