The Jackass Generation
By The Talisman
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I'm always at a quandary, as to what I can do to decorate the home.
Especially the kids bedrooms.
You want it to be cool, but clean and tidy.
But then you think to yourself...These monkeys are only going to crap it
up, once I've broken my back trying to make their lives better for them.
I might aswell empty a skip in there.
I thought of putting a large bubble lamp in my son's bedroom, that is just
sitting in the bathroom at the moment.
But then thought better of it, suddenly realising that they are part of the,
'Jackass Generation'.
Lads aren't happy now, unless they're trying to arse around half killing
themselves whilst their friends film them on their mobiles.
So, anything with glass or water,or both, is a no no.
Just because of a f*ck-witt and his equally f*ck-witted friends decided
to make a programme about comical self-harm.
It would have been funny, if it was left at just them doing it. Each to their
own. But unfortunately, every inbred dumb-f*ck, with no other prospect
in life, jumped on the band wagon.
Then, kids thought it was socially acceptable.
Don't get me wrong.
Every generation can say that they were the same when they were young.
To this day, I still won't tell my kids about most of the things I did at their
age, for fear of them trying to replicate it.
But, back then it was just for fun.
Just you and your friends larking around, no harm done.
Now, it's to try to get on you-tube, to get as many hits as you possibly
can, with the hope of getting some kind of career from being a tw*t.
That's what I don't like.
It's no longer having mindless fun.
Now, it's at the back of their heads: 'I can make a series out of this.'
Cue the scene of a group of suceptible friends, mobiles at the ready:
Chief F*ck-witt:
"Right! So...When I say go, I'll do a handstand on this skateboard covered
in dog shit and broken glass, whilst Tommy punches me repeatedly in the
balls and Billy-Bob pushes coke cans up my anus."
F*ck-witt friends (in unison):
I have a friend that would say, 'It's just boys being boys.'
If only it were. Most of these people are grown adults. It's sad.
It's like, when you see a a grown man on a kids BMX, doing tricks.
Brilliant, but, only if your trying to show off to your kids, before going to
lie down for the rest of the afternoon, in a bath of ice.
NOT...As a career choice.
I feel like saying to my friend, 'So, how would you react to them bringing
out a programme called 'WHORE STUNTS.'
In which a group of girls and women of all ages, throw themselves off a
building, via roller-blading from a ramp, vomitting and soiling themselves,
as their friends throw bags of dog waste at them as they fall.
All to be caught on camera.?'
'Would you be proud, if one day, you got a call from the school's careers
adviser, with some concern, as to your daughters aspirations to become
a 'Crack-whore, Amateur Stunt Woman ?'
As I was saying. Decorating can be a complicated thing.
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Love that last line. I only
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As a lover of Johnny
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I wonder how my kids
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I think that most of what I
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