Too Disturbing For a Title
By lillylove406
- 1137 reads
The only thing he ever wanted was sex. That's what I was to him. I just got the worthless title of 'girlfriend'. With that hungry look in his eyes he'd grab me by the hips and sit me on his lap. Biting and kissing my neck roughly he whispered harshly in my ear “I am going to take you.” This wasn't foreplay it was a fact. He was going to take what he wants. Cole's hands slapped over my tiny wrists as he pinned my body underneath him. Laying his left forearm across both of my wrists, he began to rip my blouse off. I whimpered in protest. “Cole please...” A tear slipped down my cheek as he bit into my soft, round, delicate breast. I screamed. I felt the familiar trickle of blood down my chest. “Shut up.” he growled. “If my parents hear you so help me...” his hands trailed downward he tugged at the waistline of my jeans. He forced them down to my knees and instructed me to take them off. I did as I was told and kicked them off. He smiled approvingly, he recently forbade me from wearing underwear. His tongue was the first of his body parts to invade me. I squirmed for a second then obediently stopped. I remained still as his tongue twirled and explored my pussy. I didn't moan or make any sound, if his parents found out he would kill me. And besides that it didn't feel that great. His tongue retreated back into his mouth. He retook his position on top of me. Pinning me back down. “Cole I don't want this..” I looked into his eyes. “Now, now,” He whispered putting his hand tightly around my neck. “I don't care.” I tried to buck him off desperately. His hand tightened around my neck and I panted trying to refill my lungs. Eyes of a deep brown bore into mine as he took what he wanted. I hated this. He continued thrusting and pounding, not caring of the pain I was in, tears rolled down my cheeks. As Cole continued I let my mind wander, I wonder what it would be like to cut an appendage off someone. Not anything important like an arm or a leg... maybe a dick. I wonder if it would bleed a lot. If it would send someone into shock. His pumping got faster, beginning to feel some form of pleasure I attempted to relax a bit. His one hand was around my neck, the other on my hip. Both were squeezing and constricting. I gasped loudly, sputtering for air, for life. The pain was overbearing canceling out any ounce of pleasure I felt. Weeping and wheezing my vision started to blur. I began to see spots. I was going to die. I threw my head back trying to break his hold. He grunted in response keeping his grip. I glanced at his face, he was close to finishing himself off. I could see it in his eyes. But this was not the face of her boyfriend of a year and a half. It was the face of a monster. A monster that would choke his girlfriend while practically raping her. My eyes smudged over with tears, as they trailed out of the corner of my eyes a final grunt escaped his lips. His member exited my body and was stuffed back into his boxers within seconds. He threw a towel at me. “Clean yourself up,” he said coldly turning to the door. “We have to be downstairs for dinner.”
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Strong stuff indeed. Very
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Strange to see a 16 year old
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This is one humongous
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