Anna and Rosie 4
By jeand
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August 30, 1924
Dear Rosie
There was a big family get together planned on August 23rd for Gertie’s 18th birthday, and she left right after for the convent. She knew that Pa wouldn’t allow her to go, so she just took off and
got the train to Jamestown, and then to St. Paul, Minnesota where the Sisters of St. Joseph have their big convent. She wrote a note to me and said she didn’t think that anyone would miss her, or even notice that she'd gone.
I took the train up to St Paul to see her the next weekend. I was so upset. The novitiate is set outside of the town in the countryside. I sort of felt like Gertie was being shut away in a prison or mental hospital, it was so dark and gloomy. I cried when I had to go home and had to leave her there. But Gertie said it was what she wanted, with or without her family’s support.
I do so feel guilty that we couldn’t do more for her to make her feel loved. She says at least God loves her. But we love her too, we just weren’t able to show her how much.
Ashland, Wisconsin
November 20, 1925
Dear Annie
I hope this will get to you in time for your 24th birthday. I hope you will be able to do something special.
Our new baby Thaddeus John, but of course we call him John, is keeping us very busy. I do appreciate having Ceal’s help again.
I had quite a drive to Ashland when I brought Ceal out here again. It was late at night and you know I am not much of a driver even at the best of times. The roads weren’t marked very well and I had never driven to Ashland from home before. Well, the truth is I hit a tree. I remember the first thing I thought was, “How can I send this girl home to Pa in a box?” But it didn’t turn out too bad after all
and we got home in the end.
Julius has been made the Assistant Postmaster here now. We like living in Ashland. We’re right on Lake Superior and it is a pretty place, but it can be perishing cold when the wind blows off the lake.
Cealie is so proud of herself. She is very clever with words and I talked her into entering a competition and she won second prize. She is finishing off her secretarial course this year, so at least she will have some sort of chance of getting a decent job next year.
I felt so bad for Cornel when you told me about his poor thumb. Imagine how awful he must have felt when the pulley on the side of the barn chopped it off while he was trying to use it for raise bales
of hay. Poor kid, but knowing him, he’ll make a joke out if
Lots of love,
Rosy, Julius, Georgiana, Mary, John and Cealie
Sunday, 8.30
February 1925
Dear Rose
Since my coming to Eldridge I enjoy myself most when I’m writing letters.
This has seemed like a long long day to me. School days and Saturdays aren’t so bad but the Sundays are intolerably long. I slept this morning until almost ten not because I was sleepy but because there was nothing else to do. We have dinner here at 12, same as usual – so that makes the afternoons long too. I stick up in my room most of the time. There’s no one downstairs but Mrs. McGillray and she revels so in saying horrid things about everyone in general I don’t enjoy her company very much. The hired girl is kind of a fish. The old lady can’t keep a girl with any amount of intelligence. She’s too darn crabby. Poor Clara runs around like a chicken with her head chopped off most of the time.
Mrs. Tangney, the depot agents wife came over and we walked up town and back again. She is a dandy good little scout. Has two youngsters, but is certainly a happy go lucky.
Listen my dear, I feel selfish now to think I asked you to make a dress for me, when you’ve been struggling with that coat and have your own youngsters and Ceal to look after and sew for. So we’ll
just forget about it now. I’ll soon get a check (two more weeks) and then I’ll possibly be able to get something and then later on if you have the time and care to I’ll be glad to have you make it. I don’t care about the color – tan or anything just so it won’t be too light – long sleeves I believe would be best.
Mrs. didn’t think much of the hat you suggested you’d make– said that Leona had possibly best wear her cap anyway. She said something about a cute hat in a catalogue for $2 but she didn’t think it would be very good for that. “Gee,” I said, “I think that is a good enough price for a little kids hat.” It gets my goat because she doesn’t think any price low enough for Mary’s things but nothing is good enough for her own daughter.
I do wish I had a regular guy though. You know up to this time I never cared about having one, only just to get to things and places. Now I would like to have one I’d think enough of to want to keep.
There’s a fellow who works nights at the depot here. He has a car and I’ve been out with him a couple of times but he’s so darn homely I sure wouldn’t want to keep him. I don’t like him very
well anyway.
This Madame I teach with is the berries – I don’t like her. She told me she’s always associated with the upper class in Jamestown. She thinks she is the cat’s pants with her BS degree. She paints
her lips, if you please, old hen. She’s about 50 or more. I’d die out right if I had to room with her.
Write soon,
Love to all Ann
April 20th, 1925
Dear Annie
I don’t think I wrote since you went to Gertie’s special day. It was sad that she asked her new name to be Sister Rose Anne, after the two of us, and they made her take Sister Rose Alma, since the other one was already taken. But you will always know that she wanted to have yours. I wonder when we will be able to see her again. I think it is five years usually before nuns get a vacation. It was nice she had time in Jamestown last year, when they were working on the new wing at the Academy and needed her to do their clerical work, but then when she got permission to go home, and due to the snow, got back late, she was severely reprimanded. So that was the last time
most of the family saw her.
I don’t know whether to congratulate you or tell you to think again. This Ken that you are marrying, are you sure you are doing the right thing? Wasn’t he the one that you said was homely and wasn’t
a keeper? What made you change your mind? You shouldn’t get married to him just because you don’t think anybody else will ask you and he has a nice car. You are a beautiful wonderful woman and no doubt if you are patient a bit longer, you will find somebody else. Do make sure you are doing this for the right reason.
I also think part of your decision might have been influenced by the fact you don’t like your teaching job there. You could try to get another job somewhere else. I’m just so afraid that you are making
your decision for all the wrong reasons. But if you tell me to mind my own business and that you are happy with the way things are, then I will be happy for you too.
Love from your nosy big sister, Rose
Telegram at wedding. December 26, 1925
Congratulations to Anna and Ken and all the best wishes in the world from Rose and Julius. Wish we could have been with you.
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Some interesting names, Jean
Some interesting names, Jean - are they all real. I like how they make light of things which seem too dreadful - like the thumb.
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