Spiritual Deviant
By The Talisman
- 856 reads
Spiritual Deviant
The house was just what they had been searching for. Hilary turned around
to face her husband. Her face gave away her feelings for the place.
'So! What do you think?' The would-be landlady enquired.
'Well, I love it.' Hilary said. 'What do you think, Tom.' She looked longingly
at him, as she held his hand tight, wanting to hear the right answer.
Tom stood still for a while, pretending to ponder the thought, relishing every
moment as he watched his wife squirming, almost begging him to say yes.
'I'd say we've found ourselves a bargain.'
Hilary almost knocked him off his feet as she hurled herself up at him, arms
open wide. A laugh escaped him, as they held each other tight.
The landlady, 'Miss Pritchard', told them that they could move in as soon as
they were ready.
Not wanting to wait, they all agreed that the next day would be perfect.
The house stood mid-way on a hill looking out over the bay.
It was originally an old monastery, but in the 1930's it had been converted
into a private school house.
It now stood as a thoroughly modern three bedroomed house. What with
the rent being only £150 per week, it was ideal, as they already had a friend
that was interested in sharing.
Hilary started unpacking immediately, unable to wait for Tom to come home
from his work, she headed straight for the kitchen. She loved to cook. Tom
did too, but, with her it was an art form. So, naturally she wanted the kitchen
to be spotless.
All of a sudden, she thought she heard a knock at the front door.
Pulling herself away from the task in hand, she stood in the doorway of the
kitchen, peering down into the hallway. She looked through to the frosted
glass door. As she stared at the door, she felt a cold chill envelope her, as
the temperature in the room dropped considerably.
She felt a cool breeze sweep around her. Once again she heard a knocking
sound, only, this time she was alarmed to find that it was now coming from
the other side of the door to the old coal store, directly to her right.
She summed up all of her courage and reached out a trembling hand for the
handle, turning it tentatively, then yanking it open, almost choking on the fear.
She let out a sigh of relief when discovering only a broom and old fashioned
vacuum cleaner inside. The smell of dust was overpowering, yet, there was
a stronger under-lying stench, a rather putrid sweet smell.
Hilary quickly shut the door.
Tom thumbed through the tv papers, in the hope of finding something worth
paying the license fee for. He looked up, as a shadow cast itself over him.
Half expecting a sniggering wife to be standing above him, he was rather
puzzled to find himself alone in the room.
'Hil. Are you arseing about again?' A smile came to his face at the innocent
'No, darling. I've been clearing the bedroom.' She fought to hold back the
'I wouldn't bother with that. We're only going to mess it up again later.' He
sat back in the armchair, smirking wickedly, at the perverse thoughts that
were going through his mind.
Again a shadow fell over him.
'This is getting a bit boring now.' He called. 'You may as well come in and
sit down, I'm too tired for your fooling around.'
Hilary sat on the bed bemused. Was he trying to turn it around, kidding her
Creeping back down, she cringed as the old wooden stairs creaked under
every step.
As she waited at the bottom of the stairs, scheming as to whether to jump
out on him, or to just shout 'BOO', she glanced up to the first floor landing.
The figure she saw, taking up what looked like the entire stairwell, grinned
down at her grotesquely.
As they lay in bed, Tom thought of how distressed his wife had been when
he found her standing in the hallway, shocked rigid. Not even being able to
tell him what was wrong.
'Tell me again what you saw.' He turned to his wife, half expecting her to be
rather vague about the whole ordeal. But instead, she told him in vivid detail
exactly what she'd seen, in a gutless, monotone voice which made him feel
'I've already told you.' She started to get annoyed. She just wanted to go to
sleep. To forget what had happened that day.
Tom gently brushed the hair from her face. 'So tell me again, slowly.'
'First there was the knocking coming from the kitchen cupboard.'
Tom butted in. 'What knocking from the cupboard?' He looked anxious.
'I was in the kitchen this morning, I thought I heard a knock at the door. But
when I'd gone to look if there was anybody there, I heard a knocking again,
only this time it was the cupboard door next to me that was being knocked
on. Then, tonight, as I stood at the bottom of the stairs, I saw a man. He
just stood there grinning at me, like a paedophile letching at school gates.
