The Death and Life of Hodge PART ONE
By joeyH
- 508 reads
The Death and Life of Hodge
The Room
He sat in the centre of the room, well what else could he do? Every inch of wall space in the surrounding room was crammed full of doors and entryways. His desk a simple wooden rectangle dominated by a large monitor screen and his creaky wooden chair faced the largest door way. It was this doorway he watched with resignation. He sighed quietly switched off the monitor and walked slowly towards this door through which a middle aged man was shuffling through, although his appeared to be in his mid twenties, That was the thing about the afterlife your soul projects more than your mortal shell did, so much more.
Harold Bennet approached the large archway warily; the fact that he was dead was inescapable. His last moments were clear in his mind, he had been at home arriving back from work to eat his lunch, a rarity for him, he had an appointment close to home so took advantage of a lunch hour at home, he was rummaging in his trouser pocket for his door key whilst contemplating options for lunch, he was debating between having a ham sandwich or stealing one of his wife’s microwave meals when a movement to his right caught his eye turning he saw a shape loom up beside him and felt a hot sensation in his stomach….then he was dead.
Harold had witnessed the rest of his demise from a higher vantage point, he hovered above his bleeding corpse watching a young lad of about 14 stepping carelessly over him and calling to someone within the house, immediately following the boys shout a second young lad ran out the front door carrying Harold’s laptop, the boy staggered to a stop at the sight of Harold’s body, the first boy had to grab the stunned boy and drag him round the back of the house to make their escape.
Harold felt a sense of detachment to his own demise, His greater concern was for the young boys who had begun onto a path that couldn’t lead them anywhere good, murder..what brought them to that? He didn’t have long to consider this he felt himself being pulled away from the scene and drifting into darkness. An archway loomed above him he hesitantly stepped through it.
There was a young man waiting for Harold as he stepped into a circular room, he stepped forward and smiled at him in a way that made Harold believe this man had learned how to smile from a physiology text book it looked wrong, mechanical…creepy even.
“Hello, my name is Hodge I am the doorkeeper, welcome to the afterlife” the young man said quietly and in a tone that suggested he had said this phrase until it had lost all meaning to him. Harold felt a pang for this man he seemed to be empty and very sad…He was young maybe 18 had black curly hair that framed his face, a handsome face with high cheekbones dark deep-set eyes and pale porcelain skin. But the face was lifeless like an animated mannequin.
“erm hello son, I guess telling you to cheer up it might never happen would be wasted on you, so what’s the deal …what now?”
“ Harold you are kind and honestly good, for no other reason then to make others lives a bit better and for that you get to go through door number 7, please follow me” Hodge intoned in a lifeless voice.
“ So what did you do to get the admin job Hodge? Is that why you’ve got a face like a slapped bottom? Or is this a shift thing do I need to take a turn give you a break?”
Hodge was taken aback by Harold’s interest, he hadn’t asked about door number 7 or his own fate he did seem very concerned about Hodge though, he really was selfless soul Hodge felt a smile curl his lips involuntarily as Harold began to ask about Hodges musical preferences and wondering if Hodge had been a emo (?) .
“Do not concern yourself with me Harold, I am always the door keeper you go on to better things” and with a sweep of his arm he indicated door number 7. Harold gaped at the doorway in front of him, it was not a door but a set of golden gates that glittered in the light cast by flickering torches on either side, the gates were impossibly high and stretched up further than the room seemed to be able to contain. While Harold took in the sight Hodge had stepped back and begun to return to his desk,
Harold felt intimidated by the gates
“Do I need a code or secret knock or something Hodge , Lad?”
“No Harold for you the doors will open, I cannot show you any further, I have not earned the right too pass through the gates.”
Hodge reply held no sadness or wistfulness just resignation and it broke Harold’s Heart a little,
“So you just stay here by yourself? I guess in your line of work you never meet the same person twice, must be lonely kiddo” Harold paused and looked thoughtfully through the gates
“If it’s allowed I could come back and visit with you sometimes maybe if you wouldn’t mind the company?” Harold suggested tentatively. Harold was a good man a kind man there was something in his nature that made him think of others but it was not for their benefit alone, he found great pleasure in meeting new people and learning new things, Hodge seemed like someone more in need of a break from the old routine then anyone he had ever met and just because this was the afterlife Harold couldn’t resist the chance to learn more about him.
Hodge paused, Harold wanted to come back, to visit him, why would anyone return from the glories alleged to be behind those gates to visit this dull room and speak to him? Perhaps it was just fear of the unknown, Hodge could understand that Harold would undoubtedly regret the offer once he has been through the gates, but the offer had touched Hodge none the less, and he appreciated the thought.
“Thank you Harold , I’m sure that once you have passed through the gates returning here would be a great difficulty but I do appreciate the kindness and wish you a peaceful eternity” Hodge inclined his head , than sat down heavily at his desk which was facing the large ominous arch , which meant that his back was to Harold.
Harold stared thoughtfully at Hodges back for a few moments before he turned to face the gate again, he could hear music seeping through the gate, the most beautiful enchanting music he had ever heard , it brought tears to his eyes, he stepped forward and the gate swung open and he was enveloped in a cloud of peace, welcoming and joy, He did not even notice the gate swinging closed behind him.
