What is a Flobbert?
By well-wisher
- 1276 reads
A Flobbert is a silly sort of creature that you make with your hands.
Simply place your hands together and interlace your fingers.
Now, see, your thumbnails are the Flobbert’s eyes and your two index fingers, waggle them, are the Flobbert’s long floppy ears and if you bend your thumbs then you’ll see a gap open between them which is the Flobbert’s mouth.
My flobbert’s quite a naughty little creature, always getting into mischief.
Like, for example, there was the time that my Flobbert escaped in the classroom at my school and ran all over the place, scaring all the girls and pinching all the boys on the nose and the teacher got very cross with me.
“Robert”, she said, “Put that Flobbert away this instant or I shall have to hit it with a ruler”.
And my Flobbert didn’t like the sound of that at all and hid itself away in my pencil case.
That’s when I zipped up my pencil case so that the Flobbert couldn’t get out again but my teacher was still very cross with me and made me write a hundred times, “I must not bring my Flobbert to school”.
But that wasn’t the end of the story, because then my teacher lost the keys to the classroom cupboard where she kept all the storybooks and, thankfully, because Flobberts have a very good sense of smell (They smell with their long floppy ears) , my Flobbert soon sniffed out where the keys were.
They had fallen off of the teacher’s desk and into her paper bin with all the bits of rubbish and pencil shavings and my Flobbert dived down into the bin and fished them out for the teacher.
After that, she didn’t hate the Flobbert quite so much and it was allowed to sit and listen while the teacher read a story to the class which it enjoyed immensely.
Then my Flobbert got very tired and fell asleep and started snoring very loudly, as Flobberts do, but it wasn’t asleep for long before the school bell rang and woke it up with a start.
“Time to go home, Flobbert”, I said.
“Flub! Flub!”, the Flobbert replied, happily leaping into my school bag.
It had had quite enough of school, I think.
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