Pedigree Crush With a Twist Of Passion: Chapter Thirty Five

By Sooz006
- 2136 reads
Chapter Thirty Five
He was working the back shift, 3 till 11. She’d watched him leaving at two-thirty on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. He returned each of those nights at Eleven eighteen. He had moved from the old house, from her house and he’d bought a much bigger, detached property with stables for his new wife’s horses and large gardens, on the Roan Head road. It was prefect for her purpose. It was considerate of him to choose such a perfect property. The road he came along on his return from work was little more than a country lane. There was no street lighting and traffic after eleven o’clock at night would be light. She paid a visit to her old friend Jacob. Money changed hands, and it was decided that, for this business venture, they would use Wilfred due to the fact that he ran better than his brother, Junior. There was a small copse, a hundred yards back along the road that Phil would travel. If Wilfred ran that way he would have a good head start, because Phil would have to drive onto his property and turn around. Once Wilf ran into the copse he could exit at the other end onto the main road. A couple of minutes on the exposed road and he could be in the rabbit warren of the Ormsgill Estate. As long as he made it that far undetected, he’d be invisible.
At Eleven fifteen, Consuela Vengarse was walking along the secluded road. She was carried a bag full of expensive photographic equipment and had a top of the range Cannon, on a webbing strap, around her neck. In this incarnation, she was a keen and accomplished photographer and had been commissioned to take some scenic shots for Country Life Magazine. Back at her studio she had easels set up with some arty prints to confirm her story should she ever find herself entertaining there. It didn’t matter that in virtually every photograph that she’d ever taken she either decapitated or kneecapped her subjects.
At eleven fifteen, a man jumped out of bushes at the roadside and grabbed her. They were beside a gate leading into a field of cows. He pushed her against it and brought his body up against her. He had three days worth of stubble and kissed her hard to ensure that she had swollen lips and an inflamed stubble rash when she was rescued. Savagely, he pulled at her top, roughly pulling open the zipper on her fleece and ripping open her blouse. Two buttons flew off as he exposed her cleavage and lacy, teal, coloured bra. ‘Nice,’ he murmured, before kissing roughly into her breasts and neck, he sucked her flesh until it bruised and left marks in her arms where he held her tightly.
She couldn’t help smiling when she felt that he had an erection. It’s wonderful when a man enjoys his work so much. ‘Pull the camera strap around my neck and twist it tight.’
He stopped what he was doing and looked at her. ‘Missus, I’m good with the kisssin’ and the cuddling’, Hell, I’m enjoying that, but I don’t hurt women. Never have, never will so—’
They heard a car approaching. She pulled one arm free and started to struggle wildly. He fastened his mouth back on hers and kissed her brutally. Then he moved his mouth to her neck leaving her free to scream. She thrashed furiously and screamed twice, once as the car approached and once when it was level with them.
‘Rape. Help me. Help me. Rape.’ Before the car even had a chance to stop, the attacker broke away from her and ran down the road, pumping his arms and legs as he went, to cover ground quickly. Consuela, weak in the legs, wilted to the floor and sobbed as the car screeched to a stop and a man ran towards her.
‘Oh my God, are you all right?’ He knelt beside her and she turned tear-stained eyes towards him and nodded bravely. The tears were genuine, in between Wilfred running away and the time it took for Phil to stop the car, she had tightened the camera strap around her neck and strangled herself. It had only been for a few seconds, but she’d been brutal and felt sure that it would bruise. The inside of her throat felt raw. She’d bitten her lip at the same time, and had made it bleed. Phil was looking at her and she felt a familiar hatred burning in her stomach.
‘Can you stand?’ he bent to help her to her feet, but she made no attempt to move. ‘Look, you wait there, one minute, I’m going to give chase in the car, see if I can find out where he’s going and then we can point the police in the right direction.’
‘Don’t leave me,’ she screeched, terror in her voice.
‘Okay, okay, I’m here. I won’t leave you.
She flung herself into his arms. Her blouse was open and her exposed cleavage was pressed firmly against his chest. He was a loyal man, faithful to both his ex and his current wife, as far as she knew, but his body would respond. He was, after all, addicted to sex.
In the last ten years she had changed beyond all recognition, but he had altered remarkably little. Time had been good to him and she was repulsed to find that he was like a memory foam mattress in that her body remembered the shape of him. He fit in her arms in the same way that he had before. He looked the same, smelled the same, felt the same. She was sobbing into his neck and she could feel his heartbeat through his work shirt. She moved her body to the side slightly as though she’d been suffocating in his neck and her breast pressed against his arm, with each inhalation, as her breath moved her chest, she caresses the soft skin on the inside of his elbow with her breast and she felt his heart thumping. She had fucked this man a thousand times and knew that he was sexually aroused. That was all that she needed, for now.
‘Thank you. You saved my life.’