Hodge heard the Gate clang shut and felt a stab of disappointment, he wished Harold well, and he deserved it. The monitor before him clicked on, well back to work Hodge thought glumly. The monitor illuminated a woman crying at a graveside, the captions scrolling along the bottom of the screen informed Hodge that the grave belonged to the woman’s baby son who had died after an operation to repair his heart had been unsuccessful. The mother was angry very, very angry and confused, and suffering from severe post natal depression mixed with grief that was leading to a sense of grave paranoia ,all this information scrolled past Hodges eyes, He hated this part of his job, he could feel how she felt could hear all the dark thought inside her poor tortured mind, he could see the path she was on and where it would lead her , and he despaired at her decision. Suicide. She could see no other alternative.
These were the worst cases to watch, with most souls he watched their last moments and learned of their character which decided where they where headed, It was looking into your thoughts and your heart immediately prior to your death that decided your fate. It was therefore true that even if you had done terrible things but repented towards the end of your life with a deep sincerity it would help you when you were judged. But those whose last thoughts were consumed in this way would be judged for these actions. Suicide tended to be the only cases who had thoughts consumed by death, in all other cases the last thoughts were far more mundane even the very sick tended not to think of death directly and it gave a clearer picture of their true spirit.
He knew there would be only two options for such a tormented spirit when she passed through the gate, either she would go through the revolving door to be born again, or she would refuse to even pass through the arch and would haunt the walks of her former life. Haunting made Hodge desperately sad, to miss out on the joys of the afterlife due to a restless distraught spirit was such a hopeless existence. This made Hodge think of Harold’s observations and to reflect on his own existence. He never met anyone more than once..Ever. He had no event traumatic enough to torment him into becoming a haunting, so in a way he was envious even of these poor souls. Hodge had made no imprint on the world during his life, he did nothing from which to be judged effected no ones life at all, He may as well have never existed at all, the emptiness he felt weighed him down, it made watching the Woman’s route to the afterlife even more depressing. When the screen had gone dark Hodge waited watching the arch, which would she choose, he sat watching the arch for what seemed like an endless stretch of time and no one emerged. The screen clicked on again in front of him, with a new scene. Meaning she had chosen to remain, another tormented soul to haunt the living.
Harold was overcome. This place was beyond description. It was beautiful and peaceful and safe and joyful and contented. He could not understand how he had ended up here. He was no saint. He had never been a big giver to charity, he had thought bad thoughts about other people, he had done a lot of little unkindness that could not amount to someone who deserved this, but he felt it utterly that he belonged here, perhaps sainthood was not required, perhaps heaven was indeed paved with good intentions. His eyes wondered at the beauty that surrounded him. He was sitting on a wooden jetty overlooking a crystal clear expanse of water; there were mountains in the distance. Behind him was woodland, he could hear birds singing and flowers of every colour burst from the bases of nearby trees. Harold could see every awe-inspiring image he had seen during his life reflected in the land around him. Those moments when the sun breaks through the clouds and creates such beauty that it takes your breath away must have originated from this place. The music was still present it was a backdrop in his mind filling him with love and peace. This was a place full of wonders that would make anywhere else after it painful to look upon. Harold thoughts turned to Hodge, would this wonderful place never be seen by the solemn doorkeeper, this gave Harold a pang of sadness. In the next instant a voice whispered in Harold’s ear
“ I feel your sadness Harold, what do you need” the voice asked with concern
Harold was startled, obviously sadness was not an emotion that heaven expected, and Harold stammered his thoughts to the air around him, which gave him the impression of rapt attention. He spoke of Hodge and his request to visit with him. When Harold had finished speaking a shaft of light fell on Harold’s face , it felt like approval.
Hodge walked with the lady toward door number 3, she was silent lost in her own thoughts Hodge found himself wishing she would speak to him he was feeling lonely, he had not acknowledged his loneliness before, he had sat in this room for countless immeasurable time and people did not generally speak to him other than to get more information on their own fate, he wished for conversation for interaction for humour, for laughter, but he was only ever allowed to experience these things from observing them on the monitor happening to other people. I suppose he shouldn’t be surprised the people he escorted to their doors had far more on their mind than chit chat or cracking a joke with his solemn countenance but at least some acknowledgment would be nice, the woman pushed a shaky hand towards door number 3 and entered without a backward glance at Hodge, who scowled at the shutting door.
Hodge didn’t want to go back to his desk, He walked slowly around the room gazing at the different doors and speculating as to what lay beyond them. Door number one was the revolving door; it was large and jutted into the room with glass panes that gleamed there were no signs of fingerprints on the glass, regardless of the millions of people that had pushed their way around the door. This door was for those with unfinished business these people were reborn back into the world.
Door number 2 was a set of velvet curtains; Hodge did not know what lay beyond them, the people that went through tended to be self absorbed people whose expectations were always high and they seemed to always demand something from Hodge, or wish to list their many good deeds, these were people who wished to appear good to everyone else, but what was in their hearts was greed and selfishness. Hodge wondered whether this door contained punishment or rehabilitation or maybe just gave these souls what they expected, anything for a quiet life Hodge was surprised at his own curiosity why was he becoming so restless with his place. He had always accepted the task of doorkeeper without question, when he first arrived there had been no doors just the desk with someone sitting at the chair waiting for Hodge. The Man had asked Hodge to do something for him, before meeting The Man
Hodge had never spoken to anyone, the idea of eventually meeting everyone delighted him, It soon became apparent after a few years that these people were not as intrigued to meet him, so he became withdrawn and resigned to his task.