It was horrible, so I'd prefer not to talk about it anymore.'
Kissing the end of her nose, he said. 'Ok.'
Hilary turned to her husband. 'I know we've only been in here, not even one
day, but could we look for somewhere else. This place scares me.'
Tom gave a mocking grunt. 'No bloody spook's going to drive me out. Not
if it knows what's good for it. It's going to leave before I do.'
Hilary noticed he was quite adamant on that point.
They settled down to sleep off the events of the first day.
Hilary was suddenly wide awake. In the corner, she saw the vision of a girl.
She felt no fear for the girl, quite the opposite, she felt only warmth as she
gazed upon her.
With the girl came a beautifully sweet smell that filled the room. She drew
breath deeply, taking in the pleasant aroma.
The girl, no more than sixteen or seventeen, had the face of an angel. Peace
and serenity exuded from her.
Her hair, long and fair, seemed to float as if a light breeze were controlling it.
She rocked back and forth as if sat in a rocking chair, or on a rocking horse.
Not realising the real reason that the girl was rocking, Hilary looked on. She
smiled at the girl, who in turn, grinned back at her inanely.
Just then, where as before there was a sweet perfume about he room, now
the air was filled with the same rancid smell from the kitchen cupboard from
that morning.
Only then was it she saw the real reason for the girl rocking.
From behind the angelic face of the girl, emerged the bloated face of the man
that she'd seen on the stairs, previously. His grin even more letcherous now,
as he licked the side of the girl's face, spittle ran out from his open mouth,
down his chin, onto her, now exposed, breasts.
Seeing the expression of horror etched on the face of the woman lying in the
bed before him, he now started thrusting himself fervently into the frail body
now kneeling on all fours.
The girl disappeared as he reached a violent climax. Where upon he stood
up, his swollen penis flat against his stomach, and began to walk towards the
Hilary awoke the next morning feeling refreshed. She basked in the sunshine
that streamed in through the open bedroom window.
They hadn't yet put up the curtains, so the room took in all of the light and
warmth a summer's sun had to offer.
Now, as she lay on the bed, she wondered if she had not just imagined the
whole thing.
Standing in the shower, she laughed and thought back to what her husband
had said, about, 'No bloody spook is going to drive me out'.
As she rubbed the soap into her skin, she winced as she felt a sore spot.
Looking down, she saw that the tops of her thighs were bruised. Assuming,
Tom must have turned over to cuddle her a bit too hard during the night, she
left out scrubbing her legs and switched off the shower.
Sitting in front of the bedroom mirror, she thought for a while. Perhaps she'd
been a bit hasty in suggesting that they move.
She bent down, looking in one of the drawers for a hairbrush.
As she straightened up, she could only stare in disbelief at the scene set out
before her.
For there, lying on the bed behind her, was the horrific figure that had been
plagueing her since her arrival at the house.
The thing that sickened her most of all, was the monks cowl that covered his
obese form. The fact that all of the obscenity she had witnessed on the night
before, had been performed by a man of the cloth, appalled her.
She had been trying so hard to convince herself that she had imagined it all.
Closing her eyes, she hoped he would go away. Disappear.
Looking over her shoulder her blood froze.
He was now standing directly behind her, having stripped himself of his robe.
His pock ridden flesh sagged under the weight put upon it. Puss oozed from
open wounds, as he abused himself over her shoulder.
Spinning around, rage now overcame her as she ran forward screaming, her
arms flailing, stopping only when tripping over the end of the bed. Expecting
him to carry on his foul deed, she kicked out with her legs, hitting only thin air.
There had been a ringing in her ears throughout the entire attack, and it was
only now that she realised that it had been the phone ringing constantly.
She picked it up. 'Mum. I really need you.'
Hilary's mother knocked on the front door.
Kissing her mother and showing her into the lounge, they both sat down on
the sofa, then she explained everything that had taken place. Stopping only
to apologise for taking so long to answer the door. Not knowing whether
there was anybody there or, 'that bastard', playing tricks on her again.
