Dog Whispers

By Kilb50
- 1646 reads
The lean black dog -
a tail sharp and thin,
a snout like an oyster
wet, black, pulled
from the very depths of
his soul.
It stopped by the quayside,
bared angry teeth, and said:
“I know what you are”
whispered it clear
and concise as the bark
of a long forgotten bell.
It was hard to comprehend
and his day
was not the same.
A dog that speaks! A dog with yellow eyes,
paw-pads hard, gnarled -
silent the way it crept up on him.
He turned as one frightened
and in danger. The lean black
dog disappeared.
The soft-dog of my childhood -
brown with flecks of
white upon his chest,
loving too the way
he spread his warm pink belly
across my young feet.
The most loyal of companions
we shared a secret world
of gestures, whispers,
the scented woodlands
that we ran, the ponds and lakes
where we slept like kings,
the hillocks upon which we sat
admiring dogs that
passed our way.
His warm, honest tail -
it gave an
extravagant greeting -
not sharp, not black
not angry, not thin.
I remember the dog-house in our
town - the concertinaed
doors and spotless drapes.
It hid a lethal chamber.
The animals that were
brought - I watched them arrive:
frail and not so frail,
stroked and not so stroked,
the clean
smell of destruction
obstructed by
potted ferns
and bright gladioli
that my dog would sniff
were he not
bound so tight. Piled up
out back - dozens
of them sleeping sound,
their tails at rest,
fur and eyes glistening
only collars and name tags
remain. Where do they go ?
I said. Their dog-souls, you said,
roam the ocean of our dreams.
A dog that speaks - the idea
disturbs him. He stands
on the beach
casting stones at the
water. It will not
be seen again.
It was not made to return.
It has done its dirty work,
bared its angry teeth.
He wishes to embrace the dog.
He wishes to speak to it,
stroke its angry brow.
He sleeps and follows a ghost-dog along
cobbled streets, past fishermen and draymen,
butchers and surveyors,
avoiding discarded remnants,
faces from the past.
"Where will you lead me ?
Why have you returned ?"
This dog's eyes are white, not yellow.
The tail neither sharp or thin.
Now the face is brown, its
chest speckled red and grey.
It snarls, it whimpers
old as it is, bares rotten teeth.
This dog of his dreams
cannot speak.
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disentchantment anger and
disentchantment anger and misery and childhood dreams are more than they seem. Nice one.
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Restrained, expression.
Restrained, expression. Interesting. Very poetic. I liked the use of the word 'drayman', which I am about to look up.
Thanks for reading. I am grateful for your time.
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