Dwellers of the New World Chapter Eleven ( Pt 7 ) Finding Accomodation
By skinner_jennifer
- 2971 reads
It was getting near late afternoon, when Brad made his way down to Korben and Kadlin's cottage with Simon and River following. Korben was sorting out some nets for his next fishing trip. Brad thought it would be good to take Simon out on one of the boats one day, although their main reason for coming down South, was to find his sister Missy and her husband Gerrard. He also wondered about Teela, Daisy and young Alfie who must be really grown up by now.
When Korben saw Brad he couldn't wait to question him on what the men had wanted at the travellers camp. “You look like you could do with a drink Brad...what will it be, something from the barrel or a hot tea on this chilly afternoon?”
Brad was in no mood for alcohol, he needed to keep a clear head. “A tea would be fine. This is my son Simon and our dog River.” The dog wagged his tail happy to meet this new friend of his master.
Korben smiled at Simon, putting his hand out to shake. “Well I'm very pleased to finally meet you Simon...I've heard so much about you.” The boy shook Korben's hand shyly, finding it hard to settle and wondering what his future would be, now that they were finally here.
Brad felt this was definitely a day for asking favours. Pausing he took Simon's hand and followed Korben into his cottage. Kadlin was busy over a pot of food while the children were out playing. She stopped what she was doing when she saw Brad. “So have you sorted yourselves out yet? There seemed to be a lot of coming and going in your camp today.” She wiped her hands in her skirt and sat down.
Brad sat down too and told them both of what had happened at the camp that day. After all the introductions, Brad turned the conversation to asking the couple if they could stay with them, as the travellers would be leaving that day. Korben looked at his wife then back at Brad. “We would love to put you up, but I'm afraid it could be awkward, we don't have the room and to be honest there's just nowhere for you to sleep.”
Brad felt slightly disheartened but didn't show it. “That's okay my friend, I'm sure we'll findsomewhere to sleep.”
Korben had an idea and told Brad to wait there while he went to his neighbour.
“You don't need to go to any trouble Korben, I'm sure something will come up,” Brad said coming to standing.
“Nonsense my friend,” replied Korben. “I think I know just the place for you.” He was out the door and gone before Brad could say any more. Korben whistled as he left the cottage and made his way down the path and over to his neighbours Vidarr and Brenna. There was a cold chill in the air, he rubbed his hands together vigorously. Vidarr was busy in his small garden at the back of their home. “What you planting there my friend?” enquired Korben.
Vidarr looked up from what he was doing, pleased to see his neighbour. “Oh...just putting in some late cabbages and hoping they'll take...though if we have an early hard Winter they will probably rot, but that's the chances you take with veg.”
Korben came straight out with his query. “I was just wondering...if you still had that spare bed in your cottage? only Brad and his son need somewhere to stay.” He paused then remembered what Brad had told him. “ Oh! You'll be pleased to know the travellers are leaving today too.”
Vidarr was slightly taken aback. “Well...I'll have to ask Brenna, Anna may find it difficult with more people in the cottage. Let's go in and see what they say and go from there.” The two men made their way into the cottage where there was a roaring fire. Anna although blind was aware straight away of their visitor and left her place of warmth.
“Is that you Korben? I recognise that voice anywhere.” She went to meet him.
“Yes it is Anna,” declared her father, he's come to ask us a favour. How would you like Brad to stay here with his son Simon? Oh yes...they also have a dog called River too.”
A huge grin came over Anna's face. “Oh father...can they? that would be so great, please...please father.” She grabbed his arm tightly and then gave him a hug.
“Well okay...if it's al right with Brenna...what do you think?” Vidarr turned to glance at his wife.
She could see the happiness in her daughter's eyes and knew it was the right thing to do. “Of course it'll be fine, but Brad will have to earn his keep, he can help out with the chores and collecting food from the plantation.”
Korben was so glad he'd sorted out somewhere for Brad to stay and couldn't wait to tell him. “He's going to be so pleased, best get back and let him know.”
Korben was just about to turn and leave, when Vidarr said, “Are you coming down to the main beach in the morning? We're going to watch the Flying Fish set sail...looks like Bracus has got everything under control.”