A clanging noise brought Hodge’s thoughts back to the present; the noise startled him.
“Hello Hodge, my lad what’s new?” Harold called jovially.
“Harold. Your back, is everything ok?” Hodge felt a smile spreading across his face.
“I came to visit with you , an call me Harry, Hodge lad” Harold thought that Hodge should smile more often, when it crept on his face of its own accord it brightened Hodges face to angelic standards.
Hodge felt hope burst from his chest, someone had come back through the doors, Harold was the first person Hodge had ever met twice, and these few words had comprised the longest conversation he had ever had. Hodge realised how pathetic that was, maybe he shouldn’t tell Harry that it might frighten him off.
“Sit down Harry” Hodge pulled back his old wooden chair and Harry sank heavily into the chair and sighed contentedly as if it was the most comfortable seat he had ever sat on. Harry got straight into firing questions at Hodge about how he came to be the doorkeeper Hodge felt uncomfortable He didn’t want to sound evasive but his story was so empty and uninteresting that Harry would hear the whole thing in a couple of sentences , would he feel cheated that he had wasted precious time from the glory of the 7th door, probably expecting a far more gripping tale and a far more interesting person than Hodge, aw well here goes thought Hodge. He sighed deeply.
“ Harold…Harry I want you to know that you coming back to talk to me makes me feel deeply grateful, my story is not exciting, it does not have any twists or turns it’s the simplest life ever to have been lived out on the earth”.
Harold searched Hodges face, he looked ashamed or embarrassed to him, why did he feel that Harold had come here to be entertained by Hodge, that wasn’t his intention at all, he just wanted to get to know him better, if anyone needed a friend it was the boy standing awkwardly in front of him.
“ I was the first to die” Hodge stated simply, I lived alone I never had a mother as far as I know I woke to the earth much as I am now, I lived there for a span of about 20 years in this time I never met another person, I made no imprint on the anyone else’s life, when I died I came through the arch into an empty room, empty except for this desk and chair and the occupant of the chair who tasked me with the job of doorkeeper, I had done nothing on earth from which to be judged and I was the first to die, a sad fact and logistics gave me the job of door keeper!”
“Well Hodge lad you haven’t lived at all!” can you not go back? Does haunting really happen? You could at least try to well not exactly live a little but you know what I mean,”
Hodge sighed “it doesn’t work that way Harold, I am needed here and those that haunt the earth only do so because their soul is too troubled by past events to move on.
Well your soul is troubled by a lack of past events that must count for something Hodge! Why don’t you ask this man you mentioned?
Hodge had never considered asking anything of The Man, and what good would it to haunt that wasn’t living.
Harold and Hodge turned as a door behind the desk opened and a voice called from within.
Hodge stared at Harold opened mouthed had he really never done anything because he hadn’t thought to ask!
Hodge stepped through the arch with trepidation he didn’t know where to go, the cave he had lived in when on earth could be any part of the world now he knew that would be where he was drawn to…..
Amelia gazed out the window. He eyes were unfocused and her mind deep in thought, she wasn’t seeing the beautiful view from her window the rolling green hills being chomped heartily by a spattering of sheep, or the picturesque roses that lined the edge of her abundantly flowering garden, her thoughts were focused on telling the story, the fantastic story that was complete and riveting in her mind, but that she was having great difficulty in putting into actual words. It was actual words that she needed she had a deadline to meet .The story was the reason she was alone cut of from the world trying to write, the story was always the reason, each different story needed to be written down. Normally the words flowed she wrote all day not noticing the hours slipping by and the shadows lengthening, if it wasn’t for Dasher she probably would never leave the desk, but not today, she couldn’t get her thoughts together at all. Dasher stood and stretched drawing Amelia’s attention, his sombre eyes gazed steadily at her, then he quirked his head to the side as if staying “well if your not busy?” Amelia sighed, “Fine, lets go out.” Dasher wagged his tail vigorously pawing the carpet in an excited jig; Amelia chuckled at the greyhound’s enthusiasm and set about finding some shoes.
