By valiswaverider
- 704 reads
Father forgive me for I have sinned
I was brought as a liberal in the true sense of the word
but now I'm having unliberal thoughts
As a libertarian I love progress and liberty and freedom
but now rather than seeking to, comment and be derisory I wish to take action very unliberal
In my dreams are people, lots of people, a lot of bastards
climate change deniers, people who don't believe in the Holocaust as fact
Max Clifford
Jim Davidson
people who want to withdraw funding the BBC
injury lawyers for you
people are bang on about immigration and say multiculturalism has failed
Politicians who answer questions in the abrasive style of Margaret Thatcher condescending sniping and blaming the poor for all their problems. Having once at the age of nine wrote this short story
what it's like to be poor
It was horrible horrible horrible,
mummy was poor,
daddy was poor and all the servants will poor too.
People who commission reality television
Wall Street psychopaths, whom I formally thought only, existed in Zeitgeist novels by Bret Scott Ellis.
people are bang on about immigration and say multiculturalism has failed
Politicians who answer questions in the abrasive style of Margaret Thatcher condescending sniping and blaming the poor for all their problems as if they created them. Having once at the age of nine written the story about what it's like to be poor. It was horrible horrible horrible, mummy was poor, daddy was poor and all the servants will poor too. Oh ,i VE already said that , damn cut and paste and microphone
People who commission reality television, i know i ve said that twice and I VE LEFT IN THE SPELING MISTACES ON PORPOSE YOU WINING ANAL retentive arseholes who rite me of as thick. i am fucking dy-lec -sick (sick in the head with can,nt spell stuff ,what can,nt be cured, i am ill deal with it) yer jump throught all the hoops okay ,go to daddy and teachers for appoval you ll get it you normal wankers fucking deal with it i also not going to put a full stop at the end of this sentance and start sentances with and and but just to piss u off ( i like breaking rules its libertating, feels like taking of a straight jacket
People who say evolution is only a theory, and school budgets should be allocated to teaching creationism ( read a Carl Sagan book , you fuckwits).
Neo-Nazis, the BnP, UKip pakki bashers granny bashers, people who own attack dogs walk them around parks where they go ape shit at small children, and then have the cheek to say” he is really friendly he do not bite”.
Sun readers ( quote age, triva,tits outrage, repeat)
Celebrity dickheads
the voice in my head on my inner five-year-old saying what happened to the space age what happened to the space age, the 21st-century is shit
Simon Cowell
People who blame the younger generation for being been jobless, rather than sheet the economics created by self obsessed billionaire psychopaths who never lifted a finger in their lives.
who ever hide my bloody mouse
Spammers who hijack friend’s accounts, people who ring up radio talk shows to express far right opinions based on their limited understanding of the world around them. Such as no understanding of basic cause and effect, and narrow vision that a Neanderthal would balk at. Such as blaming people for their endocrinology which in times of stress and poverty goes haywire. “Why do fat people queue at food banks while they have money to spend on cigarettes”? Well firstly I would say” they've never been taught about good nutrition and may not be able to afford it as good food costs more and parishes quicker, and the cigarettes are an addiction formed at some earlier time which they became the victim of maybe evenin their impressionable teens. Now they are overweight but undernourished have an addiction. Are stuck the poverty trap being unable to afford basic food and staples and have judgemental twats like you looking down on them. And boring middle-class twats like me using them as arbitrary examples but then again as non-neurotyical dyslexic who society has fucked over many a time I feel it is my God-given right to express my opinion in a smug self-centred egotistical overeducated but underpaid fashion of a disgruntled nobody.
Well father in short I like to shoot the lot of them.
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Dear Valis
Dear Valis
'Us and them' is fun. Sometimes I would like to peacefully euthanase the part of me that can't stop doing this. But old habits die hard All the best Elsie
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