Dwellers of the New World Chapter Eight ( Pt 8 ) Revelations
By skinner_jennifer
- 2964 reads
It was clear the two companions were going to have to move in closer, if the boy was to see why Si had brought him to this place. Swimming in a little nearer to the shore, Si was slightly nervous, he had never been this close before.
Varden could just make out some men at work, carving out wood from huge trunks of trees, they were singing as they worked and seemed quite happy.
“I know this place Si?” the boy remembered it well.
“Look further up the shore, do you see the children tied together?” the creature pointed in the direction he wanted the boy to look.
Varden could just make out young children tied together at the wrists, moving in a line. “Where are those youngsters going, I thought the master wanted them here.”
Si looked at the boy, realising he had no clue as to what was going on. “They...my young friend are all the kidnapped children, getting ready to board the ships. The men take them away to different places and trade them for goods, the boys become slaves. Now do you understand why I brought you here?”
“That means, we're down where the ship building community live. This is terrible...I never realised.”
The creature turned to the boy. “These bad men will do great harm, if they catch you, they'll take you away, you will never be seen again, never see your family, or friends. Stay away from the beach, it's
dangerous, I may not be there to save you next time...you understand?”
Varden's face twitched slightly as he spoke. “I have no family, and...and...” He was just trying to get the words out, when he felt a huge sneeze coming. The creature wondered what was happening, as the boy's nose twitched, then his face screwed up, he opened his mouth and breathing in, he let out the loudest sneeze. “A-CHOO!”
“What was that?” the creature exclaimed in a whisper.
“Sorry...look we'd better go, I'm so cold and need to get some food in me belly.”
Some of the men working on the trunks of wood, looked up from what they were doing, staring in the direction of the sound.
Quickly Si dived under the water, without warning, Varden gasped for air, bubbles leaving his mouth, as he tried to speak. He held on tight to his companion, not able to see. The water began going down his throat, and entering his lungs, he thought he was going to drown, when all of a sudden the creature surfaced again.
Gasping for breath, Varden coughed, vomiting the salty water. Spluttering words from his mouth, he wanted to know why Si didn't warn him, he was diving under. “I could have drowned down there, next time give me notice you're going under.”
“No time!” replied Si. “If men see us, then we're prisoners for sure.”
Si told Varden to hold his breath as they rounded the rocks once again, heading back to the cave.The creature carried the boy back across the rocks with ease. swimming back down the tunnel, Varden was again mesmerized by the luminous shells, he brushed them with his fingers, as they swam back to the cave.
It seemed to the boy, that it was quicker coming back, than it was going. They were soon climbing out of the pool and back into the warmth of the cave.
Varden walked over to where his clothes and pouch lay. Picking them up, he shivered and walked over to warm himself up by the torchlight.
He was soon dry and getting dressed. Si turned to the boy requesting he wait. “You stay here, I will catch some fish, then we eat...okay?”
The boy thought that was a very good idea and waited patiently, wondering how long it would take. Varden was starving. He was exploring his surroundings, when all of a sudden the creature returned with two fish speared.
Si placed the fish down, then walked over to an alcove, where lay some driftwood, perfect for a fire. Taking a torch from one of the rocks next to the recess, he lit the driftwood. It didn't take long, before sparks were spitting, as the flames were rising.
Varden couldn't understand why the smoke didn't enter the cave, he noticed it was rising up through the alcove.
Coming over to have a look, the creature took the fish he had speared, waiting for the flames to die down.
Varden questioned Si. “I don't understand...where does the smoke go?”
The creature smiled at the boy's innocence, then explained. “A shaft leads out of cliff, smoke escapes through vent, leading out to the surface.”
The boy thought Si had a pretty good home here and wished he could stay, but he knew that Cinnamon would be expecting to meet him, also his two new friends, Ben and Jay.
As the fish cooked, Si asked. “So boy...you were telling me, you have no family.”
“That's right,” replied Varden. “I was kidnapped from my home on Wild Whistling Isle, along with my friends Gideon and Gerrard. We got thrown in this place called the doom chamber, we been down there so long. Then me and some other boys had a visit from a stranger who...”
Varden was just about to continue, when he thought of how strange it would sound, if he told Si about Dawson, coming from another world.
But then he thought, 'I suppose no stranger, would believe his description of Si,' so he continued.
“The stranger, by the name of Dawson, came through some kind of portal, from another world. I believe he's here to free all the children from the clutches of the master Gregor.”
As soon as Varden mentioned the master, Si cringed and turned away. “Please boy...don't speak of this, I'm sad when you talk of this man.”
The boy couldn't understand why the creature should feel sorrow. “Why does it bother you so? You have a nice warm – cosy cave to live in.”
Si put the fish down, suddenly overcome. Tears filled his eyes, as memories came back to haunt him. “Many seasons ago, when I was a child growing up, I lived with my parents, much further North, in a cave right in the middle of the forest.
I was a miserable, dejected youngster, everything I cherished in my mother, was taken away from me when she died. You see I was never allowed to leave the cave. My father told me I was a freak of nature, he said people would be frightened by my abnormality.”
Picking the fish back up, he began to explain more. “My mother told me, I was beautiful inside, despite my appearance. She made me promise on her deathbed, that I would one day escape my father's wrath and build a life of my own.”
The fish was finally ready to eat, Si passed it to Varden. “Here take your food and enjoy.”
The boy couldn't wait to fill his stomach, the fish tasted so good, even though it had that strange salty flavour.
“So!” the creature continued. “My father brought me down South to the sea. We travelled by night, my father was ashamed, wishing for others not to see my features.
He told me I was useless, that everything I did was wrong. One day while he was lodging at a cabin, I was pretending to be asleep in the next room, when I overheard my father scheming up a plan, with some bad men. They were arranging to gain control, and overthrow the disciples of peace, removing them from power.”
Varden interrupted Si. “I have a funny feeling I know where this is going...but carry on.”
The creature finished his food, relishing every mouthful. “One cold night, I left. I was going to go back to the forest, go further North, so my father couldn't find me. Then a voice in my head told me, that my home was near the sea, that it was a place my father would never think of looking.”
Si flung his long, gangly arms in the air. “I was terrified...I couldn't swim, I had no idea of how to survive on my own.”
There was one question on Varden's lips he had to ask, before the creature went any further. “Can I ask you one thing?”
Si played with a wart on the back of his hand, then looked up at the boy. “Go on...what is it?”
The boy seemed nervous about asking, but did so anyway. “Who is your father?”
“I was going to get around to that,” replied Si. “My father is Gregor...the so called master.”
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Eight ( PT 9 ) More Questions | ABCtales
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Hi there, Jenny...just
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It is a gift for sure Jenny
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Hi Jen. I’m still enjoying
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Done it. Read this one I
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Revelations and surprising relations
Nicely explained, Si's father is personally responsible for so much heartache and loss, what's his problem? Clear dialog good imagery and succinct and moving explanation another good read Ray.
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