Hawthorn Realm Chapter 5
By Wes
- 1941 reads
Hawthorn Realm
Chapter Five
The sun was setting the night air slightly chilled as Efa, maintaining her grip on
Arianwyn,propelled them down the tree lined walkway.
Arianwyn dug her heels into the mottled gray concrete. "Okay enough of this.” She said
as they ground to a halt. She yanked her hand out of Efa's. “What has gotten into you, and
why are we heading for the gardens?”
" Arianwyn, do you trust me? I mean really trust me?”
"Of course."
“Then I'm going to ask you to trust me on this. I'm not really the one to talk to you about
that necklace you're wearing. It’s...well, let’s just say it’s as unique as you are."
"I'm not sure I understand."
“I know. But you will. It's very important you see the Professor.” She stiffened, as a
chilling cold passed by them. Her eyes widened.
“We're too late, they're coming."
“Who's coming?"
Efa stepped in front of her, staring intently down the walkway. "No time for
explanations.” Her abrupt tone of voice, commanding.
"Arianwyn. Head for the gardens. Find the Professor, tell him what's happened.
Ignoring the order, Arianwyn took up position next to Efa. "I'm not going anywhere, until
I find out what's going on. What are you looking at? Oh !” She let out a small
exclamation of surprise. Coming up the walkway, sticking close to the shadows, cowls up
hiding their faces were three black robed individuals. One of them raised his hand, and a
small glowing silver orb appeared. It hovered for a moment then shot forward with the
speed of a bullet train.
Efa's body seemed to radiate warmth. Her eyes glowed with a fierce light. She raised one
hand, and once again stepped in front of Arianwyn. "Eu chamo os poderes da luz. Rogo-
te para protexer os seus fillos." (I call the powers of light. I beseech you to protect your
The orb exploded harmlessly in a flash of blue -white light.
Efa swore under her breath. “Amateurs, magic designed to frighten, but not hurt, small
children, animals, and peasants. Well two can play at this game. Difference is I don't have
that problem. Time to take out the trash.” She rubbed her hands together.
A yellow sphere appeared which she tossed it lightly into the air, while chanting;
“Lightning agus tine, bogadh mar aon ní amháin, usurp na usurpers iad a scrios mar aon ní
amháin.( lightning and fire, move as one, usurp the usurpers destroy them as one.)
The sphere glowed brighter, tiny lightning bolts dancing over its surface. Efa twirled her
finger in a circular motion. The sphere raced down the walkway burying itself into the
first cloaked figures chest, then imploding in a burst of golden light took out the other
Arianwyn stammered "How did you...what did you...Efa what's going on? Who were
those men- those people-or whatever they were?”
"Miss Synan." The easily recognizable male voice was more than familiar to her.
Arianwyn turned to see Professor Maudlin standing next to her.
"Professor Maudlin, those men they...and then Efa...”
"Miss Synan!” The professor’s tone was sharp. “I am fully aware of what just happened. I
assure you a recap of current events is not warranted.”
He turned to Efa, his voice softened. "I believe an explanation is in order."
Efa nodded. "Arianwyn, would you be so good as to show, the professor the necklace
your Gran sent you."
Arianwyn pulled the necklace out from under her top. As she handed the Amulet to the
professor, it momentarily glowed a brilliant shade of blue. The professor shot a knowing
look at Efa.
He turned it slowly in his hand. "Remarkable, the likes of which I've never seen before.
Such attention to detail, such power. The spells of One, written in Bérla Féini, All the
power of the Gods, all the surreptitious magic of the Druid Masters. The secrets to
writing and understanding the oldest of all Brehan Law."
The Amulet began glowing, a soft diffused blue which rapidly changed to an angry
orange and white, the smell of burnt flesh permeated the air.
The professor grimaced, “Miss Synan, I would appreciate it greatly if you would reclaim
your necklace and said talisman before it burns off what's left of my fingers.”