A walk would clear her mind and refresh her, she told herself as she shut the garden gate behind her and started climbing the grassy hill that shielded her cottage from view, Dasher was already at the top having sprinted up with all his might only to be lying down at the top trying to catch his breath, Amelia took a more sedate pace letting her mind wander and admiring the view as she climbed higher up the hill, the Kent countryside was spread out around her like a huge patchwork quilt of greens and browns, the surrounding area was all farmland with spattering of wooded areas, the nearest village was miles down the road and by village it simply meant there were a few buildings together not separated but fields and the fact that one of the building was a newsagents and another was a pub gave it full blown village status. She crested the hill and turned back to admire her cottage, it was nestled at the base of the hill but on the side that allowed the sun to reach her home all through the summer days, the garden was ringed with roses that grew in wild sprawls that Amelia detested in the winter when they resembled the gnarled hands of an old lady with sharp thorny claws that tore at her hands and clothes when she tried to hack them back, but in the summer she was always glad the roses won the fight as the flowers were worth the thorns, she gazed up at the high ached windows of her bedroom they consisted of lots of small panes of glass she was admiring how the sun glinted of them when she froze in horror, there was someone in her room! She could see a face gazing out at her bedroom window a startled male face with dark eyes and dark hair, with no thought to the wisdom of the action Amelia ran back down the hill towards her home the shock and adrenalin urging her forward to protect her home, when reason should be screaming that if there was a burglar in her home what could she do other than phone the police she wasn’t much of a have a go hero, but instinct was in charge so she dashed through her gate with her dog at her heels she burst through the back door . She got her first foot on the stairs when the fear caught up with her, and she realised she didn’t know what to do “hello?” she called out in a quavering voice and then cursed herself why did she say hello? What did she expect back” hi I’m a burglar nice to meet you?” She stood frozen on the bottom step berating her self when the thought occurred to her, why hadn’t dasher barked the house down, why wasn’t he up there snarling at the intruder, granted he was as menacing as a toothless kitten but she was sure he wouldn’t be ok with a stranger in the house, thinking about it it was very quiet up there, Amelia sucked in a breath “dasher go to bed” Amelia called, Dasher looked reproachfully at her as if “what did I do?” bed” she commanded sternly, was it cowardly to send your dog up to scope it out? A burglar wouldn’t hurt a dog though right where would that get him, Dasher bounded up the steps and she could hear the bed springs bounce as he landed on the bed she followed him upstairs slowly , she rounded the corner to her room and saw nothing out of place, heart thumping she checked the bathroom she then made her way through the rest of the house which was small , 4 rooms really as the open plan downstairs left no where to hide and the bedroom bathroom upstairs was a loft type set up with banisters that overlooked the rest of the hose, she had just peered into the downstairs loo when she laughed at her self, a reflection in the window, nothing was touched or disturbed at all she could have seen someone else from the hill reflected in those windows the small panes of glass and bright sunlight couldn’t have shown such a clear image to her from within her room , her sight wasn’t that good right, her imagination was powerful she knew that! An hour later she had managed to explain the incident away to herself and was back in front of her laptop not writing and staring out the window (back to normal in other words).
Hodge ran back through the arch “I scared her Harold, just seeing my face was enough to send her running screaming maybe I should stay here.”
“Nonsense lad, that was only your first try, who did you frighten anyway, and where did you end up”
Hodge described the beautiful countryside he had glimpsed from the other side of the arch he had been viewing it from off the ground in a building that was bright and warm he had felt relieved he hadn’t returned to the cave in which he died, he supposed the land had changed a lot since then, he was just beginning to get a good look at his surroundings when his eyes had locked with hers, she was staring at Hodge he could clearly picture her face frozen in shock, her hair was darkest brown, with red hints where the sun shone on it, it fell in waves to her elbows, which wasn’t all that far considering how small she was probably about 5fttall and very slightly built she would have looked sweet and childlike if it wasn’t for the anger that crossed her face and flashed in her green eyes as she sprinted back down the hill towards the house, it was then that Hodge had turned and ran back through the arch, ashamed to admit the angry young woman scared him!
Harold looked thoughtfully at Hodge,
“How come she could see you? Don’t we just go back as door rattlers and cup movers? A corner of the eye shadow?”
“That’s the deal Harold, we can only show up in a way that can be explained away, the Big guy is all about faith, that’s why you can never leave concrete proof of the after life. She only glimpsed me through a window from a distance, she will convince herself it was her imagination.” So it would be fine Hodge thought to himself, he could go back and be more prepared, now that he knew where he would emerge from the arch. Hodge felt a stirring of excitement at going back and seeing the angry girl, and the beautiful countryside. When Hodge had walked the earth it had been baron and ugly and harsh.
“So Harry how did you cope here? I’m not sure how long I was away time moves in strange ways in this room.”
“ I cant measure time here either Hodge lad, it was long enough for 7 people to pass through the arch, was fascinating! One lad had been a soldier in Afghanistan, Frightfully nice guy so young, but he was beaming from ear to ear strolling casual as u like, he got to go through number 7 so may catch up with him some time” Harold’s eyes looked sad like he was trying to remain cheerful but the death of such a young life had effected him, Hodge knew Harry was far better at understanding the people who passed through the arch than he was.
There was something he had noticed in the countless time he had sat at the desk, those who had dangerous jobs, but jobs they loved especially soldiers had made their peace with death long before they stepped through the arch, this lead them to be very peaceful souls, you would rarely find a soldier haunting the earth, despite what some would think.