He laughed, ‘Oh, it was nothing. Anybody would have done the same.’ She remembered that he’d used the same self-effacing line the first time that he’d rescued her from danger, on the day that they’d met for the first time. ‘Look, I live just down the road there. If you think you can walk, we can get you there. Don’t worry my wife’s in. it’s perfectly safe. She will look after you and from there we can see about calling the police and getting you to the hospital to be checked over.
She smiled at him, gratefully. ‘I’ve been enough of a nuisance already, I’m okay now. It was just the initial shock. I’m not badly hurt, just bruised. I can walk home now. Thank you.’ She knew that he wouldn’t let her go.
‘Rubbish, you can’t walk home on this lonely road in the dark. What if he comes back to finish what he started? I don’t want to scare you but you’ve got a nasty bruise on your neck. At least let me take you to A&E, it’s only down the road. I can have you there in five minutes.’ Ever the gentleman when he wanted to impress. Hero on the outside, bastard within.
She fingered her throat gingerly and winced, it was bloody sore and when she spoke her naturally husky voice was raspy and hoarse. ‘It does hurt. Are you sure it wouldn’t be any trouble?’
‘Not at all,’ he said, with his hand already under her elbow. He helped her to her feet and guided her to the car. ‘I’ll ring my wife from the hospital to let her know what’s happening. ‘There,’ he said, smiling as he drove into his drive only to turn around and drive away again, ‘that’ll confuse her,’
Thirty seconds later his phone rang. ‘He-lo. Yes-something’s come up. I’ll ring you back in a few minutes and tell you all about it, darling. Yes. Put it in the oven, please and I’ll have it when I get back. Won’t be long. Yes. Yes. Love you too.’ He made pathetic kissing noises into the phone. He never did that with her. Bastard! They were close. She’d known that. He seemed genuinely in love with his new wife. Getting her ex-husband into bed again wasn’t going to be easy, but at least he made the next part simple. She didn’t even have to play up to him.
After being examined by the doctor and filling a prescription for painkillers at the pharmacy, Phil insisted on driving her home from the hospital. He explained that he’d rung his wife while she was being seen to and he’d brought her up to speed on what was happening.
He guided her gently into the passenger seat and she gave him directions to the flat that she’d rented for her stays in England. This was the first of the brothers, except Simon, that she’d had in her private domain and she hated the thought of opening her front door to him, but it was necessary. He didn’t suggest buying brandy for the shock, on the way back, so she suggested it instead, even though she had a bottle of Conissivore Brandy in her small bar. This was a calculated move on her part. She wanted to recreate their first meeting of almost twenty years earlier, as accurately as possible. Though this time she had lead crystal glasses rather than chipped Easter Bunny Mugs.
When they got in, he didn’t take over her domain or put her to bed as he had done the first time. He was intimidated by her and her surroundings. He was uncomfortable and his manner was completely different to what it would have been with Julie.
She poured them drinks and excused herself to change in the bedroom. She did contemplate lingerie, after all, it was the early hours of the morning and she was in her own home, it would have been a natural thing to do, but Phil was already squirming in her presence, she didn’t want to frighten him off. She opted for a skirt that finished respectably, just above the knee and a simple tight-fitting t-shirt that fit her like a glove. He’d already had a good look at her Bra, so she took the liberty of doing away with it. She checked her appearance in the mirror to ensure that the top wasn’t too revealing over her breasts. She was aiming for irresistible, not slutty. The seduction, when it came, had to be his idea. No matter how much the loyal and faithful husband he was, she would see to it that he came to her willingly. Before returning to him she gave her nipples a tweak. She had paid a lot for them; it was about time they earned their keep. She ensured that they were prominent enough to get his attention.
They did.
She replenished their glasses, he was driving and though she tried to tempt him, he would only have a soft drink. Sitting next to him would have been too obvious, so she took the armchair facing him. She crossed her legs slowly and made sure that he got a tantalising glimpse of thigh. Her skirt had ridden up when she sat down, she pulled at it modestly, but it was trapped beneath her. It sat attractively at mid thigh. While his eyes were transfixed on her she pulled at the barrette holding her hair in a loose bun. Her black hair fell in long curls to frame her face and fall over her shoulders. She was intimately aware of the effect that she was having on him. He cleared his throat nervously, and crossed his legs.
She began by pandering to his ego regarding the rescue from the clutches of death. ‘You were so brave; I can’t believe you came along just when I needed you. You are my knight in shining armour. I can never re-pay you. But I need to think of something to show you my appreciation. In Spain it is a matter of honour to re-pay kindness when it is shown to you.’ She made sure that this was implied as a financial proposition rather than a sexual one.
‘Oh, honestly, there’s really no need. In fact, this isn’t the first time I’ve come to the aid of a damsel in distress, so to speak,’ he laughed at his alliteration. ‘I once threw a pint over a young lady in a restaurant who had spilled a bowl of boiling hot pasta all over her. It could have been nasty otherwise. She’d have been scarred for life. I’m a first aider you see, so I knew exactly what to do.’
