Showin' off ..
By denni1
Sat, 09 Feb 2013
- 1809 reads
I have discovered music
that l disregarded
when l was listening to Zeppelin.
Thought l was the bee's knees,
album tucked under one arm
en route to friend's house.
One couldn't have The Beach Boys
when The Pretty Things were around.
But now
I dig them out with pride.
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How very true Den. Strange
How very true Den. Strange how we become more "honest" in our music tastes when we get older.
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You put this over very well,
You put this over very well, D. Funny enough, it worked the other way round for me. I loved pop and mainstream in my youth and was never embarrassed to admit it. These days my tastes have expanded and I embrace all music, even the must obscure of albums when I can dig them out. Music is my life. Have I found another music nut? If so - goody-goody. Loved your muse.
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so true....i used to hate
so true....i used to hate jazz, now it is my favorite of all :) - alvin
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Hawkwind. 'Masters of the
Hawkwind. 'Masters of the Universe'. I was honest then and honest now (apart from the lies o' course).
If I'm not mistook I heard the riff from Hawkwind's 'Brainstorm' on a bloody insurance add on the telly. If that's not irony I don't know what is.
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Hey, Scratch, do you
Permalink Submitted by karl_wiggins on
Hey, Scratch, do you remember Hawkwind's naked, painted dancer, Stacia, with the big boobs and the big bush? That's what kept me honest about Hawkwind!
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Hahaha, I still look her up
Permalink Submitted by karl_wiggins on
Hahaha, I still look her up on You-Tube, purely for nostalgic reasons, of course.
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Everyone's pervy, babe,
Permalink Submitted by karl_wiggins on
Everyone's pervy, babe, everyone. All blokes look at tits. Nothing wrong with that. It's natural. But you need to be very, very wary of those who pretend they don't. THEY'RE the real pervs.
Quite often those type of people have a darker side to them.
Yes, I realise that's a HUGE generalisation (before anyone chews my bollocks about it) but, I repeat, there's nothing pervy whatsoever about looking at tits. It's the ones who pretend they don't that are the real perverts.
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I am a tit! But a tit who
Permalink Submitted by karl_wiggins on
I am a tit! But a tit who speaks the truth. And it’s very true that it’s often those people who hide behind this veneer of respectability that have a darker side to them. Look at the Jimmy Saville case and how many REAL pervs have come out of the woodwork.
I’m reminded of two people;
1) My mate Yvette. Great tits! And she has that swagger too that turns heads wherever she goes. During the week I told her how great her tits looked. She replied, “Do they? But I’m purposely not wearing a low-cut top today.”
“I know, babe. You have fantastic cleavage, as I’ve always told you, but there’s nothing you can do about your tits short of wearing a massive sheepskin coat.”
“I know,” she laughed, “They are big, aren’t they? But what can I do. All blokes notice tits and arses. That’s what blokes do. Women do it as well, of course.”
You see, she’s lovely, Yvette. She’s greets everyone – and I mean EVERYONE – with a smile, but if you saw her in a pub you’d think her unapproachable. But she’s as open and frank as it’s possible to be about her body. She’s a terrible flirt.
Now some people might take that statement out of context. Yet Yvette sees the good in everyone, and she is totally un-judgemental about people. I could tell her I’d killed someone and she’d just accept it. You could tell her someone had said something nasty about her, and do you know what she’d say? She’d say, “Ah, bless him.”
And despite the fact that she’s a terrible flirt, she’ll go for years without sleeping with anyone. And if I had killed someone she’s accept it because she’d see who I am now and would trust in the Lord Jesus to sort it all out in the long term. Yvette’s a Christian, you see.
Quite often, she’ll say to me, “Oh, Karl, I’m going to pray for you tonight.”
Still got great tits though.
Oh, and before anyone says it. Yes, Yvette’s fanciable. She’s blessed with sexy looks, but I truly value her friendship much more than I fancy her.
2) My brother-in-law, Matty. When I first met him he had green hair and an orange beard. Matty never asks anyone to like him. He never pretends he’s anything that he’s not. And what is he? He’s a scoundrel. If you saw him in the street you’d possibly cross the road to avoid him.
Yet he’s one of the most decent blokes I know. Totally honest about who he is and totally outraged about the shit stuff that goes on in the world. A thoroughly decent bloke.
I could go on and on, but allow me to finish by reiterating that it’s often the supposedly respectable people who have a darker side. There’s no darker side to Yvette, Matty or me. With people like us, you get what it says on the tin.
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