“How about we make this a regular thing? I will pop back every so often and then you can go visit through the arch?” Harold looked hopeful
“That would be perfect Harold. I mean Harry; do you want to see the next person to their gate with me? Then back to 7 for you my friend”
They both turned their attention to the screen to see a hospital operating theatre, the patient was under anaesthetic with doctors and nurses working diligently around him, they watched the operation conclude successfully and followed the main surgeon a man in his early 50s from the room, he stripped his gloves off and looked into the mirror not really seeing his own reflection as he scrubbed his hands, Hodge and Harry could feel his preoccupation with the surgery he had just performed, he replayed each action in his mind hoping he had done enough, he thoughts stemmed from a mixture of professional pride and true desire to cure the patient, he dried his hands and left the prep room to prepare for his next surgery trying to clear his mind of the last operation and focus his attention on the next set of notes in front of him, there was no other thoughts in his mind his worked consumed everything, Hodge felt pity for the man who would have a stroke and die in this very hospital after a week in a coma. He spared very little thought for himself, he was bound for number 7 Harold smiled at Hodge, I will help him settle in we can walk back together.
Hodge was worried as he walked through the arch for the second time, When Harold had returned for a shift on the desk, Hodge had been excited, but now he wondered how much time had passed since he last was at the cottage, maybe it would be later in the same day or had decades passed he had no point of reference in the room, well he thought only one way to find out.
She slept soundly curled in a ball on her side, she looked very small in the big bed, Hodge sighed, not too much time could have passed she looked the same, her dog was stretched across her feet, he walked around her room examining the different objects, there was a large calendar on the wall which had pictures of greyhounds on it, he noted it was open on March 2011, so at least that would be a rough reference point for the next time he came. The sound of bed springs creaking made him whirl around, she had stretched out on her back, still sleeping soundly. He smiled at her the peaceful look on her face was such a stark contrast to the anger that had been etched there the last time he saw her. She smiled slightly in her sleep and he felt warmth spread through his chest. Seeing her smile made him happy how odd. He tore his gaze from her face and walked through the cottage.
The rooms were painted in bright colours, which complimented the beautiful countryside, which could be glimpsed through the many large windows in the cottage, even at night Hodge was moved by the beauty of the rolling hills and swaying trees that he could see from the landing window. The stretches of wall that weren’t covered by windows were adorned with large paintings of country scenes and pleasant farmyards scattered with chickens and ducks, Hodge crept down the stairs and passed into the living room. Amelia’s laptop lay open on her wooden dining room table Hodge sat behind the screen, he wondered what she wrote about, her view from this seat would be of the hill he saw her on the last time he came, we wondered if she thought about seeing him or had succeeded in dismissing the incident. He brushed his fingers over the screen and it sparked into life, the screen was almost empty except that she had written
Buy dog food or dash will eat me, if dash eats me I wont be able to buy him dog food…silly dash, should teach him to order it online
Hodge chuckled at her silly rambling, he wished he could hear her talk, or communicate… before he had really thought about doing it Hodge began to type.
Why would you help your potential murderer this way, his lack of dog food should be his punishment for eating you!
Hodge snapped the laptop shut before he dared write anymore. The cottage smelt of the countryside, of flowers and cut grass with the undertone of sheep, Hodge thought he had never smelt anything sweeter.
Amelia woke to the bright sunlight slanting through her curtains, she stretched her arms under her pillow wallowing in the comfort of her bed, today would be a good day she would finally hit her writing stride and make some progress on her novel. She had been so distracted lately that she had written nothing, nothing except random notes to herself and gibberish she felt like she was going slowly crazy. She got up and dragged herself into the bathroom, she groaned at her reflection it was lucky that she didn’t actually have to face other people today, her hair was a curly mess that stuck up in clumps around her face, her face was creased where she had slept she washed her face with warm soapy water and brushed her teeth vigorously she scraped her hair back into a loose pony tail reluctant to try to brush it into any kind of order. , She pulled on her comfy grey jogging bottoms and a green t shirt with frogs emblazoned on the front, right she was ready to work!
She plopped herself in front of her laptop with determination now to get started she called up last nights work the computer was displaying its little sand timer trying to find yesterdays page, she already felt her motivation wavering maybe tea would help, the queen of procrastinating that was her, she headed to the kitchen.
Right back in front of the laptop with a steaming cup of tea and a plate of warmed up croissants brain food right this would help with her writing brilliance, the screen was warmed up and ready to go, she read yesterdays work gibberish what was she doing? Dog food yes she needed dog food maybe a trip out would help with finding inspiration
The last line on the page caught her eye
Why would you help your potential murderer this way, his lack of dog food should be his punishment for eating you!
She giggled had she wrote that she didn’t remember, but then of course who else would have she began to wonder at her own state of mind, she looked at dash’s bowl It was full she frowned and checked the cupboard the cupboard was full of dog food, which was so strange the cupboard should be full of pots and pans with a small shelf full of dog food but the cupboard was crammed from the bottom to the top shelf with tins and bags of dry dog food. Amelia was stunned what had happened? Did she have some helpful reverse thief that broke into her house and gave her things, her mind wandered to the person she had thought she had seen in her room the week before, maybe she was going crazy.
She returned to her computer in a daze and looked at the computer in confusion, she slowly began to type, she wrote two words then closed the laptop. The weather outside was beautiful she needed to get out; she called Dash and headed for the door.
Hodge watched her leave from his seat on her window still; he flipped up the laptop she had simply written
Thank you
He smiled.
