what happpened to?

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what happpened to?

well, you can fill in your own bit here. I was looking for the person that posted they'd do proofreading. It was a forum topic. Then it disappeared.

Oh, well stan, maybe a two for one deal and it's disappered. I think her first name was Anne?


She obviously wasn't the real McCoy


Maybe Anne Mcsomething's offer was seen as potentially taking work from Lorraine Mace? That's the only reason I can think of why it would have been taken down. Or maybe she got enough responses in a day to keep her going til 2015...
I spent half an hour looking for it yesterday evening with no luck.....
I didn't take it down - I'll look into this one.
ftse and blighters gave her wot for for her bad grammaw - I fink she got scared and did one. It was a nice offer, but I presume it was to drum up business eventually - she needs to expect that there might be a few grammarians on a writing website like this, who may pick her up on mistakes in an advert, advertising a service for the elimination of mistakes in other people's writing. It was free though - I suppose you get what you pay for.