Swift and the Beanstalk: Ch. 1
By Hunter-Arkaman
- 393 reads
Once there was a little house in the country side of the pastures, Swift did not like being poor and couldn't afford to live on an empty stomach.
Although she does not mind drinking milk from the cow but did not get a chance to eat any delicious meals. Only she could make a living by milking the cow and sell milk at the town nearby. When the cow began showing its old age, Swift escorted the cow to town to sell for a profit.
“You fat lard!” Swift made an angry look at the old cow. “Lucky for you that I didn't cow tip you for giving me old milk!”
The cow grew furious after being offended by Swift’s immature attitude. The cow snorted huffily and scraped its hooves on the paved sidewalk like she is about to chase after Swift in a wild bull run.
“Look at you,” Swift said continuing to taunt the cow.
She was not even aware of what submissive action
the cow might do to her as a payback.
“Violence doesn't solve—”
She was cut off as the cow rammed its horns with her head up against Swift’s behind and sent her flying up high in the air like a catapult. Swift could do nothing but fall and landed into a barrel full of water and became completely soaked with the water drenching her clothes.
“Anything,” Swift finished as she crawled out of the barrel still drenching wet.
As the cow retreated, Swift followed the runaway cow and encountered a stranger. He was old and quite gentle.
“That fat lard attacked me!” Swift flailed her arms angrily. “Do me a favor by pushing her down so she can’t get up because she’s fat.”
“Young lady,” the old man said calmly and gave her a quick lecture. “Being rude to your animal is never the answer.”
“Rude, schmude,” she scoffed.
“But perhaps if you’re in need of something like food perhaps,” the old man convinced her. “I will lend you these five magic beans for your cow.”
Swift became interested in taking the beans after being convinced to eat something for a change. It was a decisive deal she had just accepted quickly.
“I get to have your beans and you get to drink old milk,” Swift told him and ran back home.
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A take on an old story,
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