Her mother listened on intently, not questioning why her daughter was still
there in the house.
'So you're saying this apparition actually physically attacked you?'
'Yes.' She began to sob.
Her mother held her. 'How many times has this happened?'
'Once, maybe twice. I'm not sure.' She stared at her, just hoping for some
motherly advise on what she should do.
'What do you mean, twice maybe?' Her mother questioned. 'Did it touch
you twice, or not?'
Hilary lurched forward. 'I've already told you, mum. I don't know.'
The tears began to flow freely now. 'I found some bruises on the tops of my
legs. At first I thought it must have been Tom, but now I'm not so sure.'
Taking her daughters arm, fearing she was certain to pass out. 'What does
Tom say about all of this?'
'He only knows about the knocking in the kitchen and the thing on the stairs.'
Not quite understanding the answer. 'I presume you're going to tell him the
'No.' She looked down, uncomfortably, into her clasped hands, feeling her
mother stare at her.
'Well! I'm going to have a look around, whilst you put the kettle on, ok?'
She took her daughters hand and smiled encouragingly.
They got up and she watched as her mother made for the stairs.
As she reached the first floor landing, she had a feeling of intense nausea.
She held out a hand to steady herself. She thought she was going to vomit
right there on the stairs.
Hilary rushed out of the kitchen, dropping the cups of tea she was carrying,
on the floor.
At the bottom of the stairs was, what looked like a bundle of rags.
'Mum?' She screamed. She ran to her. 'Mum. Are you alright?'
She tried picking her mother up from the floor, but her unconscious body
was like a dead weight.
Hilary's father lay in bed stunned, as his wife relayed to him, the truth of what
had happened that morning.
'I told, Hils, that I had fallen down because of the stair carpet not having been
tacked in place properly. I wanted to tell her the truth, but I didn't want her to
get upset.'
'Well! What is the truth?' He looked both concerned and dismayed.
She shifted awkwardly, closer to her husband. 'The truth is. As I reached the
top of the stairs, I was about to go into their bedroom, when I felt as if I was
about to be violently sick. I turned around to go back downstairs, when, I
swear it's true, I heard footsteps walking quickly towards me.'
She searched her husbands eyes for some hint of disbelief, relieved when she
saw none.
'The atmosphere was so oppressive, and the smell. It was the same smell as
when we discovered the body of that dead fox, under he shed that time. It
was horrible. Then, I felt firm hands gripping my shoulders. The tips of the
fingers like cold steel clamps, digging into my skin. Then It pushed me. And
I do mean, IT. I remember falling, and all the breath left me, as I felt my back
hit the stairs. Everything went black, and when I came to, it was half an hour
later. I told Hilary and the nice ambulance man that was called out for me,
that I had fallen because of the loose carpet.'
'I don't like the thought of her being there alone.' He said, sternly.
His wife also had reservations, but added. 'Well. Tina's moving in tomorrow.
So she won't be alone for much longer.'
'That's something I suppose.' He lay back, still unconvinced.
For three weeks after, the house remained quiet.
Not a single incident had occured. It seemed that the phantom friar had met
his match.
That was soon to be altered.
Tina sat up in her bed laughing.
Her boyfriend, Shaun, was asleep beside her, so she knew it wasn't him out
there playing silly buggers behind the door. She pretended to play along with
it, shouting. 'Oh! Please don't come in and get me.'
She did not know that the friends that she thought were on the other side of
the door were, in fact, downstairs in their own bed fast asleep.
She listened as the footsteps on the opposite side of the door rapidly shuffled
to-and-fro, the breathing getting heavier, like that of an asthmatic gasping for
one last breath. Then there was silence.
A green ball of mist seemed to shimmer as it entered the room. Then the air
thinned, as if the ball of light crossing the room was sucking up all the oxygen.
She clawed at her throat, the combination of both, terror and the lack of air,
making the sense of suffocation quicken.
As suddenly as it appeared, it vanished, leaving Tina gulping in lungfulls of air.