‘Really? How fascinating. Was she all right?’
‘Yes, thanks to my quick thinking, she was perfectly unharmed. In fact I married her.’
‘Oh, it was your wife.’
‘Not this one. I’ve been married twice,’ he blushed. ‘Danielle’s my second wife. Second time lucky, as they say.’
‘Do they? I thought it was third.’ She gave him a coquettish smile. ‘So was the first one a demon, then.’
He laughed loudly, obviously pleased with the description of his first wife. ‘Oh, I wouldn’t necessarily go that far, but she was highly strung. Let’s put it that way.’
‘You don’t miss her then?’
‘Cor, hardly. Danni’s ten times the woman that she was. He looked her straight in the eye, ‘We’re very happy.’
She changed the subject. ‘So what do you do for work, Philip?’
‘Please call my Phil. My mother’s the only person who calls me Philip, and trust me, you are nothing like her.’ He laughed again, flirting a little. ‘I’m an HR manager for a large car manufacturing factory.’
‘Impressive. Do you like it?’
He sat back, relaxed. He always did like talking about himself. ‘I used to. I worked my way up form the shop floor. Took this particular position about nine years ago. But I’m bored of it now. I’ve taken it as far as I can go. I’m at the top of the ladder in this company, and to improve my status I’d have to leave and go somewhere else. That would be too much of a gamble. You know what it’s like, the pay’s good and I’m comfortable. I can provide well for my family and although the company shows me no personal appreciation, my salary reflects that I’m valued.’
‘Sounds grim. What if all the circumstances were correct, you’d love a new challenge?’
‘Oh God, yes. I used to go into work every single day with such a buzz from doing a good job, but now it’s just work. I’d love something to get my teeth into, but I’ll stay where I am and plod along, probably until the day I retire.’
‘You’ve got twenty good years in you yet. Could you really stand that?’
‘I’ll probably take an early retirement option when it’s offered. If the payout is good enough.’
‘Interesting.’ She went quiet and ran her French polished fingernail around the rim of her glass. She caressed the bowl of the snifter, then slowly wanked the stem. She made love to the brandy glass with her fingertips, feigning distraction, knowing full well that he was thinking about sex. More specifically than that, he was thinking about having sex with her.
‘Well I’d better be going, I suppose. Danni will be wondering where I’ve got to.’
‘Will she have waited up for you? She must love you very much.’
He laughed again. ‘And I love her very much. I doubt she’ll have waited up, it is very late now, but she’s a light sleeper and she won’t settle properly until she knows I’m home, safe.’
Now or never. She stopped fingering the glass abruptly and went in for the kill. ‘Give me just five more minutes of your time. I have business proposition for you, which I think you’d be a fool to turn down.’ He’d listen and he’d accept. He wouldn’t want to be seen to be a fool in her eyes.
‘I own a large company. I am based primarily in Spain, just outside Barcelona to be exact. However, I have eleven subsidiary businesses here, in England. I’m constantly flying over from Spain to oversee them. I have been on the lookout for a trustworthy individual to run my British operation. It’s a big deal. Do you think you would be up to it?’
‘Me? Wha—are you offering me a job?’
‘No, I’m a business woman, Phil, not a fool. I’m offering you an opportunity to apply for a job. And not just any job. A massive job. So I repeat, are you up to it?’
‘Yes. Yes of course I am. I have almost twenty years in managerial experience. I’ve—.’
‘Save it for your CV. As you say, it’s late. She took a pen and paper from her writing desk and scribbled down an email address and mobile number. ‘Here. Email me your C.V. I need two references and, I want you to write down why I should hire you. Why are you the best man for my operation?’
‘I’m very flattered, thank you. But I don’t know. I—.’
‘What are you earning?’
‘A hundred and ten thousand, plus a new car on contract, every two years.’
‘If you are the right man to run my office, I’ll give you a hundred and twenty-five and, within reason, your choice of car, not on contract. I’ll replace it every five years, and you get to keep the old one.’
‘Why would you do that for me?’
‘Because, you possibly saved my life, Philip. I told you, in my country that is a debt of honour. But you haven’t got the job, yet. You still have to prove yourself worthy. This is the job of a lifetime Phil. Don’t let it pass you by, man.’ She had led him gradually towards the door. She extended her hand for him to shake. Instead he took it and kissed the back, keeping eye contact with her the whole time.’
She was in business mode. She didn’t flirt with him. She wanted him to go away thinking about her offer first, and sex second. But she knew that when he got into bed with his wife he’d be waking her to force hard sex upon her, and she knew, with one hundred percent certainty, that in his imagination his cock would be pounding into an exotic Spanish woman called Consuela, not his mumsy, housewife.
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Well at some point I'll need
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haven't read for a while and
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My comma's grown an 'r...'
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Still hooked Sooz. The only
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I will have a wee think
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I think a bit more mystery
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I was refering to when
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Not at all. It's a pleasure.
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