She watched dash chase a rabbit into its burrow although he never came anywhere close to catching the rabbits he loved to chase them, one time a rabbit froze mid chase and Dash just sat and watched him whining until the rabbit started to run again, so the joy for Dash was all in the running so she didn’t feel too bad about letting him harass the wildlife. She tried to make sense of what had happened, who had written a reply to her rambling on her laptop and got her dog food, it was so strange but she didn’t feel freaked out about it, she had had a certain amount of experience with odd occurrences and she knew there was a lot more in the world then she could explain and she also knew without a doubt that whatever was in her house had no intention of hurting her, her house would not allow this, this may be a crazy way to think but Amelia had come to own her house under very strange circumstances, and although the thought of an intruder in her house made her angry she was more surprised than really afraid as she knew something in her house could not wish her any ill will.
Amelia’s first night in her home had been a life changing experience…
Her eyes flew open, she felt disorientated, thrust from a deep sleep into harsh
wakefulness. What had roused her? Her gaze wandered around the sparsely furnished
guest room, she was conscious of her heart thudding loudly in her chest, an
unexplained fear was gripping her. She strained her ears for sounds beyond the walls
of this room and heard nothing, silence , the lack of sound was like an oppressive
presence all around her. She longed for the sound of passing traffic, music, and
televisions blaring, anything . The whining of the wind
would be better than the complete absence of sound pressing into her straining ears. She pulled the thin covers up to her chin and closed her eyes hoping sleep would
Claim her again. After a silent measure of time she heard a creak. In any other place
perhaps this noise would be harmless but in this silent world it sent another wave of
fear through her. Another slow deliberate creak followed, the sounds of footsteps
slow, cautious trying not to be heard foot steps. However no sounds could be cloaked here in this vacuum of sound. Now the girl was not easily spooked or a coward nor
was she brave and fearless so she followed the course of action that many would. She
pulled the covers over her head and tried desperately to fall asleep. She just wanted to
wake up and it would be morning and she could laugh at her self for being scared of a
creak! But daytime and night time were too different lands and she was still very
much awake in the latter.
She was picturing a menacing apparition frozen outside her room having taken two
steps then being unable to move any further without detection. Well she was on to
him he couldn’t sneak up on her. It was then that she heard the moan, it was low and
desperate sounding exactly the voice that would match the macabre image in her
head. She couldn’t move, the phrase paralysed with fright was an apt description of
her current state. Her mind immediately tried to explain away the moan perhaps the
sound had escaped from her own lips? A single click sounded to her right. Was he
unlocking the door! “go away” she whispered to the room. A small dry chuckle
sounded from the foot of the bed. She drew her feet up and sat bolt upright peering
down . She wished she had a lamp. To illuminate the monster she
would have to get out of the bed cross to the door and turn on the light. She could not summon the courage to swing her legs off the side of the bed. An image of being
grabbed by the feet and dragged underneath kept flashing into her mind.
Minutes stretched by she remained sitting upright hugging her knees and keeping a
vigilant watch into the gloom of the surrounding room. The fear began to fade to be
replaced by anger . She was acting like a child afraid of the dark and monsters under
her bed. She had just resolved to climb out of bed and turn the light on to chase her
fears away. The girl steeled herself; she took a deep breath and pulled back the
covers. She lowered her feet onto the cold wooden floorboards, suddenly something
scuttled across her bare foot, she let out a gut wrenching screech pulling her legs back
up and rubbing her feet with her hands hoping desperately that there was nothing
clinging to them. Her own scream was ringing in her ears and her body was shaking
uncontrollably. She felt imprisoned in her bed. A mouse it must have been, a mouse
with very bad timing.
I suppose she shouldn’t be surprised that she was freaking herself out, staying here
alone for the first time. It was her mind making ordinary sound into something
threatening and sinister. This place would become her home she had to take control
of her fears . She resolutely swung her feet off the bed standing up before she could
be stopped by anything else. She stretched her arms out in front of her feeling her way
across the dark room. She knew there was hardly any furniture in the room to trip her
but it would be just her luck at this rate to trip and knock herself out. Her hands
reached the wall without incident she groped for the light switch. She stroked
all the way to the door frame she felt nothing. Of course she thought back to
switching the light off earlier, it was a pull string, hanging around here somewhere.
why did this room have to be difficult? It was like it made the simplest tasks more
challenging. Why did it have to be so dark? The thick curtains shut out any
illumination. She waved her hands randomly looking for the string she felt what was
unmistakably a hand close over hers and squeeze, she yelped retracting her hand to
her chest and diving across the room to the window where she pulled the curtain back.
The moonlight spilled into the room. She reluctantly looked towards the door nothing
looked out of place. The light switch was swinging innocently by the door she glared
at it. God she hated this room. Everything about it made the “guest” feel unwelcome,
it was bare with only the bed which was an old fashioned brass style. There was no
storage space, nothing that invited someone to “make them selves at home”. It was a
reflection of her aunts attitude to visitors. The
girl had never over nighted in her aunts house before. It was a sad fact that her first
stay in this house was due to the fact that the house was now hers . She could feel her
aunts presence in every splinter of the building, and even though she was gone the
unwelcome aura she exuded remained.
The girl thought back to her previous excitement at coming to this place. A house of
her own an unexpected bequeath from her formidable relative. A fresh start a new
place, somewhere to call home. Rejection had followed her , her whole life and it
seemed she was being rejected by her new home. She felt tears begin sting her eyes.