Sitting at the dining table the next morning, Tina asked Hilary a question that
had both startled her and took her by surprise.
'Hils. Do you believe in ghosts?'
'Yes I do.' She replied. 'Why do you ask?'
She was dreading the answer, hoping that it was a metaphorical question.
Tina looked straight at her. 'Do you think this place is haunted?'
Hilary froze. Had she seen something? Was she now going to leave? Leaving
her all alone in the house with 'HIM'.
She couldn't lie. 'Yes I do.' She waited for her friend to say that she couldn't
live in this ghost house. But instead, she just grinned mischievously.
Still grinning, she said. 'Have you ever seen a ghost whilst you've been here?'
'A few times, yes.' She matched her friend's inquisitive stare.
'Did you feel in any danger, or afraid by what you'd seen?'
'Totally. But Tom wants to stay.' She repeated what her husband had said.
About not leaving, and they both enjoyed a little giggle.
The two women told of what they had each experienced, comforting each
other, which lessened the burden on Hilary's shoulders considerably. In the
knowledge that somebody else had witnessed something too, it seemed to
enlighten her. At last, her husband will have to sit up and take real notice
of what she's been trying to tell him, and not try to dismiss it as stress from
the move.
Her friend had been more of a Godsend, than a mere tennant.
There was only one thing that concerned her with what Tina had said.
This meant that things were starting to happen again.
Shaun lay back, confused.
The sheet beneath him was drenched in his perspiration, as he clenched at
handfuls of it in his fists, his knuckles showing white.
He had never experienced anything like this before. It was out of this world.
He was no virgin, but never had he, OH!!!.
He writhed on top of the bed like a sexual serpant. 'Never' he had thought
to himself. She had said that she would 'Never' perform fellatio on him, or
anyone else, and yet, here she was, doing that very thing.
He thrust his pelvis high, into the welcoming mouth, digging his heels deeply
into the mattress springs.
In his head he shouted. 'Come on, you bitch. What was your favourite quote?
If God had wanted us to lick each others genitals, He wouldn't have given us
taste buds.' Unquote. But here you are doing it better than the priciest whore
and I love you for it'.
Tina opened her eyes to a sight that she will take with her to the grave.
Waking up to Shaun's ecstatic moans, she waited for her eyes to adjust to
the darkness of the room.
The scene that hit her, was that of the friar looking up at her, smiling, as he
performed oral sex on her boyfriend, which he seemed to be, over-zealously,
enjoying. The spiteful hatred shone from behind those laughing eyes, as black
as coal.
His face turned from that of a maliciously grinning clown, to that of which all
nightmares are made. Upon seeing the look of revulsion on the girl's face, he
began to swallow the man's phallus deeper and deeper, until, in a frenzied
spasm, the man reached his peak. She felt the familiar warm liquid hit her leg,
too stunned to get out of the way of the on coming flow of her lover's semen.
The spirit laughed gutterally, as he sank his teeth into the man's groin, ripping
and tearing at the exposed flesh. The man beneath him tried to scream out,
but no sound could be heard, as he opened his eyes to see the blood pump
from where his manhood used to be, not seeing the dark shadow disappear
from view to his right.
Tina continued to scream at the sight of her boyfriend trying, in vane, to stem
the flow of blood. She had seen the 'thing' gorgeing itself on his privates, just
before it had vanished into the night.
She screamed again, as Tom burst through the door, crashing hard into the
chest of drawers set in the corner.
The expression that masked his face was one of disbelieving shock.
Two days after the night of Shaun's death, (the doctor said it was probably
the shock, that had killed him.Rather than the loss of blood, causing cardiac
arrest), Tom and Hilary Delaney packed their things and left the house.
Never to return.
Tina is still in an institution, closely monitored, not having spoken another
word from that night to this, pending her trial and prosecution.
She is presently awaiting confirmation to determine her sanity.
No one has lived in that house for over a year now, since the story of the
house gained media attention.
The last couple to have stayed there, left after only four nights. Claiming the
dog felt uncomfortable there. Always whining and howling.
Perhaps the friar has turned his attentions to bestiality now..?
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The imagination is good in
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