Last Words...
By Enemy Of Boredom
- 2012 reads
Before reading: i recommend you copy this short story to a word document and change it to "Lucida Handwriting", also listen to this song while you read, it makes all the difference:
I wait calmly for the moment when my life will come to an end, when the "hero" enters through that door, as I once did, challenges the "evil fiend" in front of him, as I once did, slays it in battle, as I once did, and takes its place in the throne, as I once did…
I used to be like him, a young and naïve hero, but the years have taught me, that not everything is what it looks like… after the throne was forced on me, I tried my best to be the just and merciful ruler I was expected to be, but my naiveté was swiftly punished, my "comrades" stabbed me in the back, the criminals whose lives I forgave wrecked havoc in the kingdom, the neighboring kingdoms response to my "no war" policy, was that of pillaging and raping in the border towns, my wife, whose love she swore to be everlasting, abandoned me for a new castle and a younger king, and It was then that I realized, we are alone in this in this wrenched world, there is no one you can truly trust, and if you do, can you really be sure they are who they claim to be, that what they tell you are their true intentions?...
I realized that to unify my people and keep peace and order in this world of strife, it had to be through fear, it was the only way, I wonder if my predecessors arrived to the same conclusion? …
But now, a new chosen one rallies to my castle, with the whole kingdom supporting him, and the intention of "saving the world", I wonder, did I make the right choice? Should I have tried harder? Was there another way besides fear? Perhaps this hero will do a better job than me, but I can only hope, it is not my destiny to see it happen...
I hear steps coming for ahead, the hero is approaching and my death is drawing near, I will raise my sword to him and face him without saying a word, I must die at his hands, at the very least I will leave this note as proof of my existence, in hopes that one day, someone will be able to break this curse we know as "fate"…
-The one before
Author notes: Well, I know it's not very good, but I found the idea worthy of at least a short story, I also planned to have the hero read this and have one lonely tear fall through his cheek, but I couldn't manage to get it right.
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Hello Enemy - welcome to ABC.
Hello Enemy - welcome to ABC. I'm not a fantasy fan, so you should take it as a compliment when I say I found this very readable. You write with an easy fluency, although it would be a good idea to have another edit to remove some typos. I will definitely read part two when you post it!
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I'll have a look in the
I'll have a look in the morning. Welcome from me too.
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you're knocking your english
you're knocking your english too much - it's very good. Most of the typos are vocabulary. Apart from that it flows very well, which is a real acheivement when you're not writing in your mother tongue
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