Dwellers of the New World Chapter Seven ( Pt 5 ) As Dawn Approached
By skinner_jennifer
- 3308 reads
Cinnamon had a restless night, she tossed and turned but eventually as dawn approached she decided to get up. Pulling her curtain across, she felt a chill in the air. The rest of the family were still sleeping, and the fire was nearly out, so she put some more logs on and there were soon flames burning bright. Boiling some water over the fire, she made herself a cup of wild nettle tea. Looking outside she noticed the fog was still very low, she could just make out the sun in the far distance.
She decided that an early morning swim in the river was in order, knowing it would invigorate and get her up and going. She was just about to go outside and collect some eggs from the chickens they kept, when her mother awoke and crawled out from their sleeping quarters.
“You're up early,” she said to her daughter, as she stretched.
“I couldn't sleep, the tossing and turning started to get on my nerves, so I'm going for a swim after having a cup of tea. Would you like one Mam?”
“I would like one very much, can you make one for your father too, he's got to be up soon, it's going to be a long day's work in the forest today, so I need to make some bread. Can you also collect some eggs and put them into some water to boil?”
“I was just on my way out to the chickens when you woke Mam.” Cinnamon decided to collect the eggs first. The chickens were kept in a large wooden hut just outside their home. During the day they wandered around a penned off area that Jacob had made. There were ten chickens in total and a good supply of eggs were always available.
Walking back to the house, Cinnamon had the distinct impression she was being watched, but it was too early for anyone else to be up and around, so she thought it must be her imagination, so she carried on walking back to the house. “Mam the chickens have laid loads of eggs, there's enough here for breakfast and for lots of other meals too.”
Lena was very pleased, it meant she could make some potato fillings which were Jacobs favourite. They had their own food patch with potatoes...corn and many other vegetables and herbs growing. They also had four goats which provided the milk for the family. Wild rabbits wandered around, Jacob was always partial to a rabbit stew, so there was always plenty of food to get on their doorstep.
After making some tea, Cinnamon put some more water on to boil and put some eggs in. After finishing her tea, she pulled her skin wrap around her. “I'm going down to the river now Mam...I won't be long. Do you want me to collect some water for you while I'm down there?”
“Yes please and can you look out for the fish, tell me if it's worth your father going diving for some?”
Cinnamon agreed to look out. As she made her way down to the river. The fog left her with an eerie feeling, she had never quite got used to going out alone in the low lying mist.
Pulling her wrap further around her, she wondered if she was doing the right thing by going for a swim and almost decided against it, but for the fact she felt unclean. So plucking up all her courage she stripped down until she was naked, her long black hair hanging down her back. She shivered as the mist engulfed her, arms by her side stiff with cold. Treading carefully down the bank she wished the fog would lift to give the sun a chance to warm her body. As she stepped down into the water she gasped for it was freezing, but once she got used to it and gave herself over to the cold, she started to enjoy the feeling.
Swimming around she dived down staring around at the fish that were plentiful. Because they were so close to the sea, there were many species of fish in abundance. Coming to the surface she thought her father would be very pleased. Deciding she'd had enough of the river, she started to climb out, when all of a sudden she heard a noise from a nearby tree.
Cinnamon looked around quickly grabbing her wrap, shivering she covered her soaking wet body.
Again the sound came. “Psst...psst! over here...up in the tree.”
She looked up into a tree on the river edge, when she spied a figure sat upon a branch, it was a boy about her age. “Come down...what you doing up there?”
“It's me Varden...you remember don't you?” he said as he climbed down.
“Varden where have you been...it's ages since I last saw you.”
“The master had me put down in the chamber...you know the one down by the sea. Vadar, Gideon and Gerrard are still down there, but I managed to escape.”
“How did you get out of there? I didn't think anyone escaped from the chamber.”
“A man came and was going to rescue us, but that idiot boy Sam...you know the one that thinks the sun shines out the master's backside gave us away. It's so unfair cause Dawson...that's his name, was al right and really friendly. Anyway while the guards were busy with Dawson, I crept up and out of the tunnel which they left open. Josh and Seth didn't even know I'd escaped, it was so easy.”
“You were very lucky, but I know the man you're on about, they brought him into the barracks yesterday. So that's his name...Dawson I like that name. So who is he and where does he come from?”
“He told us he comes from another world called Obsidian. He came through one of the tunnels by accident. I had to tell him he wouldn't be able to get back without the master's crystal, so that's when he offered to help us escape.”
Cinnamon knew she had to get back otherwise her mother would be worried. “I've got to go back home now...but what are you going to do? If the master catches you, he'll have you back in that chamber again.”
“I know...but I need you to do me a favour Cinnamon. I'm going to head into the forest and see where I can find help. Can you somehow get to Dawson and tell him I've escaped and that I'm going to see if I can find help to free him.”
“But that's impossible, you know I can't go into the cave, I don't want to end up in there myself.”
“Is there anyone you trust that could get a message to him?” asked Varden.
“Not really...not anyone who would want to help a prisoner...it's too dangerous.” Then Cinnamon thought about Will, she knew how much he liked her and he did say he was going off to sea. “I think I know of someone, but I can't make any promises. I'll see what I can do.”
“Please try Cinnamon, because I've a feeling this man is our saviour, don't ask me how I know...it's just a feeling I've got.”
“As I said I'll try...but you know what it's like in the barracks, you can't trust anyone.”
“Yeah I know. Look I'll leave you now before anyone else comes down here. I'll look out for you tomorrow...okay?”
“But where will you sleep tonight?” asked Cinnamon concerned for the boy.
“Don't worry about me...I can find a tree to sleep in, you know me I'm used to sleeping rough.” He smiled, turned and started to walk along by the river.
She said her farewells as Varden disappeared into the fog waving goodbye. Once more Cinnamon was alone. She got dressed and filled her wooden pail with some water and made her way home.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Seven ( Pt 6 ) Secrets! | ABCtales
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Another very readable
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Great episode Linda, I look
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Dawson sure has a
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Jenny or Linda, This is
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A busy a girl
For a minute there I thought some 'else' might happen, glad Varden is a gentleman and as it turns out a true friend, poor Dawson needs all the friends he can get. Things seem to be coming together for him, great read well paced and just right amount of detail. great job
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Yeah that's right
Still writing Conquest will post another chapter soon. It so much easier when the book is finished if not polished.
I have Conquest in my head, I know where its going but getting it actually written down and posted is fun but I'm sure frustrating for you. I'm about half way through I think. Thanks for reading. It is great to have an audience for my work, much gratitude, Ray
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