She could feel self-pity stirring within her, and it angered her.
“You can’t scare me away!” She called defiantly to the room. Her voice echoed
pathetically around the quiet house. She strode across the room and pulled the light
on. She then continued through the house defiantly switching on lights. With every
lit room she felt better more in control. The last room she entered was the
sitting room, this had been her aunts domain, she had visited her here and this was
where she always sat glaring through her steely grey eyes at you as if you had come
specifically to annoy her. The girl turned on the last light.
“Hello Amelia” Her aunt’s grave tone spoke to the girl from her usual seat by the fire.
Amelia froze. Her aunt looked as she always did, her hair was pulled back from her
face by two oversized clips. Her grey eyes where clear and appraising. She wore a
blue flannel robe with a long white night dress poking out underneath. Some part or
Amelia’s brain noted that these were the same clothes she wore the last time Amelia
had seen her, but that had been in the hospital and her aunt had been dead.
For the first time since she had awoken Amelia did not feel afraid she felt relieved.
The presence of her aunt sitting in her usual chair was the first thing that seemed right
since she had entered the house. It was her aunts absence that had unsettled Amelia
the most. She sighed deeply and crossed the room to her aunt.
“Hello Aunty , I’m so glad to see you” and she was, more than she had ever been
before. Looking at the older ladies face she noticed an absence of the usual tension,
she had a serenity that made her look younger and undoubtedly beautiful.
The lady gazed back at her niece fondly.
“How are you settling in? Is the old house giving you grief?” Amelia was surprised,
“The house? So there are more than you roaming about in here?”
“ I am not roaming about” her aunt clucked indignantly I am just here to pass this
beast over to you, as if I have nothing better to do than be a dusty all ghost rattling
around this old shack,” despite the topic, her aunts aloof manner made Amelia smile,
some things never changed she guessed, her aunt obviously thought haunting was
beneath her, she nearly chuckled until her mind replayed the rest of the sentence
“beast?” her mind went back to her scary mental image of the monster outside her
door. This house, her aunt explained. It can be very difficult she said this fondly as if
the house was a naughty but very loved child. The house has to accept you or it can
make living here pretty much impossible. Amelia felt a wave of sadness, she had
already felt the house’s unwelcome attitude towards her, if she needed to win some
kind of approval she knew she had already failed. She felt like the unwelcome guest
she always had under this roof.
“ Don’t look so worried Mel dear, The house is yours by right I left it to you”. She
stretched one of her arms out and touched the nearest wall in an almost loving caress.
You are Amelia’s now. The house unbelievably seemed to respond to her words, the
whole atmosphere thawed and Amelia felt enveloped in a security and a real sense of
homecoming. This house will look after you Amelia; It wont let you come to any
harm, you will never need to feel afraid within these walls now that it belongs to you,
some advice though, don’t try any drastic remodelling you do not want to upset it trust
me, also you will need to get permission from the house if you want anyone to stay
over night here.
“Permission?” Amelia exclaimed “ how would I do that?!”
“ I don’t know” her aunt chuckled “I never managed it!”
Amelia sat on the couch with her feet curled under her chatting amiably to her dead
aunt . The time slipped by she had never had this closeness with her aunt in life, but
Amelia understood her better, it was the house that had made her feel unwelcome here
never her aunt. She could see the first rays of sunlight filtering through the window, her gaze returned to her aunt who smiled a radiant smile,
“Welcome home Amelia” and her image faded from the chair.
The house felt peaceful and happy? Could that be right but as odd as it sounded she
could feel the house’s mood, she felt safer than she could ever remember.
The house had not felt anything but safe and peaceful to her since that night. This morning it had felt so peaceful that she couldn’t believe anything negative had been in her house, why would anyone break in and buy her dog food, she laughed to herself it was quite exciting to think there was someone trying to help her. She fleetingly thought it was her strange house itself, but she made endless shopping lists on her laptop and the house had never gone and stocked her cupboards for her! She could feel a sense of excitement and what further strange events were to come; perhaps this isolation was causing her to lose her mind! Well if she was going mad at least she could have a little fun with it!
Amelia and dash entered the cottage after their walk dash slumped straight on the sofa rolled onto his back stuck his paws in the air and fell asleep his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth, Amelia smiled at him fondly and traipsed upstairs to take a shower. After lots of hot water and a vigorous shampooing she stood in front of the mirror trying to detangle the mountains of wet hair as she raised her eyes to the mirror her hand froze in mid brush stroke. On the steamed mirror a picture of a flower had been traced , it was a rose and it was intricate and detailed and beautiful, she felt her cheeks flush, was she being watched right now that should creep her out, but her heart thudded in her chest she just felt wonder at the bizarre communications. She continued to brush her hair without wiping the mirror watching the image slowly fade as the room cooled down.