“I'd forgotten all about that with all these travellers arriving. Yeah...sure we'll be there, it's always a big event and Kai's done a great job on the new ship.”
“Tell Brad to come over when he's ready,” uttered Vidarr, “he and his son can eat with us, I'm sure Brenna's got enough food to go round.”
She looked at her husband somewhat annoyed, but then smiled at Korben and said, “yes...that'll be fine.”
As Korben walked back to his home, he wondered if he'd overstepped the mark, by being too presumptuous, but then he knew his neighbours well, they wouldn't do anything they couldn't manage. As soon as he walked in the door, he had a big smile on his face. “Brad my friend, it's sorted...you'll be staying with Vidarr, Brenna and Anna, they can't wait to have your company. You can leave River with us if you like, I'm sure the boys would be more than happy for him to stay.”
Simon was not so sure. “Father...can't River stay with us? He doesn't want to be left on his own.”
Brad reassured Simon that it would be no different to sleeping in the wagons with the travellers. “If Vidarr and Brenna don't mind, then yes he can stay with us.” Finally the boy seemed happy, he was just glad to have his father to himself for a change.
Brad and Simon were sat around the table chatting, when there was a knock. Korben rose from the table in a cheery mood. Opening the door, Rue stood with a couple of other travellers. “Is Brad there?” he asked a sad expression loomed over his face.
“Yeah sure...come in. Brad it's for you, some of your travelling friends.”
Brad stood up, knowing instantly the reason for the visit. “Rue...I suppose you'll be leaving now?” He hugged his friend wondering when he would see him again.
“We need to be off before it gets dark,” insisted Rue. “We want to be back in the forest before nightfall, hopefully as far away from here as possible.”
Brad glanced over at Korben's expression, he felt awkward that his travelling companions hated it down here so much and that they were so open about it in front of his Ocean friends.
“I'm sorry that you've not settled down here. Come on let's go and see you all off...I don't know when we'll be together again.”
They all left the cottage, the wagons were already tethered to the horses and everyone was ready to leave. Feelings of loss gave way and no one knew what to say. Then remembering his Owl, Brad turned to Rue. “Have you seen Tawny by any chance, only I haven't seen him all day?”
Rue gave Brad an expression of confidence. “I reckon he's missing the forest as much as we are my friend...I'm sure he'll be fine.”
Brad smiled agreeing that his bird really needed the trees to survive. “I'm sure you're right and thanks for the reassurance Rue. You stay safe and maybe one day our paths will cross once more.”
“I'm sure they will...I'm sure they will.” Rue said his last farewells and was anxious to be off. The travellers began their journey, leaving Brad and Simon waving till they were out of sight.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Twelve ( Pt 1 ) Shocks and Preparing to Set Sail | ABCtales
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Hi Jenny, What a treat on a
Hi Jenny, What a treat on a Sunday afternoon after the children have gone home! Nice dialogue moving the story along just a little bit, leaving us as usual wanting more!
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I in fact read this yesterday
I in fact read this yesterday, Jenny, but didn't have time to comment. Sorry;-)
I agree with Linda, hands down. Your skill with dialogue is showcased so well in this chapter, and as for that knack of yours for keeping up the suspense, you've gone and done it again;-)
Very much enjoyed, and shall read the next chapter later on this morning, hopefully.
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Hello Jenny,
Hello Jenny,
I feel sad that the travellers didn't settle and couldn't wait to be gone and I'm worried about Tawny. It's not like him to stay away so long.
See, how you draw me in. Another good part,
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Another good chapter
The interaction between the characters give the story flavor and its own sense of reality, good job Ray
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Another chapter flies by.
Another chapter flies by. This is a cast of many moving parts, Jenny. It must have been a challenge tracking all of the characters. I like the differentiation between the people in the story. Again, a lot of work to come up with all the different personalities and profiles. Onwards to the next chapter and, I imagine, an ocean journey..
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Hi Jenny. Your characters are
Hi Jenny. Your characters are so carefully drawn. Is the villainous Gregor based on anyone in particular? Paul
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