Arianwyn reached out taking the amulet from the professors out stretched hand. Her eyes
widened at the angry red blisters on the professor’s hand and fingers as she tucked the
necklace back under her top. "Professor you're hurt."
"Your keen powers of perception, or is it the obvious, serves you well Miss Synan."
The professor slid a small pouch from under his coat, which he handed to Efa.
"If you would be so kind."
Efa opened the pouch, removing a large green leaf, which she crumpled. A dark juice
flowed into her hand. Clasping the professor’s hand she smeared the gooey green liquid
over the burnt skin, while chanting, “Thiocfaidh chun bheith Dark lá. Thiocfaidh chun
bheith Láoíche. Cleanse an fhoirceannadh. Mo focail a obey.” (Dark becomes day. Day
becomes night.Cleanse the wound. My words to obey.)
"Much better." The professor flexed his fingers. The burnt skin was rapidly disappearing.
"Okay enough.” Arianwyn folded her arms across her chest. “One or both of you need to
start explaining what is going on around here. Cloaked assassins, magic amulets I....” She
stopped in mid-sentence as a figure stepped seemingly out of thin air to stand near the
Arianwyn stammered "Peter...Peter Crawford?"
The dark haired boy grinned. "Arianwyn I assure you they were not assassins, if they
were you would in all likelihood be dead.” He bowed at the waist. “I am however at you
service Milady."
He turned to Efa. "Hello mom, I heard the ruckus, thought you might need some help." He rested his right hand on the hilt of a sword hanging from the
scabbard attached to his waist.
"Mom...!” Arianwyn, her heart racing at the sight of Peter, looked at Efa who merely
shrugged. She stammered, “You...Mom !..Oh I really need an explanation for all this."
"Miss Synan."
Arianwyn quieted and looked at the professor but only after a long sidelong glance at
Peter whose broad shoulders were threatening to burst his shirt.
This was not lost on the professor. His voice sounded amused "Miss Synan, This,” he
gestured towards the school is an Institute of higher learning, not an Institute of higher
Arianwyn felt the blood rush to her face as she blushed furiously.
"However,” he continued, “I do agree that the time has come for some serious
enlightenment. Now, as you have no doubt, surmised is not that time. Are we in
Arianwyn nodded mutely.
The professor turned to Peter. "Kyndeym, how many men do you have available?”
Arianwyn, still in a state of disbelief, muttered out loud, “Kyndeym.”
Peter/Kyndeym turned to her as he answered. “It is my name after all milady, But you
may continue to call me Peter.”
The professor chose that moment to clear his throat. “Peter if you’re not too busy, would
you be so kind as to ANSWER MY QUESTION?”
Peter didn't miss a beat as he pointed at the large Hawthorn tree located inside the fenced
off garden. "Five, Professor. Most of my legion are in the Sidhe.”
“Very well,” the professor looked at the sky. The daylight was fading with twilight fast
approaching. “Kyndeym,” he looked at Arianwyn, “correction, Peter, I strongly suggest
you bring them here. This is going to get ugly. Fast. They're calling in reserves as we
Peter bowed slightly at the waist. “By your leave professor.” He took a half step back and
melted into the shadows.
"Miss Synan."
Arianwyn looked at the professor but didn't answer.
"Miss Synan, are you with still with us? Or is that blank, albeit vapid expression your new look?”
When she didn't answer Efa poked her in the side
"What, yes, no I mean I'm fine, I think. But I um... school, magic, evil wizards. With all this,going on I feel like I fell into or out of a J.K. Rowling book.”
Efa smirked "I assure you neither Harry, Ron nor Hermione Jean Granger will be showing up anytime soon.” She smoothed her hair back and tied it into a knot. “If you had your choice though which one? Personally I liked them all.”
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I think you need to look at
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sorry Wes, formatting issues
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Wes- if you are pasting from
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Firstly Wes, I like the
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