It was now nearly 11 am and she hadn’t written a word she sat before her laptop humming absently and staring at the blank screen , her fingers brushed over the keys waiting for her ideas to form into sentences that she rejected before she even began to type. He stories tended to be based in fantasy realms with impossible creatures and quests , she had another of these epic mythical quests to write, that was the concept the editor was expecting but she could not lose her self in another world today she wanted to create something that had more possibility, still magical but with a hope of being true, she thought the reader cold relate more to that, it was putting the real on paper that she found difficult, her experiences with the day to day happenings of life were limited she sometimes felt that she was living her whole life inside her head ( that was certainly how she made her living) the only interaction she had on a daily basis was with her dog she didn’t think “walkies!” and “whose a good boy then?” would count as meaningful dialogue. She decided to concentrate on what she was good at and begun to outline the more imaginative parts of her plot she would have to work on the more realistic elements later. After outlining a short-term plot she began to type not caring about the fit into the overall text just for the enjoyment of unlocking the story she could feel forming in her head.
Amelia sat back and stretched out her fingers which were beginning to cramp and rolled her shoulders back stretching her arms above her head in order to straighten out her spine she had been typing for hours, it was dinner time now, her stomach growled this morning croissants long forgotten, Amelia was satisfied that she was finally making some progress she had earned her dinner, she crossed the room to the sofa to see Dash still sleeping soundly she stroked his grey muzzle and left him in peace he would undoubtedly be up and interested as soon as he smelt food being prepared.
Hodge paced the circular room his mind full of his last visit to the cottage The dog food stunt had been a bit risky he wasn’t sure THE MAN would approve but it had been worth it to see her smile, then she had quickly typed thank you on the laptop and left the room almost before she could question her own actions, those two simple words had touched him deeply she wasn’t afraid she was responding to him. Even though she did not know who she was responding to he thought gloomily. He could not deny to himself that he was becoming consumed with thoughts of her. Her smile was the image he saw when he closed his eyes, and was the aim of his visits to the cottage from now on. When she had left with her dog he had followed her through the door he stepped into the sunlight of her vibrant garden and was moved nearly to tears at the beauty of his surroundings he had no memory of beauty in the world just desolation and pain, he was overwhelmed by the colours and sights before him, this had to be what door number 7 contained he thought in wonder, he eagerly followed her to the gate that lead to the rolling hills beyond desperately excited to see more he passed through the gate, but instead of steeping onto the grassy hill he was re-entering the garden, he tried again and again each time without success he slumped to his knees in her garden bitterly disappointed, he must be confined to the grounds of this house. He watched her hike up the hill watching her dog dart after small furry creatures that were much faster than the aging dog could hope to be, he saw her face curve into a smile as she too watched the dog and he smiled simply happy to see her happy . He wanted to give her something, he would pick her some flowers from her garden for her. He reached for a beautiful long stem rose it was so perfect he could not bring himself to unroot it, the flowers belonged in her garden not dying in a vase he would find another way.
Hodge reluctantly returned through the arch he had stayed longer than he had intended, he found himself engrossed in watching the girl, she sat at her computer gazing out the window occasionally typing but mostly smiling to herself, watching her smile was better that anything else he could imagine, he had stared at her face all afternoon, as the sun began to set the lengthening shadows startled Hodge, he had been selfish he was taking advantage of Harry leaving him a the desk all this time and how long will it have felt like to Harry. Hodge walked through the arch into the familiar circular room, it felt even more depressing to him in comparison to the bright colours of the cottage. Harry was again surrounded by people, he had armchairs and a sofa aligned around his desk, there was actually a tea trolley full or cakes and steaming cups of tea everyone was chatting and eating away happily and Harry was in the middle of them all laughing away seeming to really be enjoying himself, they all looked up when Hodge arrived Harry beamed at him raising his hand in welcome the others smiled politely at him shuffling around making space for him to sit down . Hodge nodded awkwardly at the assembled group weaving his way to Harry’s side, How long have I been gone Hodge asked anxiously. “Don’t fret Hodge lad” Harry assured him its been as long as it look for these 14 people to pass through the arch, Me and Angela here , Harry indicated the blonde lady sitting next to him got chatting and before I could show her to her room, the next one had arrived, so not too rush Paul he smiled at the man on his left I got THE MAN to provide a few chairs and refreshments so I could ease them all into this afterlife malarkey . Hodge stared at Harry incredulously , You asked THE MAN for seating and refreshment?! Hodge had never requested anything he was very intimidated by the heavy oak door. Harry really was much better at this than he was it was very depressing that the only thing he had ever really done he had done pretty badly. Hodge began escorting the chatting gaggle around the desk to their various doors many left in pairs or threes , it was nice that they had others to enter with. How did it go with the girl Harry asked as soon as the last person had left, Hodge smiled as he thought of her , it went well I think, I didn’t scare her this time, I think I may have actually made her happy . Harry was scrutinising Hodge with an expression that Hodge didn’t understand, he began to feel uncomfortable, embarrassed almost. But Harry seemed satisfied about something, Hodge lad I think you need to go back as much as you want to I’m happy here and we have all eternity right, this girl wont be there forever. That thought filled Hodge with dread even now as he spoke to Harry days or even weeks could be passing at the cottage, she could move away and it could be a new occupant there next time he visited, he began to panic, it was not the cottage he wanted to see it was her, the beautiful surroundings would be nothing without her amongst it! Harry I don’t know how I can ever Thank you for doing this for me. Don’t be daft lad I am getting just as much from this as I am giving you know I like to chat to folk!
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